#pragma once #include <iterator> #include <memory> #include <vector> #include "query/common.hpp" #include "query/context.hpp" #include "query/db_accessor.hpp" #include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp" #include "query/interpret/frame.hpp" #include "query/plan/operator.hpp" #include "storage/v2/storage.hpp" #include "query_common.hpp" using namespace query; using namespace query::plan; using Bound = ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange::Bound; ExecutionContext MakeContext(const AstStorage &storage, const SymbolTable &symbol_table, query::DbAccessor *dba) { ExecutionContext context{dba}; context.symbol_table = symbol_table; context.evaluation_context.properties = NamesToProperties(storage.properties_, dba); context.evaluation_context.labels = NamesToLabels(storage.labels_, dba); return context; } /** Helper function that collects all the results from the given Produce. */ std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> CollectProduce(const Produce &produce, ExecutionContext *context) { Frame frame(context->symbol_table.max_position()); // top level node in the operator tree is a produce (return) // so stream out results // collect the symbols from the return clause std::vector<Symbol> symbols; for (auto named_expression : produce.named_expressions_) symbols.emplace_back(context->symbol_table.at(*named_expression)); // stream out results auto cursor = produce.MakeCursor(utils::NewDeleteResource()); std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results; while (cursor->Pull(frame, *context)) { std::vector<TypedValue> values; for (auto &symbol : symbols) values.emplace_back(frame[symbol]); results.emplace_back(values); } return results; } int PullAll(const LogicalOperator &logical_op, ExecutionContext *context) { Frame frame(context->symbol_table.max_position()); auto cursor = logical_op.MakeCursor(utils::NewDeleteResource()); int count = 0; while (cursor->Pull(frame, *context)) count++; return count; } template <typename... TNamedExpressions> auto MakeProduce(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input, TNamedExpressions... named_expressions) { return std::make_shared<Produce>( input, std::vector<NamedExpression *>{named_expressions...}); } struct ScanAllTuple { NodeAtom *node_; std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> op_; Symbol sym_; }; /** * Creates and returns a tuple of stuff for a scan-all starting * from the node with the given name. * * Returns ScanAllTuple(node_atom, scan_all_logical_op, symbol). */ ScanAllTuple MakeScanAll(AstStorage &storage, SymbolTable &symbol_table, const std::string &identifier, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input = {nullptr}, storage::View view = storage::View::OLD) { auto node = NODE(identifier); auto symbol = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(identifier, true); node->identifier_->MapTo(symbol); auto logical_op = std::make_shared<ScanAll>(input, symbol, view); return ScanAllTuple{node, logical_op, symbol}; } /** * Creates and returns a tuple of stuff for a scan-all starting * from the node with the given name and label. * * Returns ScanAllTuple(node_atom, scan_all_logical_op, symbol). */ ScanAllTuple MakeScanAllByLabel( AstStorage &storage, SymbolTable &symbol_table, const std::string &identifier, storage::LabelId label, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input = {nullptr}, storage::View view = storage::View::OLD) { auto node = NODE(identifier); auto symbol = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(identifier, true); node->identifier_->MapTo(symbol); auto logical_op = std::make_shared<ScanAllByLabel>(input, symbol, label, view); return ScanAllTuple{node, logical_op, symbol}; } /** * Creates and returns a tuple of stuff for a scan-all starting from the node * with the given name and label whose property values are in range. * * Returns ScanAllTuple(node_atom, scan_all_logical_op, symbol). */ ScanAllTuple MakeScanAllByLabelPropertyRange( AstStorage &storage, SymbolTable &symbol_table, std::string identifier, storage::LabelId label, storage::PropertyId property, const std::string &property_name, std::optional<Bound> lower_bound, std::optional<Bound> upper_bound, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input = {nullptr}, storage::View view = storage::View::OLD) { auto node = NODE(identifier); auto symbol = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(identifier, true); node->identifier_->MapTo(symbol); auto logical_op = std::make_shared<ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange>( input, symbol, label, property, property_name, lower_bound, upper_bound, view); return ScanAllTuple{node, logical_op, symbol}; } /** * Creates and returns a tuple of stuff for a scan-all starting from the node * with the given name and label whose property value is equal to given value. * * Returns ScanAllTuple(node_atom, scan_all_logical_op, symbol). */ ScanAllTuple MakeScanAllByLabelPropertyValue( AstStorage &storage, SymbolTable &symbol_table, std::string identifier, storage::LabelId label, storage::PropertyId property, const std::string &property_name, Expression *value, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input = {nullptr}, storage::View view = storage::View::OLD) { auto node = NODE(identifier); auto symbol = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(identifier, true); node->identifier_->MapTo(symbol); auto logical_op = std::make_shared<ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue>( input, symbol, label, property, property_name, value, view); return ScanAllTuple{node, logical_op, symbol}; } struct ExpandTuple { EdgeAtom *edge_; Symbol edge_sym_; NodeAtom *node_; Symbol node_sym_; std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> op_; }; ExpandTuple MakeExpand(AstStorage &storage, SymbolTable &symbol_table, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input, Symbol input_symbol, const std::string &edge_identifier, EdgeAtom::Direction direction, const std::vector<storage::EdgeTypeId> &edge_types, const std::string &node_identifier, bool existing_node, storage::View view) { auto edge = EDGE(edge_identifier, direction); auto edge_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(edge_identifier, true); edge->identifier_->MapTo(edge_sym); auto node = NODE(node_identifier); auto node_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(node_identifier, true); node->identifier_->MapTo(node_sym); auto op = std::make_shared<Expand>(input, input_symbol, node_sym, edge_sym, direction, edge_types, existing_node, view); return ExpandTuple{edge, edge_sym, node, node_sym, op}; } struct UnwindTuple { Symbol sym_; std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> op_; }; UnwindTuple MakeUnwind(SymbolTable &symbol_table, const std::string &symbol_name, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input, Expression *input_expression) { auto sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(symbol_name, true); auto op = std::make_shared<query::plan::Unwind>(input, input_expression, sym); return UnwindTuple{sym, op}; } template <typename TIterable> auto CountIterable(TIterable &&iterable) { uint64_t count = 0; for (auto it = iterable.begin(); it != iterable.end(); ++it) { ++count; } return count; } inline uint64_t CountEdges(query::DbAccessor *dba, storage::View view) { uint64_t count = 0; for (auto vertex : dba->Vertices(view)) { auto maybe_edges = vertex.OutEdges(view); CHECK(maybe_edges.HasValue()); count += CountIterable(*maybe_edges); } return count; }