#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // TODO: FIXME // #include "database/distributed/distributed_graph_db.hpp" #include "communication/bolt/v1/decoder/decoder.hpp" #include "database/single_node/graph_db.hpp" #include "database/single_node/graph_db_accessor.hpp" #include "durability/hashed_file_reader.hpp" #include "durability/single_node/paths.hpp" #include "durability/single_node/recovery.hpp" #include "durability/single_node/snapshooter.hpp" #include "durability/single_node/state_delta.hpp" #include "durability/single_node/version.hpp" // TODO: Why do we depend on TypedValue here? #include "query/typed_value.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" DECLARE_int32(wal_flush_interval_millis); DECLARE_int32(wal_rotate_deltas_count); DECLARE_string(durability_directory); using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; namespace fs = std::filesystem; // Helper class for performing random CRUD ops on a database. class DbGenerator { static constexpr int kLabelCount = 3; static constexpr int kPropertyCount = 4; static constexpr int kEdgeTypeCount = 2; auto Label(int i) { return dba_.Label("label" + std::to_string(i)); } auto Property(int i) { return dba_.Property("property" + std::to_string(i)); } auto EdgeType(int i) { return dba_.EdgeType("edge_type" + std::to_string(i)); } public: DbGenerator(database::GraphDbAccessor &dba) : dba_(dba) {} void BuildIndex(int seq_number) { dba_.BuildIndex(Label(seq_number % kLabelCount), Property(seq_number % kPropertyCount), false); } EdgeAccessor RandomEdge(bool remove_from_ids = false) { return dba_.FindEdge(RandomElement(edge_ids_, remove_from_ids), true); } VertexAccessor RandomVertex(bool remove_from_ids = false) { return dba_.FindVertex(RandomElement(vertex_ids_, remove_from_ids), true); } VertexAccessor InsertVertex() { auto vertex = dba_.InsertVertex(); vertex_ids_.emplace_back(vertex.gid()); return vertex; } void DetachRemoveVertex() { auto vertex = RandomVertex(true); dba_.RemoveVertex(vertex); } EdgeAccessor InsertEdge() { auto from = RandomVertex(); auto to = RandomVertex(); auto edge = dba_.InsertEdge(from, to, EdgeType(RandomInt(kEdgeTypeCount))); edge_ids_.emplace_back(edge.gid()); return edge; } EdgeAccessor InsertCycleEdge() { auto vertex = RandomVertex(); auto edge = dba_.InsertEdge(vertex, vertex, EdgeType(RandomInt(kEdgeTypeCount))); edge_ids_.emplace_back(edge.gid()); return edge; } void RemoveEdge() { auto edge = RandomEdge(true); dba_.RemoveEdge(edge); } void SetVertexProperty() { auto vertex = RandomVertex(); vertex.PropsSet(Property(RandomInt(kPropertyCount)), RandomValue()); } void EraseVertexProperty() { auto v = RandomVertex(); for (int i = 0; i < kPropertyCount; i++) v.PropsErase(Property(i)); } void ClearVertexProperties() { RandomVertex().PropsClear(); } void SetEdgeProperty() { auto edge = RandomEdge(); edge.PropsSet(Property(RandomInt(kPropertyCount)), RandomValue()); } void EraseEdgeProperty() { auto e = RandomEdge(); for (int i = 0; i < kPropertyCount; i++) e.PropsErase(Property(i)); } void ClearEdgeProperties() { RandomEdge().PropsClear(); } void AddLabel() { auto vertex = RandomVertex(); vertex.add_label(Label(RandomInt(kLabelCount))); } void ClearLabels() { auto vertex = RandomVertex(); auto labels = vertex.labels(); for (auto label : labels) vertex.remove_label(label); } private: database::GraphDbAccessor &dba_; std::vector vertex_ids_; std::vector edge_ids_; std::mt19937 gen_{std::random_device{}()}; std::uniform_real_distribution<> rand_{0.0, 1.0}; int64_t RandomElement(std::vector &collection, bool remove = false) { DCHECK(!collection.empty()) << "Random element from empty collection"; int64_t id = RandomInt(collection.size()); int64_t r_val = collection[id]; if (remove) { collection[id] = collection.back(); collection.resize(collection.size() - 1); } return r_val; } int64_t RandomInt(int64_t