#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import argparse import json import subprocess from pathlib import Path def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run graph database benchmarks on supported databases(Memgraph and Neo4j)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vendor", nargs=2, action="append", metavar=("vendor_name", "vendor_binary"), help="Forward name and paths to vendors binary" "Example: --vendor memgraph /path/to/binary --vendor neo4j /path/to/binary", ) parser.add_argument( "--dataset-name", default="", help="Dataset name you wish to execute", ) parser.add_argument( "--dataset-size", default="", help="Pick a dataset variant you wish to execute", ) parser.add_argument("--dataset-group", default="", help="Select a group of queries") parser.add_argument( "--realistic", nargs=5, action="append", metavar=("num_of_queries", "write", "read", "update", "analytical"), help="Forward config for group run", ) parser.add_argument( "--mixed", nargs=6, action="append", metavar=( "num_of_queries", "write", "read", "update", "analytical", "query_percentage", ), help="Forward config for query", ) parser.add_argument( "--num-workers-for-benchmark", type=int, default=12, help="number of workers used to execute the benchmark", ) parser.add_argument( "--query-count-lower-bound", type=int, default=300, help="number of workers used to execute the benchmark (works only for isolated run)", ) parser.add_argument( "--single-threaded-runtime-sec", type=int, default=30, help="Duration of single threaded benchmark per query (works only for isolated run)", ) args = parser.parse_args() return args def run_full_benchmarks( vendor, binary, dataset, dataset_size, dataset_group, realistic, mixed, workers, query_count_lower_bound, single_threaded_runtime_sec, ): configurations = [ # Basic isolated test cold [ "--export-results", vendor + "_" + str(workers) + "_" + dataset + "_" + dataset_size + "_cold_isolated.json", ], # Basic isolated test hot [ "--export-results", vendor + "_" + str(workers) + "_" + dataset + "_" + dataset_size + "_hot_isolated.json", "--warm-up", "hot", ], # Basic isolated test vulcanic [ "--export-results", vendor + "_" + str(workers) + "_" + dataset + "_" + dataset_size + "_vulcanic_isolated.json", "--warm-up", "vulcanic", ], ] if realistic: # Configurations for full workload for count, write, read, update, analytical in realistic: cold = [ "--export-results", vendor + "_" + str(workers) + "_" + dataset + "_" + dataset_size + "_cold_realistic_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.json".format(count, write, read, update, analytical), "--workload-realistic", count, write, read, update, analytical, ] hot = [ "--export-results", vendor + "_" + str(workers) + "_" + dataset + "_" + dataset_size + "_hot_realistic_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.json".format(count, write, read, update, analytical), "--warm-up", "hot", "--workload-realistic", count, write, read, update, analytical, ] configurations.append(cold) configurations.append(hot) if mixed: # Configurations for workload per query for count, write, read, update, analytical, query in mixed: cold = [ "--export-results", vendor + "_" + str(workers) + "_" + dataset + "_" + dataset_size + "_cold_mixed_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.json".format(count, write, read, update, analytical, query), "--workload-mixed", count, write, read, update, analytical, query, ] hot = [ "--export-results", vendor + "_" + str(workers) + "_" + dataset + "_" + dataset_size + "_hot_mixed_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.json".format(count, write, read, update, analytical, query), "--warm-up", "hot", "--workload-mixed", count, write, read, update, analytical, query, ] configurations.append(cold) configurations.append(hot) default_args = [ "python3", "benchmark.py", "vendor-native", "--vendor-binary", binary, "--vendor-name", vendor, "--num-workers-for-benchmark", str(workers), "--single-threaded-runtime-sec", str(single_threaded_runtime_sec), "--query-count-lower-bound", str(query_count_lower_bound), "--no-authorization", dataset + "/" + dataset_size + "/" + dataset_group + "/*", ] for config in configurations: full_config = default_args + config print(full_config) subprocess.run(args=full_config, check=True) def collect_all_results(vendor_name, dataset, dataset_size, dataset_group, workers): working_directory = Path().absolute() print(working_directory) results = sorted( working_directory.glob(vendor_name + "_" + str(workers) + "_" + dataset + "_" + dataset_size + "_*.json") ) summary = {dataset: {dataset_size: {dataset_group: {}}}} for file in results: if "summary" in file.name: continue f = file.open() data = json.loads(f.read()) if data["__run_configuration__"]["condition"] == "hot": for key, value in data[dataset][dataset_size][dataset_group].items(): key_condition = key + "_hot" summary[dataset][dataset_size][dataset_group][key_condition] = value elif data["__run_configuration__"]["condition"] == "cold": for key, value in data[dataset][dataset_size][dataset_group].items(): key_condition = key + "_cold" summary[dataset][dataset_size][dataset_group][key_condition] = value elif data["__run_configuration__"]["condition"] == "vulcanic": for key, value in data[dataset][dataset_size][dataset_group].items(): key_condition = key + "_vulcanic" summary[dataset][dataset_size][dataset_group][key_condition] = value print(summary) json_object = json.dumps(summary, indent=4) print(json_object) with open(vendor_name + "_" + str(workers) + "_" + dataset + "_" + dataset_size + "_summary.json", "w") as f: json.dump(summary, f) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_arguments() realistic = args.realistic mixed = args.mixed vendor_names = {"memgraph", "neo4j"} for vendor_name, vendor_binary in args.vendor: path = Path(vendor_binary) if vendor_name.lower() in vendor_names and path.is_file(): run_full_benchmarks( vendor_name, vendor_binary, args.dataset_name, args.dataset_size, args.dataset_group, realistic, mixed, args.num_workers_for_benchmark, args.query_count_lower_bound, args.single_threaded_runtime_sec, ) collect_all_results( vendor_name, args.dataset_name, args.dataset_size, args.dataset_group, args.num_workers_for_benchmark ) else: raise Exception( "Check that vendor: {} is supported and you are passing right path: {} to binary.".format( vendor_name, path ) )