#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "communication/server.hpp" #include "memgraph_init.hpp" #include "query/exceptions.hpp" #include "query/procedure/module.hpp" #include "storage/v2/storage.hpp" #include "telemetry/telemetry.hpp" #include "utils/file.hpp" #include "utils/flag_validation.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #ifdef MG_ENTERPRISE #include "glue/auth.hpp" #endif // General purpose flags. DEFINE_string(bolt_address, "", "IP address on which the Bolt server should listen."); DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32(bolt_port, 7687, "Port on which the Bolt server should listen.", FLAG_IN_RANGE(0, std::numeric_limits::max())); DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32( bolt_num_workers, std::max(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), 1U), "Number of workers used by the Bolt server. By default, this will be the " "number of processing units available on the machine.", FLAG_IN_RANGE(1, INT32_MAX)); DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32( bolt_session_inactivity_timeout, 1800, "Time in seconds after which inactive Bolt sessions will be " "closed.", FLAG_IN_RANGE(1, INT32_MAX)); DEFINE_string(bolt_cert_file, "", "Certificate file which should be used for the Bolt server."); DEFINE_string(bolt_key_file, "", "Key file which should be used for the Bolt server."); // General purpose flags. DEFINE_string(data_directory, "mg_data", "Path to directory in which to save all permanent data."); // Storage flags. DEFINE_VALIDATED_uint64(storage_gc_cycle_sec, 30, "Storage garbage collector interval (in seconds).", FLAG_IN_RANGE(1, 24 * 3600)); DEFINE_bool(storage_properties_on_edges, false, "Controls whether edges have properties."); DEFINE_bool(storage_recover_on_startup, false, "Controls whether the storage recovers persisted data on startup."); DEFINE_VALIDATED_uint64(storage_snapshot_interval_sec, 0, "Storage snapshot creation interval (in seconds). Set " "to 0 to disable periodic snapshot creation.", FLAG_IN_RANGE(0, 7 * 24 * 3600)); DEFINE_bool(storage_wal_enabled, false, "Controls whether the storage uses write-ahead-logging. To enable " "WAL periodic snapshots must be enabled."); DEFINE_VALIDATED_uint64(storage_snapshot_retention_count, 3, "The number of snapshots that should always be kept.", FLAG_IN_RANGE(1, 1000000)); DEFINE_VALIDATED_uint64(storage_wal_file_size_kib, storage::Config::Durability().wal_file_size_kibibytes, "Minimum file size of each WAL file.", FLAG_IN_RANGE(1, 1000 * 1024)); DEFINE_VALIDATED_uint64( storage_wal_file_flush_every_n_tx, storage::Config::Durability().wal_file_flush_every_n_tx, "Issue a 'fsync' call after this amount of transactions are written to the " "WAL file. Set to 1 for fully synchronous operation.", FLAG_IN_RANGE(1, 1000000)); DEFINE_bool(storage_snapshot_on_exit, false, "Controls whether the storage creates another snapshot on exit."); DEFINE_bool(telemetry_enabled, false, "Set to true to enable telemetry. We collect information about the " "running system (CPU and memory information) and information about " "the database runtime (vertex and edge counts and resource usage) " "to allow for easier improvement of the product."); // Audit logging flags. #ifdef MG_ENTERPRISE DEFINE_bool(audit_enabled, false, "Set to true to enable audit logging."); DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32(audit_buffer_size, audit::kBufferSizeDefault, "Maximum number of items in the audit log buffer.", FLAG_IN_RANGE(1, INT32_MAX)); DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32( audit_buffer_flush_interval_ms, audit::kBufferFlushIntervalMillisDefault, "Interval (in milliseconds) used for flushing the audit log buffer.", FLAG_IN_RANGE(10, INT32_MAX)); #endif // Query flags. DEFINE_uint64(query_execution_timeout_sec, 180, "Maximum allowed query execution time. Queries exceeding this " "limit will be aborted. Value of 0 means no limit."); DEFINE_VALIDATED_string( query_modules_directory, "", "Directory where modules with custom query procedures are stored.", { if (value.empty()) return true; if (utils::DirExists(value)) return true; std::cout << "Expected --" << flagname << " to point to a directory." << std::endl; return false; }); using ServerT = communication::Server; using communication::ServerContext; #ifdef MG_ENTERPRISE class AuthQueryHandler final : public query::AuthQueryHandler { auth::Auth *auth_; public: explicit AuthQueryHandler(auth::Auth *auth) : auth_(auth) {} bool CreateUser(const std::string &username, const std::optional &password) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); return !!auth_->AddUser(username, password); } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } bool DropUser(const std::string &username) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); auto user = auth_->GetUser(username); if (!user) return