#!/bin/bash set -Eeuo pipefail SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" SUPPORTED_OFFERING=(community enterprise) SUPPORTED_OS=(centos-7 centos-8 debian-9 debian-10 ubuntu-18.04 ubuntu-20.04) PROJECT_ROOT="$SCRIPT_DIR/../.." ACTIVATE_TOOLCHAIN="source /opt/toolchain-v2/activate" HOST_OUTPUT_DIR="$PROJECT_ROOT/build/output" print_help () { echo "$0 init|package {offering} {os} [--for-docker]|docker|test" echo "" echo " offerings: ${SUPPORTED_OFFERING[*]}" echo " OSs: ${SUPPORTED_OS[*]}" exit 1 } make_package () { offering="$1" offering_flag=" -DMG_ENTERPRISE=OFF " if [[ "$offering" == "enterprise" ]]; then offering_flag=" -DMG_ENTERPRISE=ON " fi if [[ "$offering" == "community" ]]; then offering_flag=" -DMG_ENTERPRISE=OFF " fi os="$2" package_command="" if [[ "$os" =~ ^"centos".* ]]; then package_command=" cpack -G RPM --config ../CPackConfig.cmake && rpmlint memgraph*.rpm " fi if [[ "$os" =~ ^"debian".* ]]; then package_command=" cpack -G DEB --config ../CPackConfig.cmake " fi if [[ "$os" =~ ^"ubuntu".* ]]; then package_command=" cpack -G DEB --config ../CPackConfig.cmake " fi docker_flag=" -DBUILD_FOR_DOCKER=OFF " if [[ "$#" -gt 2 ]]; then if [[ "$3" == "--for-docker" ]]; then docker_flag=" -DBUILD_FOR_DOCKER=ON " fi fi build_container="mgbuild_$os" echo "Building Memgraph $offering for $os on $build_container..." echo "Copying project files..." # If master is not the current branch, fetch it, because the get_version # script depends on it. If we are on master, the fetch command is going to # fail so that's why there is the explicit check. # Required here because Docker build container can't access remote. cd "$PROJECT_ROOT" if [[ "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" != "master" ]]; then git fetch origin master:master fi docker exec "$build_container" mkdir -p /memgraph docker cp "$PROJECT_ROOT/." "$build_container:/memgraph/" container_build_dir="/memgraph/build" container_output_dir="$container_build_dir/output" # TODO(gitbuda): TOOLCHAIN_RUN_DEPS should be installed during the Docker # image build phase, but that is not easy at this point because the # environment/os/{os}.sh does not come within the toolchain package. When # migrating to the next version of toolchain do that, and remove the # TOOLCHAIN_RUN_DEPS installation from here. echo "Installing dependencies..." docker exec "$build_container" bash -c "/memgraph/environment/os/$os.sh install TOOLCHAIN_RUN_DEPS" docker exec "$build_container" bash -c "/memgraph/environment/os/$os.sh install MEMGRAPH_BUILD_DEPS" echo "Building targeted package..." docker exec "$build_container" bash -c "cd /memgraph && ./init" docker exec "$build_container" bash -c "cd $container_build_dir && rm -rf ./*" docker exec "$build_container" bash -c "cd $container_build_dir && $ACTIVATE_TOOLCHAIN && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release $offering_flag $docker_flag .." # ' is used instead of " because we need to run make within the allowed # container resources. # shellcheck disable=SC2016 docker exec "$build_container" bash -c "cd $container_build_dir && $ACTIVATE_TOOLCHAIN "'&& make -j$(nproc)' docker exec "$build_container" bash -c "mkdir -p $container_output_dir && cd $container_output_dir && $ACTIVATE_TOOLCHAIN && $package_command" echo "Copying targeted package to host..." last_package_name=$(docker exec "$build_container" bash -c "cd $container_output_dir && ls -t memgraph* | head -1") # The operating system folder is introduced because multiple different # packages could be preserved during the same build "session". mkdir -p "$HOST_OUTPUT_DIR/$os" package_host_destination="$HOST_OUTPUT_DIR/$os/$last_package_name" docker cp "$build_container:$container_output_dir/$last_package_name" "$package_host_destination" echo "Package saved to $package_host_destination." } case "$1" in init) cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" docker-compose build docker-compose up -d ;; docker) # NOTE: Docker is build on top of Debian 10 package. based_on_os="debian-10" # shellcheck disable=SC2012 last_package_name=$(cd "$HOST_OUTPUT_DIR/$based_on_os" && ls -t memgraph* | head -1) docker_build_folder="$PROJECT_ROOT/release/docker" cd "$docker_build_folder" ./package_deb_docker --latest "$HOST_OUTPUT_DIR/$based_on_os/$last_package_name" # shellcheck disable=SC2012 docker_image_name=$(cd "$docker_build_folder" && ls -t memgraph* | head -1) docker_host_folder="$HOST_OUTPUT_DIR/docker" docker_host_image_path="$docker_host_folder/$docker_image_name" mkdir -p "$docker_host_folder" cp "$docker_build_folder/$docker_image_name" "$docker_host_image_path" echo "Docker images saved to $docker_host_image_path." ;; package) shift 1 if [[ "$#" -lt 2 ]]; then print_help fi offering="$1" shift 1 is_offering_ok=false for supported_offering in "${SUPPORTED_OFFERING[@]}"; do if [[ "$supported_offering" == "${offering}" ]]; then is_offering_ok=true fi done os="$1" shift 1 is_os_ok=false for supported_os in "${SUPPORTED_OS[@]}"; do if [[ "$supported_os" == "${os}" ]]; then is_os_ok=true fi done if [[ "$is_offering_ok" == true ]] && [[ "$is_os_ok" == true ]]; then make_package "$offering" "$os" "$@" else print_help fi ;; test) echo "TODO(gitbuda): Test all packages on mgtest containers." ;; *) print_help ;; esac