upper_bound) { return rand_(gen_) * upper_bound; } PropertyValue RandomValue() { switch (RandomInt(3)) { case 0: return rand_(gen_); // Float case 1: return RandomInt(1000); case 2: return rand_(gen_) < 0.5; default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported random value"; } } }; bool CompareUniqueConstraints(const database::GraphDbAccessor &dba1, const database::GraphDbAccessor &dba2) { auto c1 = dba1.ListUniqueLabelPropertyConstraints(); auto c2 = dba2.ListUniqueLabelPropertyConstraints(); return c1.size() == c2.size() && std::is_permutation(c1.begin(), c1.end(), c2.begin(), [&dba1, &dba2](auto &r1, auto &r2) { return dba1.LabelName(r1.label) == dba2.LabelName(r2.label) && dba1.PropertyName(r1.property) == dba2.PropertyName(r2.property); }); } /** Checks if the given databases have the same contents (indices, * vertices and edges). */ void CompareDbs(database::GraphDb &a, database::GraphDb &b) { auto dba_a = a.Access(); auto dba_b = b.Access(); { auto index_a = dba_a.IndexInfo(); auto index_b = dba_b.IndexInfo(); EXPECT_TRUE( index_a.size() == index_b.size() && std::is_permutation(index_a.begin(), index_a.end(), index_b.begin())) << "Indexes not equal [" << utils::Join(index_a, ", ") << "] != [" << utils::Join(index_b, ", "); } EXPECT_TRUE(CompareUniqueConstraints(dba_a, dba_b)); auto is_permutation_props = [&dba_a, &dba_b](const auto &p1_id, const auto &p2_id) { std::vector> p1; std::vector> p2; for (auto x : p1_id) p1.push_back({dba_a.PropertyName(x.first), x.second}); for (auto x : p2_id) p2.push_back({dba_b.PropertyName(x.first), x.second}); // Don't use a binary predicate which depends on different value getters // semantics for two containers because is_permutation might call the // predicate with both arguments on the same container return p1.size() == p2.size() && std::is_permutation(p1.begin(), p1.end(), p2.begin(), [](const auto &p1, const auto &p2) { return p1.first == p2.first && query::TypedValue::BoolEqual{}( p1.second, p2.second); }); }; { int vertices_a_count = 0; for (auto v_a : dba_a.Vertices(false)) { vertices_a_count++; auto v_b = dba_b.FindVertexOptional(v_a.gid(), false); ASSERT_TRUE(v_b) << "Vertex not found, id: " << v_a.gid(); ASSERT_EQ(v_a.labels().size(), v_b->labels().size()); std::vector v_a_labels; std::vector v_b_labels; for (auto x : v_a.labels()) v_a_labels.push_back(dba_a.LabelName(x)); for (auto x : v_b->labels()) v_b_labels.push_back(dba_b.LabelName(x)); EXPECT_TRUE(std::is_permutation(v_a_labels.begin(), v_a_labels.end(), v_b_labels.begin())); EXPECT_TRUE(is_permutation_props(v_a.Properties(), v_b->Properties())); } auto vertices_b = dba_b.Vertices(false); EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(vertices_b.begin(), vertices_b.end()), vertices_a_count); } { int edges_a_count = 0; for (auto e_a : dba_a.Edges(false)) { edges_a_count++; auto e_b = dba_b.FindEdgeOptional(e_a.gid(), false); ASSERT_TRUE(e_b); ASSERT_TRUE(e_b) << "Edge not found, id: " << e_a.gid(); EXPECT_EQ(dba_a.EdgeTypeName(e_a.EdgeType()), dba_b.EdgeTypeName(e_b->EdgeType())); EXPECT_EQ(e_a.from().gid(), e_b->from().gid()); EXPECT_EQ(e_a.to().gid(), e_b->to().gid()); EXPECT_TRUE(is_permutation_props(e_a.Properties(), e_b->Properties())); } auto edges_b = dba_b.Edges(false); EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(edges_b.begin(), edges_b.end()), edges_a_count); } } std::vector DirFiles(fs::path dir) { std::vector files; if (fs::exists(dir)) for (auto &file : fs::directory_iterator(dir)) files.push_back(file.path()); return files; } fs::path GetLastFile(fs::path dir) { std::vector files = DirFiles(dir); CHECK(static_cast(files.size()) > 0) << "No files in folder."; return *std::max_element(files.begin(), files.end()); } void MakeDb(database::GraphDbAccessor &dba, int scale, std::vector indices = {}) { DbGenerator generator{dba}; for (int i = 0; i < scale; i++) generator.InsertVertex(); for (int i = 0; i < scale * 2; i++) generator.InsertEdge(); for (int i = 0; i < scale / 2; i++) generator.InsertCycleEdge(); for (int i = 0; i < scale * 3; i++) { generator.SetVertexProperty(); generator.SetEdgeProperty(); generator.AddLabel(); if (i % 500 == 0) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(30)); } for (int i = 0; i < scale / 2; i++) { generator.ClearLabels(); generator.EraseEdgeProperty(); generator.EraseVertexProperty(); generator.ClearEdgeProperties(); generator.ClearVertexProperties(); if (i % 500 == 0) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(30)); } for (auto index : indices) generator.BuildIndex(index); } void MakeDb(database::GraphDb &db, int scale, std::vector indices = {}) { auto dba = db.Access(); MakeDb(dba, scale, indices); dba.Commit(); } class Durability : public ::testing::Test { protected: fs::path tmp_dir_ = fs::temp_directory_path() / "MG_test_unit_durability"; fs::path durability_dir_; fs::path snapshot_dir_; fs::path wal_dir_; fs::path backup_dir_; void CleanDurability() { if (fs::exists(tmp_dir_)) fs::remove_all(tmp_dir_); } auto DbConfig() { database::Config config; config.durability_enabled = false; config.durability_directory = durability_dir_; config.snapshot_on_exit = false; config.db_recover_on_startup = false; return config; } auto DbConfig(bool durability_enabled, bool db_recover_on_startup) { database::Config config; config.durability_enabled = durability_enabled; config.db_recover_on_startup = db_recover_on_startup; config.snapshot_on_exit = false; config.durability_directory = durability_dir_; return config; } void MakeSnapshot(database::GraphDb &db, int snapshot_max_retained = -1) { auto dba = db.Access(); ASSERT_TRUE(durability::MakeSnapshot(db, dba, durability_dir_, snapshot_max_retained)); } void SetUp() override { durability_dir_ = tmp_dir_ / utils::RandomString(24); snapshot_dir_ = durability_dir_ / durability::kSnapshotDir; wal_dir_ = durability_dir_ / durability::kWalDir; backup_dir_ = durability_dir_ / durability::kBackupDir; FLAGS_wal_rotate_deltas_count = 1000; FLAGS_durability_directory = "MG_test_unit_durability"; CleanDurability(); } void TearDown() override { CleanDurability(); } }; // Tests wal encoder to encode correctly non-CRUD deltas, and that all deltas // are written in the correct order TEST_F(Durability, WalEncoding) { gid::Generator generator; auto gid0 = generator.Next(); auto gid1 = generator.Next(); { auto config = DbConfig(); config.durability_enabled = true; database::GraphDb db{config}; auto dba = db.Access(); auto v0 = dba.InsertVertex(); ASSERT_EQ(v0.gid(), gid0); v0.add_label(dba.Label("l0")); v0.PropsSet(dba.Property("p0"), 42); auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex(); ASSERT_EQ(v1.gid(), gid1); auto e0 = dba.InsertEdge(v0, v1, dba.EdgeType("et0")); ASSERT_EQ(e0.gid(), gid0); e0.PropsSet(dba.Property("p0"), std::vector{1, 2, 3}); dba.BuildIndex(dba.Label("l1"), dba.Property("p1"), false); dba.DeleteIndex(dba.Label("l1"), dba.Property("p1")); dba.Commit(); db.wal().Flush(); } HashedFileReader reader; ASSERT_EQ(DirFiles(wal_dir_).size(), 1); ASSERT_TRUE(reader.Open(GetLastFile(wal_dir_))); communication::bolt::Decoder decoder{reader}; std::vector deltas; // check magic number auto magic_number = durability::kWalMagic; reader.Read(magic_number.data(), magic_number.size()); ASSERT_EQ(magic_number, durability::kWalMagic); // check version communication::bolt::Value dv; decoder.ReadValue(&dv); ASSERT_EQ(dv.ValueInt(), durability::kVersion); while (true) { auto delta = database::StateDelta::Decode(reader, decoder); if (delta) { deltas.emplace_back(*delta); } else { break; } } reader.Close(); ASSERT_EQ(deltas.size(), 14); using Type = enum database::StateDelta::Type; EXPECT_EQ(deltas[0].type, Type::TRANSACTION_BEGIN); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[0].transaction_id, 1); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[1].type, Type::CREATE_VERTEX); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[1].transaction_id, 1); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[2].type, Type::ADD_LABEL); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[2].transaction_id, 1); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[3].type, Type::SET_PROPERTY_VERTEX); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[3].transaction_id, 1); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[4].type, Type::CREATE_VERTEX); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[4].transaction_id, 1); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[5].type, Type::CREATE_EDGE); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[5].transaction_id, 1); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[6].type, Type::SET_PROPERTY_EDGE); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[6].transaction_id, 1); // The next two deltas are the BuildIndex internal transactions. EXPECT_EQ(deltas[7].type, Type::TRANSACTION_BEGIN); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[8].type, Type::BUILD_INDEX); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[8].label_name, "l1"); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[8].property_name, "p1"); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[8].unique, false); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[9].type, Type::TRANSACTION_COMMIT); // The next two deltas are the DeleteIndex internal transactions. EXPECT_EQ(deltas[10].type, Type::TRANSACTION_BEGIN); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[11].type, Type::DROP_INDEX); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[11].label_name, "l1"); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[11].property_name, "p1"); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[12].type, Type::TRANSACTION_COMMIT); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[13].type, Type::TRANSACTION_COMMIT); EXPECT_EQ(deltas[13].transaction_id, 1); } TEST_F(Durability, SnapshotEncoding) { gid::Generator generator; auto gid0 = generator.Next(); auto gid1 = generator.Next(); auto gid2 = generator.Next(); { database::GraphDb db{DbConfig()}; auto dba = db.Access(); auto v0 = dba.InsertVertex(); ASSERT_EQ(v0.gid(), gid0); v0.add_label(dba.Label("l0")); v0.PropsSet(dba.Property("p0"), 42); auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex(); ASSERT_EQ(v1.gid(), gid1); v1.add_label(dba.Label("l0")); v1.add_label(dba.Label("l1")); auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex(); ASSERT_EQ(v2.gid(), gid2); v2.PropsSet(dba.Property("p0"), true); v2.PropsSet(dba.Property("p1"), "Johnny"); auto e0 = dba.InsertEdge(v0, v1, dba.EdgeType("et0")); ASSERT_EQ(e0.gid(), gid0); e0.PropsSet(dba.Property("p0"), std::vector{1, 2, 3}); auto e1 = dba.InsertEdge(v2, v1, dba.EdgeType("et1")); ASSERT_EQ(e1.gid(), gid1); dba.BuildIndex(dba.Label("l1"), dba.Property("p1"), false); dba.Commit(); MakeSnapshot(db); } auto snapshot = GetLastFile(snapshot_dir_); HashedFileReader buffer; communication::bolt::Decoder decoder(buffer); int64_t vertex_count, edge_count; uint64_t hash; ASSERT_TRUE(buffer.Open(snapshot)); ASSERT_TRUE( durability::ReadSnapshotSummary(buffer, vertex_count, edge_count, hash)); ASSERT_EQ(vertex_count, 3); ASSERT_EQ(edge_count, 2); auto magic_number = durability::kSnapshotMagic; buffer.Read(magic_number.data(), magic_number.size()); ASSERT_EQ(magic_number, durability::kSnapshotMagic); communication::bolt::Value dv; decoder.ReadValue(&dv); ASSERT_EQ(dv.ValueInt(), durability::kVersion); // Transaction ID. decoder.ReadValue(&dv); ASSERT_TRUE(dv.IsInt()); // Transactional snapshot. decoder.ReadValue(&dv); ASSERT_TRUE(dv.IsList()); // Label property