false; return auth_->RemoveUser(username); } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } void SetPassword(const std::string &username, const std::optional &password) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); auto user = auth_->GetUser(username); if (!user) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException("User '{}' doesn't exist.", username); } user->UpdatePassword(password); auth_->SaveUser(*user); } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } bool CreateRole(const std::string &rolename) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); return !!auth_->AddRole(rolename); } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } bool DropRole(const std::string &rolename) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); auto role = auth_->GetRole(rolename); if (!role) return false; return auth_->RemoveRole(rolename); } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } std::vector GetUsernames() override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); std::vector usernames; const auto &users = auth_->AllUsers(); usernames.reserve(users.size()); for (const auto &user : users) { usernames.emplace_back(user.username()); } return usernames; } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } std::vector GetRolenames() override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); std::vector rolenames; const auto &roles = auth_->AllRoles(); rolenames.reserve(roles.size()); for (const auto &role : roles) { rolenames.emplace_back(role.rolename()); } return rolenames; } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } std::optional GetRolenameForUser( const std::string &username) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); auto user = auth_->GetUser(username); if (!user) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException("User '{}' doesn't exist .", username); } if (user->role()) return user->role()->rolename(); return std::nullopt; } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } std::vector GetUsernamesForRole( const std::string &rolename) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); auto role = auth_->GetRole(rolename); if (!role) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Role '{}' doesn't exist.", rolename); } std::vector usernames; const auto &users = auth_->AllUsersForRole(rolename); usernames.reserve(users.size()); for (const auto &user : users) { usernames.emplace_back(user.username()); } return usernames; } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } void SetRole(const std::string &username, const std::string &rolename) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); auto user = auth_->GetUser(username); if (!user) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException("User '{}' doesn't exist .", username); } auto role = auth_->GetRole(rolename); if (!role) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Role '{}' doesn't exist .", rolename); } if (user->role()) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException( "User '{}' is already a member of role '{}'.", username, user->role()->rolename()); } user->SetRole(*role); auth_->SaveUser(*user); } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } void ClearRole(const std::string &username) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); auto user = auth_->GetUser(username); if (!user) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException("User '{}' doesn't exist .", username); } user->ClearRole(); auth_->SaveUser(*user); } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } std::vector> GetPrivileges( const std::string &user_or_role) override { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); std::vector> grants; auto user = auth_->GetUser(user_or_role); auto role = auth_->GetRole(user_or_role); if (!user && !role) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException("User or role '{}' doesn't exist.", user_or_role); } if (user) { const auto &permissions = user->GetPermissions(); for (const auto &privilege : query::kPrivilegesAll) { auto permission = glue::PrivilegeToPermission(privilege); auto effective = permissions.Has(permission); if (permissions.Has(permission) != auth::PermissionLevel::NEUTRAL) { std::vector description; auto user_level = user->permissions().Has(permission); if (user_level == auth::PermissionLevel::GRANT) { description.emplace_back("GRANTED TO USER"); } else if (user_level == auth::PermissionLevel::DENY) { description.emplace_back("DENIED TO USER"); } if (user->role()) { auto role_level = user->role()->permissions().Has(permission); if (role_level == auth::PermissionLevel::GRANT) { description.emplace_back("GRANTED TO ROLE"); } else if (role_level == auth::PermissionLevel::DENY) { description.emplace_back("DENIED TO