# Maintainer: tech@memgraph.com (Memgraph Ltd.) pkgname=memgraph pkgrel=1 epoch= # TODO: Maybe take pkgdesc from CMake? pkgdesc="High performance, in-memory, transactional graph database" # TODO: Autogenerate architecture? Though, we only support x86_64... arch=('x86_64') url="https://memgraph.com" license=('custom') groups=() depends=('gcc-libs') makedepends=() checkdepends=() optdepends=() provides=() conflicts=() replaces=() backup=("etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf" "etc/logrotate.d/memgraph" "etc/logrotate.d/memgraph_audit") options=() install=memgraph.install changelog= source=("$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz") noextract=() validpgpkeys=() package() { cd $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'memgraph*') # By default, we install the systemd service in /lib (as expected on Debian), # so move anything like that in /usr/lib. if [[ -d "lib" ]]; then mkdir -p usr/lib cp -a lib/* usr/lib rm -rf lib fi # In case the binary package is built with /usr/local prefix instead of /usr. if [[ -d "usr/local" ]]; then mkdir -p usr cp -a usr/local/* usr rm -rf usr/local fi # Move the license to Arch specific location. install -Dm644 usr/share/doc/memgraph/copyright usr/share/licenses/memgraph/LICENSE # We currently don't have anything in usr/share/doc/memgraph rm -rf usr/share/doc/memgraph cp -a . $pkgdir }