// Copyright 2021 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. #include <chrono> #include <cmath> #include <limits> #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "utils/async_timer.hpp" using AsyncTimer = utils::AsyncTimer; constexpr auto kSecondsInMilis = 1000.0; constexpr auto kIntervalInSeconds = 0.3; constexpr auto kIntervalInMilis = kIntervalInSeconds * kSecondsInMilis; constexpr auto kAbsoluteErrorInMilis = 50; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point Now() { return std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); } int ElapsedMilis(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point &start, const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point &end) { return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count(); } void CheckTimeSimple() { const auto before = Now(); AsyncTimer timer{kIntervalInSeconds}; while (!timer.IsExpired()) { ASSERT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, Now()), 2 * kIntervalInMilis); } const auto after = Now(); EXPECT_NEAR(ElapsedMilis(before, after), kIntervalInMilis, kAbsoluteErrorInMilis); } TEST(AsyncTimer, SimpleWait) { CheckTimeSimple(); } TEST(AsyncTimer, DoubleWait) { CheckTimeSimple(); CheckTimeSimple(); } TEST(AsyncTimer, MoveConstruct) { const auto before = Now(); AsyncTimer timer_1{kIntervalInSeconds}; AsyncTimer timer_2{std::move(timer_1)}; EXPECT_FALSE(timer_1.IsExpired()); EXPECT_FALSE(timer_2.IsExpired()); const auto first_check_point = Now(); while (!timer_2.IsExpired()) { ASSERT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, Now()), 2 * kIntervalInMilis); } const auto second_check_point = Now(); EXPECT_FALSE(timer_1.IsExpired()); EXPECT_TRUE(timer_2.IsExpired()); EXPECT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, first_check_point), kIntervalInMilis / 2); EXPECT_NEAR(ElapsedMilis(before, second_check_point), kIntervalInMilis, kAbsoluteErrorInMilis); } TEST(AsyncTimer, MoveAssign) { const auto before = Now(); AsyncTimer timer_1{2 * kIntervalInSeconds}; AsyncTimer timer_2{kIntervalInSeconds}; EXPECT_FALSE(timer_1.IsExpired()); EXPECT_FALSE(timer_2.IsExpired()); const auto first_check_point = Now(); timer_2 = std::move(timer_1); EXPECT_FALSE(timer_1.IsExpired()); EXPECT_FALSE(timer_2.IsExpired()); while (!timer_2.IsExpired()) { ASSERT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, Now()), 3 * kIntervalInMilis); } const auto second_check_point = Now(); EXPECT_FALSE(timer_1.IsExpired()); EXPECT_TRUE(timer_2.IsExpired()); EXPECT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, first_check_point), kIntervalInMilis / 2); EXPECT_NEAR(ElapsedMilis(before, second_check_point), 2 * kIntervalInMilis, kAbsoluteErrorInMilis); } TEST(AsyncTimer, AssignToExpiredTimer) { const auto before = Now(); AsyncTimer timer_1{2 * kIntervalInSeconds}; AsyncTimer timer_2{kIntervalInSeconds}; EXPECT_FALSE(timer_1.IsExpired()); EXPECT_FALSE(timer_2.IsExpired()); const auto first_check_point = Now(); while (!timer_2.IsExpired()) { ASSERT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, Now()), 3 * kIntervalInMilis); } EXPECT_FALSE(timer_1.IsExpired()); EXPECT_TRUE(timer_2.IsExpired()); const auto second_check_point = Now(); timer_2 = std::move(timer_1); EXPECT_FALSE(timer_1.IsExpired()); EXPECT_FALSE(timer_2.IsExpired()); const auto third_check_point = Now(); while (!timer_2.IsExpired()) { ASSERT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, Now()), 3 * kIntervalInMilis); } EXPECT_FALSE(timer_1.IsExpired()); EXPECT_TRUE(timer_2.IsExpired()); const auto fourth_check_point = Now(); EXPECT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, first_check_point), kIntervalInMilis / 2); EXPECT_NEAR(ElapsedMilis(before, second_check_point), kIntervalInMilis, kAbsoluteErrorInMilis); EXPECT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, third_check_point), 1.5 * kIntervalInMilis); EXPECT_NEAR(ElapsedMilis(before, fourth_check_point), 2 * kIntervalInMilis, kAbsoluteErrorInMilis); } TEST(AsyncTimer, DestroyTimerWhileItIsStillRunning) { { AsyncTimer timer_to_destroy{kIntervalInSeconds}; } const auto before = Now(); AsyncTimer timer_to_wait{1.5 * kIntervalInSeconds}; while (!timer_to_wait.IsExpired()) { ASSERT_LT(ElapsedMilis(before, Now()), 3 * kIntervalInMilis); } // At this point the timer_to_destroy has expired, nothing bad happened. This doesn't mean the timer cancellation // works properly, it just means that nothing bad happens if a timer get cancelled. } TEST(AsyncTimer, TimersWithExtremeValues) { AsyncTimer timer_with_zero{0}; const double expected_maximum_value = std::nexttoward(std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max(), 0.0); AsyncTimer timer_with_max_value{expected_maximum_value}; }