ROLE"); } } grants.push_back( {query::TypedValue(auth::PermissionToString(permission)), query::TypedValue(auth::PermissionLevelToString(effective)), query::TypedValue(utils::Join(description, ", "))}); } } } else { const auto &permissions = role->permissions(); for (const auto &privilege : query::kPrivilegesAll) { auto permission = glue::PrivilegeToPermission(privilege); auto effective = permissions.Has(permission); if (effective != auth::PermissionLevel::NEUTRAL) { std::string description; if (effective == auth::PermissionLevel::GRANT) { description = "GRANTED TO ROLE"; } else if (effective == auth::PermissionLevel::DENY) { description = "DENIED TO ROLE"; } grants.push_back( {query::TypedValue(auth::PermissionToString(permission)), query::TypedValue(auth::PermissionLevelToString(effective)), query::TypedValue(description)}); } } } return grants; } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } void GrantPrivilege( const std::string &user_or_role, const std::vector &privileges) override { EditPermissions(user_or_role, privileges, [](auto *permissions, const auto &permission) { // TODO (mferencevic): should we first check that the // privilege is granted/denied/revoked before // unconditionally granting/denying/revoking it? permissions->Grant(permission); }); } void DenyPrivilege( const std::string &user_or_role, const std::vector &privileges) override { EditPermissions(user_or_role, privileges, [](auto *permissions, const auto &permission) { // TODO (mferencevic): should we first check that the // privilege is granted/denied/revoked before // unconditionally granting/denying/revoking it? permissions->Deny(permission); }); } void RevokePrivilege( const std::string &user_or_role, const std::vector &privileges) override { EditPermissions(user_or_role, privileges, [](auto *permissions, const auto &permission) { // TODO (mferencevic): should we first check that the // privilege is granted/denied/revoked before // unconditionally granting/denying/revoking it? permissions->Revoke(permission); }); } private: template void EditPermissions( const std::string &user_or_role, const std::vector &privileges, const TEditFun &edit_fun) { try { std::lock_guard lock(auth_->WithLock()); std::vector permissions; permissions.reserve(privileges.size()); for (const auto &privilege : privileges) { permissions.push_back(glue::PrivilegeToPermission(privilege)); } auto user = auth_->GetUser(user_or_role); auto role = auth_->GetRole(user_or_role); if (!user && !role) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException("User or role '{}' doesn't exist.", user_or_role); } if (user) { for (const auto &permission : permissions) { edit_fun(&user->permissions(), permission); } auth_->SaveUser(*user); } else { for (const auto &permission : permissions) { edit_fun(&role->permissions(), permission); } auth_->SaveRole(*role); } } catch (const auth::AuthException &e) { throw query::QueryRuntimeException(e.what()); } } }; #else class NoAuthInCommunity : public query::QueryRuntimeException { public: NoAuthInCommunity() : query::QueryRuntimeException::QueryRuntimeException( "Auth is not supported in Memgraph Community!") {} }; class AuthQueryHandler final : public query::AuthQueryHandler { public: bool CreateUser(const std::string &, const std::optional &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } bool DropUser(const std::string &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } void SetPassword(const std::string &, const std::optional &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } bool CreateRole(const std::string &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } bool DropRole(const std::string &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } std::vector GetUsernames() override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } std::vector GetRolenames() override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } std::optional GetRolenameForUser(const std::string &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } std::vector GetUsernamesForRole( const std::string &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } void SetRole(const std::string &, const std::string &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } void ClearRole(const std::string &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } std::vector> GetPrivileges( const std::string &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } void GrantPrivilege( const std::string &, const std::vector &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } void DenyPrivilege( const std::string &, const std::vector &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } void RevokePrivilege( const std::string &, const std::vector &) override { throw NoAuthInCommunity(); } }; #endif void SingleNodeMain() { std::cout << "You are running Memgraph v" << gflags::VersionString() << std::endl; auto data_directory = std::filesystem::path(FLAGS_data_directory); #ifdef MG_ENTERPRISE // All enterprise