#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright 2021 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import sys import pytest import mgclient import time from multiprocessing import Process, Value import common TRANSFORMATIONS_TO_CHECK = [ "kafka_transform.simple", "kafka_transform.with_parameters"] @pytest.mark.parametrize("transformation", TRANSFORMATIONS_TO_CHECK) def test_simple(kafka_producer, kafka_topics, connection, transformation): assert len(kafka_topics) > 0 cursor = connection.cursor() common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM test " f"TOPICS {','.join(kafka_topics)} " f"TRANSFORM {transformation}", ) common.start_stream(cursor, "test") time.sleep(5) for topic in kafka_topics: kafka_producer.send(topic, common.SIMPLE_MSG).get(timeout=60) for topic in kafka_topics: common.kafka_check_vertex_exists_with_topic_and_payload( cursor, topic, common.SIMPLE_MSG) @pytest.mark.parametrize("transformation", TRANSFORMATIONS_TO_CHECK) def test_separate_consumers( kafka_producer, kafka_topics, connection, transformation): assert len(kafka_topics) > 0 cursor = connection.cursor() stream_names = [] for topic in kafka_topics: stream_name = "stream_" + topic stream_names.append(stream_name) common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, f"CREATE KAFKA STREAM {stream_name} " f"TOPICS {topic} " f"TRANSFORM {transformation}", ) for stream_name in stream_names: common.start_stream(cursor, stream_name) time.sleep(5) for topic in kafka_topics: kafka_producer.send(topic, common.SIMPLE_MSG).get(timeout=60) for topic in kafka_topics: common.kafka_check_vertex_exists_with_topic_and_payload( cursor, topic, common.SIMPLE_MSG) def test_start_from_last_committed_offset( kafka_producer, kafka_topics, connection): # This test creates a stream, consumes a message to have a committed # offset, then destroys the stream. A new message is sent before the # stream is recreated and then restarted. This simulates when Memgraph is # stopped (stream is destroyed) and then restarted (stream is recreated). # This is of course not as good as restarting memgraph would be, but # restarting Memgraph during a single workload cannot be done currently. assert len(kafka_topics) > 0 cursor = connection.cursor() common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM test " f"TOPICS {kafka_topics[0]} " "TRANSFORM kafka_transform.simple", ) common.start_stream(cursor, "test") time.sleep(1) kafka_producer.send(kafka_topics[0], common.SIMPLE_MSG).get(timeout=60) common.kafka_check_vertex_exists_with_topic_and_payload( cursor, kafka_topics[0], common.SIMPLE_MSG) common.stop_stream(cursor, "test") common.drop_stream(cursor, "test") messages = [b"second message", b"third message"] for message in messages: kafka_producer.send(kafka_topics[0], message).get(timeout=60) for message in messages: vertices_with_msg = common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "MATCH (n: MESSAGE {" f"payload: '{message.decode('utf-8')}'" "}) RETURN n", ) assert len(vertices_with_msg) == 0 common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM test " f"TOPICS {kafka_topics[0]} " "TRANSFORM kafka_transform.simple", ) common.start_stream(cursor, "test") for message in messages: common.kafka_check_vertex_exists_with_topic_and_payload( cursor, kafka_topics[0], message) @pytest.mark.parametrize("transformation", TRANSFORMATIONS_TO_CHECK) def test_check_stream( kafka_producer, kafka_topics, connection, transformation): assert len(kafka_topics) > 0 cursor = connection.cursor() common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM test " f"TOPICS {kafka_topics[0]} " f"TRANSFORM {transformation} " "BATCH_SIZE 1", ) common.start_stream(cursor, "test") time.sleep(1) kafka_producer.send(kafka_topics[0], common.SIMPLE_MSG).get(timeout=60) common.stop_stream(cursor, "test") messages = [b"first message", b"second message", b"third message"] for message in messages: kafka_producer.send(kafka_topics[0], message).get(timeout=60) def check_check_stream(batch_limit): assert ( transformation == "kafka_transform.simple" or transformation == "kafka_transform.with_parameters" ) test_results = common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, f"CHECK STREAM test BATCH_LIMIT {batch_limit}" ) assert len(test_results) == batch_limit for i in range(batch_limit): message_as_str = messages[i].decode("utf-8") if transformation == "kafka_transform.simple": assert f"payload: '{message_as_str}'" in test_results[i][common.QUERY] assert test_results[i][common.PARAMS] is None else: assert test_results[i][common.QUERY] == ( "CREATE (n:MESSAGE " "{timestamp: $timestamp, " "payload: $payload, " "topic: $topic})" ) parameters = test_results[i][common.PARAMS] # this is not a very sofisticated test, but checks if # timestamp has some kind of value assert parameters["timestamp"] > 1000000000000 assert parameters["topic"] == kafka_topics[0] assert parameters["payload"] == message_as_str check_check_stream(1) check_check_stream(2) check_check_stream(3) common.start_stream(cursor, "test") for message in messages: common.kafka_check_vertex_exists_with_topic_and_payload( cursor, kafka_topics[0], message) def test_show_streams(kafka_producer, kafka_topics, connection): assert len(kafka_topics) > 1 cursor = connection.cursor() common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM default_values " f"TOPICS {kafka_topics[0]} " f"TRANSFORM kafka_transform.simple " f"BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS 'localhost:9092'", ) consumer_group = "my_special_consumer_group" batch_interval = 42 batch_size = 3 common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM complex_values " f"TOPICS {','.join(kafka_topics)} " f"TRANSFORM kafka_transform.with_parameters " f"CONSUMER_GROUP {consumer_group} " f"BATCH_INTERVAL {batch_interval} " f"BATCH_SIZE {batch_size} ", ) assert