#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=1091 set -Eeuo pipefail DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" cd "$DIR" PIP_DEPS=( "behave==1.2.6" "ldap3==2.6" "kafka-python==2.0.2" "requests==2.25.1" "neo4j-driver==4.1.1" "parse==1.18.0" "parse-type==0.5.2" "pytest==7.3.2" "pyyaml==6.0.1" "six==1.15.0" "networkx==2.4" "gqlalchemy==1.3.3" ) # Remove old and create a new virtualenv. if [ -d ve3 ]; then rm -rf ve3 fi virtualenv -p python3 ve3 set +u source "ve3/bin/activate" set -u # https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.version_info PYTHON_MINOR=$(python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.version_info[:][1])') # install pulsar-client pip --timeout 1000 install "pulsar-client==3.1.0" for pkg in "${PIP_DEPS[@]}"; do pip --timeout 1000 install "$pkg" done # Install mgclient from source becasue of full flexibility. pushd "$DIR/../libs/pymgclient" > /dev/null export MGCLIENT_INCLUDE_DIR="$DIR/../libs/mgclient/include" export MGCLIENT_LIB_DIR="$DIR/../libs/mgclient/lib" CFLAGS="-std=c99" python3 setup.py build CFLAGS="-std=c99" python3 setup.py install popd > /dev/null deactivate "$DIR"/e2e/graphql/setup.sh # Check if setup needs to setup additional variables if [ $# == 1 ]; then toolchain=$1 if [ -f "$toolchain" ]; then # Get the LD_LIB from toolchain set +u OLD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH source $toolchain NEW_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"../libs/mgclient/lib" deactivate set -u # Wrapper used to setup the correct libraries tee -a ve3/bin/activate_e2e <<EOF #!/bin/bash # Function to set the environment variable set_env_variable() { export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$NEW_LD_LIBRARY_PATH } # Function to activate the virtual environment and set the environment variable activate_e2e() { source ve3/bin/activate set_env_variable } # Function to deactivate the virtual environment and unset the environment variable deactivate_e2e() { deactivate export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OLD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH } # Activate the virtual environment and set the environment variable activate_e2e EOF chmod +x ve3/bin/activate_e2e else echo "Error: The toolchain virtual enviroonment activation is not a file." fi fi