# Kafka - openCypher clause One must be able to specify the following when importing data from Kafka: * Kafka URI * Transform [script](transform.md) URI Kafka endpoint is the URI of the leader broker and it is required for data [extractor](extractor.md). Minimum required syntax looks like: ```opencypher CREATE STREAM kafka_stream AS LOAD DATA KAFKA '' WITH TRANSFORM ''; ``` The `CREATE STREAM` clause happens in a transaction. The full openCypher clause for creating a stream is: ```opencypher CREATE STREAM stream_name AS LOAD DATA KAFKA 'URI' WITH TOPIC 'topic' WITH TRANSFORM 'URI' [BATCH_INTERVAL milliseconds] [BATCH_SIZE count] ``` The `WITH TOPIC` parameter specifies the kafka topic from which we'll stream data. The `WITH TRANSFORM` parameter should contain a URI of the transform script. The `BATCH_INTERVAL` parameter defines the time interval in milliseconds that defines the time between two successive stream importing operations. The `BATCH_SIZE` parameter defines the count of kafka messages that will be batched together before import. If both `BATCH_INTERVAL` and `BATCH_SIZE` parameters are given, the condition that is satisfied first will trigger the batched import. Default values for `BATCH_INTERVAL` is 100 milliseconds, and the default value for `BATCH_SIZE` is 10; The `DROP` clause deletes a stream: ```opencypher DROP STREAM stream_name; ``` The `SHOW` clause enables you to see all configured streams: ```opencypher SHOW STREAMS; ``` You can also start/stop streams with the `START` and `STOP` clauses: ```opencypher START STREAM stream_name [LIMIT count BATCHES]; STOP STREAM stream_name; ``` A stream needs to be stopped in order to start it and it needs to be started in order to stop it. Starting a started or stopping a stopped stream will not affect that stream. There are also convenience clauses to start and stop all streams: ```opencypher START ALL STREAMS; STOP ALL STREAMS; ``` Before the actual import, you can also test the stream with the `TEST STREAM` clause: ```opencypher TEST STREAM stream_name [LIMIT count BATCHES]; ``` When a stream is tested, data extraction and transformation occurs, but no output is inserted in the graph. A stream needs to be stopped in order to test it. When the batch limit is omitted, `TEST STREAM` will run for only one batch by default.