len(common.execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW STREAMS")) == 2 common.check_stream_info( cursor, "default_values", ("default_values", "KAFKA", None, None, "kafka_transform.simple", None, False), ) common.check_stream_info( cursor, "complex_values", ( "complex_values", "KAFKA", batch_interval, batch_size, "kafka_transform.with_parameters", None, False, ), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("operation", ["START", "STOP"]) def test_start_and_stop_during_check( kafka_producer, kafka_topics, connection, operation): assert len(kafka_topics) > 1 def stream_creator(stream_name): return f"CREATE KAFKA STREAM {stream_name} TOPICS {kafka_topics[0]} TRANSFORM kafka_transform.simple" def message_sender(msg): kafka_producer.send(kafka_topics[0], msg).get(timeout=60) common.test_start_and_stop_during_check( operation, connection, stream_creator, message_sender, "Kafka consumer test_stream is already stopped") def test_check_already_started_stream(kafka_topics, connection): assert len(kafka_topics) > 0 cursor = connection.cursor() common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM started_stream " f"TOPICS {kafka_topics[0]} " f"TRANSFORM kafka_transform.simple", ) common.start_stream(cursor, "started_stream") with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError): common.execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CHECK STREAM started_stream") def test_start_checked_stream_after_timeout(kafka_topics, connection): def stream_creator(stream_name): return f"CREATE KAFKA STREAM {stream_name} TOPICS {kafka_topics[0]} TRANSFORM kafka_transform.simple" common.test_start_checked_stream_after_timeout(connection, stream_creator) def test_restart_after_error(kafka_producer, kafka_topics, connection): cursor = connection.cursor() common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM test_stream " f"TOPICS {kafka_topics[0]} " f"TRANSFORM kafka_transform.query", ) common.start_stream(cursor, "test_stream") time.sleep(1) kafka_producer.send(kafka_topics[0], common.SIMPLE_MSG).get(timeout=60) assert common.timed_wait( lambda: not common.get_is_running( cursor, "test_stream")) common.start_stream(cursor, "test_stream") time.sleep(1) kafka_producer.send(kafka_topics[0], b"CREATE (n:VERTEX { id : 42 })") assert common.check_one_result_row( cursor, "MATCH (n:VERTEX { id : 42 }) RETURN n") @pytest.mark.parametrize("transformation", TRANSFORMATIONS_TO_CHECK) def test_bootstrap_server( kafka_producer, kafka_topics, connection, transformation): assert len(kafka_topics) > 0 cursor = connection.cursor() local = "localhost:9092" common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM test " f"TOPICS {','.join(kafka_topics)} " f"TRANSFORM {transformation} " f"BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS '{local}'", ) common.start_stream(cursor, "test") time.sleep(5) for topic in kafka_topics: kafka_producer.send(topic, common.SIMPLE_MSG).get(timeout=60) for topic in kafka_topics: common.kafka_check_vertex_exists_with_topic_and_payload( cursor, topic, common.SIMPLE_MSG) @pytest.mark.parametrize("transformation", TRANSFORMATIONS_TO_CHECK) def test_bootstrap_server_empty( kafka_producer, kafka_topics, connection, transformation): assert len(kafka_topics) > 0 cursor = connection.cursor() with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError): common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM test " f"TOPICS {','.join(kafka_topics)} " f"TRANSFORM {transformation} " "BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS ''", ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("transformation", TRANSFORMATIONS_TO_CHECK) def test_set_offset(producer, topics, connection, transformation): assert len(topics) > 0 cursor = connection.cursor() common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CREATE KAFKA STREAM test " f"TOPICS {topics[0]} " f"TRANSFORM {transformation} " "BATCH_SIZE 1", ) messages = [f"{i} message" for i in range(1, 21)] for message in messages: producer.send(topics[0], message.encode()).get(timeout=60) def consume(expected_msgs): common.start_stream(cursor, "test") if len(expected_msgs) == 0: time.sleep(2) else: assert common.check_one_result_row( cursor, ( f"MATCH (n: MESSAGE {{payload: '{expected_msgs[-1]}'}})" "RETURN n" ), ) common.stop_stream(cursor, "test") res = common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "MATCH (n) RETURN n.payload" ) return res def execute_set_offset_and_consume(id, expected_msgs): common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, f"CALL mg.kafka_set_stream_offset('test', {id})" ) return consume(expected_msgs) with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError): res = common.execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, "CALL mg.kafka_set_stream_offset('foo', 10)" ) def comparison_check(a, b): return a == str(b).strip("'(,)") res = execute_set_offset_and_consume(10, messages[10:]) assert len(res) == 10 assert all([comparison_check(a, b) for a, b in zip(messages[10:], res)]) common.execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n") res = execute_set_offset_and_consume(-1, messages) assert len(res) == len(messages) assert all([comparison_check(a, b) for a, b in zip(messages, res)]) res = common.execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "MATCH (n) return n.offset") assert all([comparison_check(str(i), res[i]) for i in range(1, 20)]) res = common.execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n") res = execute_set_offset_and_consume(-2, []) assert len(res) == 0 last_msg = "Final Message" producer.send(topics[0], last_msg.encode()).get(timeout=60) res = consume([last_msg]) assert len(res) == 1 assert comparison_check("Final Message", res[0]) common.execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n") if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(pytest.main([__file__, "-rA"]))