features should be constructed before the main database // storage. This will cause them to be destructed *after* the main database // storage. That way any errors that happen during enterprise features // destruction won't have an impact on the storage engine. // Example: When the main storage is destructed it makes a snapshot. When // audit logging is destructed it syncs all pending data to disk and that can // fail. That is why it must be destructed *after* the main database storage // to minimise the impact of their failure on the main storage. // Begin enterprise features initialization // Auth auth::Auth auth{data_directory / "auth"}; // Audit log audit::Log audit_log{data_directory / "audit", FLAGS_audit_buffer_size, FLAGS_audit_buffer_flush_interval_ms}; // Start the log if enabled. if (FLAGS_audit_enabled) { audit_log.Start(); } // Setup SIGUSR2 to be used for reopening audit log files, when e.g. logrotate // rotates our audit logs. CHECK(utils::SignalHandler::RegisterHandler( utils::Signal::User2, [&audit_log]() { audit_log.ReopenLog(); })) << "Unable to register SIGUSR2 handler!"; // End enterprise features initialization #endif // Main storage and execution engines initialization storage::Config db_config{ .gc = {.type = storage::Config::Gc::Type::PERIODIC, .interval = std::chrono::seconds(FLAGS_storage_gc_cycle_sec)}, .items = {.properties_on_edges = FLAGS_storage_properties_on_edges}, .durability = { .storage_directory = FLAGS_data_directory, .recover_on_startup = FLAGS_storage_recover_on_startup, .snapshot_retention_count = FLAGS_storage_snapshot_retention_count, .wal_file_size_kibibytes = FLAGS_storage_wal_file_size_kib, .wal_file_flush_every_n_tx = FLAGS_storage_wal_file_flush_every_n_tx, .snapshot_on_exit = FLAGS_storage_snapshot_on_exit}}; if (FLAGS_storage_snapshot_interval_sec == 0) { LOG_IF(FATAL, FLAGS_storage_wal_enabled) << "In order to use write-ahead-logging you must enable " "periodic snapshots by setting the snapshot interval to a " "value larger than 0!"; db_config.durability.snapshot_wal_mode = storage::Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::DISABLED; } else { if (FLAGS_storage_wal_enabled) { db_config.durability.snapshot_wal_mode = storage::Config::Durability:: SnapshotWalMode::PERIODIC_SNAPSHOT_WITH_WAL; } else { db_config.durability.snapshot_wal_mode = storage::Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::PERIODIC_SNAPSHOT; } db_config.durability.snapshot_interval = std::chrono::seconds(FLAGS_storage_snapshot_interval_sec); } storage::Storage db(db_config); query::InterpreterContext interpreter_context{&db}; query::SetExecutionTimeout(&interpreter_context, FLAGS_query_execution_timeout_sec); #ifdef MG_ENTERPRISE SessionData session_data{&db, &interpreter_context, &auth, &audit_log}; #else SessionData session_data{&db, &interpreter_context}; #endif // Register modules if (!FLAGS_query_modules_directory.empty()) { for (const auto &entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(FLAGS_query_modules_directory)) { if (entry.is_regular_file() && entry.path().extension() == ".so") query::procedure::gModuleRegistry.LoadModuleLibrary(entry.path()); } } // Register modules END #ifdef MG_ENTERPRISE AuthQueryHandler auth_handler(&auth); #else AuthQueryHandler auth_handler; #endif interpreter_context.auth = &auth_handler; ServerContext context; std::string service_name = "Bolt"; if (!FLAGS_bolt_key_file.empty() && !FLAGS_bolt_cert_file.empty()) { context = ServerContext(FLAGS_bolt_key_file, FLAGS_bolt_cert_file); service_name = "BoltS"; } ServerT server({FLAGS_bolt_address, static_cast(FLAGS_bolt_port)}, &session_data, &context, FLAGS_bolt_session_inactivity_timeout, service_name, FLAGS_bolt_num_workers); // Setup telemetry std::optional telemetry; if (FLAGS_telemetry_enabled) { telemetry.emplace( "https://telemetry.memgraph.com/88b5e7e8-746a-11e8-9f85-538a9e9690cc/", data_directory / "telemetry", std::chrono::minutes(10)); telemetry->AddCollector("db", [&db]() -> nlohmann::json { auto info = db.GetInfo(); return {{"vertices", info.vertex_count}, {"edges", info.edge_count}}; }); } // Handler for regular termination signals auto shutdown = [&server, &interpreter_context] { // Server needs to be shutdown first and then the database. This prevents a // race condition when a transaction is accepted during server shutdown. server.Shutdown(); // After the server is notified to stop accepting and processing connections // we tell the execution engine to stop processing all pending queries. query::Shutdown(&interpreter_context); }; InitSignalHandlers(shutdown); CHECK(server.Start()) << "Couldn't start the Bolt server!"; server.AwaitShutdown(); query::procedure::gModuleRegistry.UnloadAllModules(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { google::SetUsageMessage("Memgraph database server"); return WithInit(argc, argv, SingleNodeMain); }