indices. decoder.ReadValue(&dv); ASSERT_EQ(dv.ValueList().size(), 3); EXPECT_EQ(dv.ValueList()[0].ValueString(), "l1"); EXPECT_EQ(dv.ValueList()[1].ValueString(), "p1"); EXPECT_EQ(dv.ValueList()[2].ValueBool(), false); // Unique constraints decoder.ReadValue(&dv); ASSERT_TRUE(dv.IsList()); ASSERT_EQ(dv.ValueList().size(), 0); std::map decoded_vertices; // Decode vertices. for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE( decoder.ReadValue(&dv, communication::bolt::Value::Type::Vertex)); auto &vertex = dv.ValueVertex(); decoded_vertices.emplace(vertex.id.AsUint(), vertex); } ASSERT_EQ(decoded_vertices.size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(decoded_vertices[gid0].labels.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_vertices[gid0].labels[0], "l0"); ASSERT_EQ(decoded_vertices[gid0].properties.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_vertices[gid0].properties["p0"].ValueInt(), 42); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_vertices[gid1].labels.size(), 2); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_vertices[gid1].properties.size(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_vertices[gid2].labels.size(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_vertices[gid2].properties.size(), 2); std::map decoded_edges; // Decode edges. for (int i = 0; i < edge_count; ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE(decoder.ReadValue(&dv, communication::bolt::Value::Type::Edge)); auto &edge = dv.ValueEdge(); decoded_edges.emplace(edge.id.AsUint(), edge); } EXPECT_EQ(decoded_edges.size(), 2); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_edges[gid0].from.AsUint(), gid0); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_edges[gid0].to.AsUint(), gid1); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_edges[gid0].type, "et0"); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_edges[gid0].properties.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_edges[gid1].from.AsUint(), gid2); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_edges[gid1].to.AsUint(), gid1); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_edges[gid1].type, "et1"); EXPECT_EQ(decoded_edges[gid1].properties.size(), 0); // Vertex and edge counts are included in the hash. Re-read them to update // the hash. buffer.ReadType(vertex_count); buffer.ReadType(edge_count); buffer.Close(); EXPECT_EQ(buffer.hash(), hash); } TEST_F(Durability, SnapshotRecovery) { database::GraphDb db{DbConfig()}; MakeDb(db, 300, {0, 1, 2}); MakeDb(db, 300); MakeDb(db, 300, {3, 4}); MakeSnapshot(db); { auto recovered_config = DbConfig(); recovered_config.db_recover_on_startup = true; database::GraphDb recovered{recovered_config}; CompareDbs(db, recovered); } } TEST_F(Durability, WalRecovery) { auto modify_config = [](database::Config config, bool durability_enabled, bool synchronous_commit) { config.durability_enabled = durability_enabled; config.synchronous_commit = synchronous_commit; return config; }; for (auto &synchronous_commit : {false, true}) { CleanDurability(); auto config = modify_config(DbConfig(), true, synchronous_commit); database::GraphDb db{config}; MakeDb(db, 100, {0, 1, 2}); MakeDb(db, 100); MakeDb(db, 100, {3, 4}); // When synchronous_commit is true, we don't need to flush the WAL. if (!synchronous_commit) { db.wal().Flush(); } ASSERT_EQ(DirFiles(snapshot_dir_).size(), 0); EXPECT_GT(DirFiles(wal_dir_).size(), 1); { auto recovered_config = DbConfig(); recovered_config.db_recover_on_startup = true; database::GraphDb recovered{recovered_config}; CompareDbs(db, recovered); } } } TEST_F(Durability, SnapshotAndWalRecovery) { auto config = DbConfig(); config.durability_enabled = true; database::GraphDb db{config}; MakeDb(db, 300, {0, 1, 2}); MakeDb(db, 300); MakeSnapshot(db); MakeDb(db, 300, {3, 4}); MakeDb(db, 300); MakeDb(db, 300, {5}); db.wal().Flush(); ASSERT_EQ(DirFiles(snapshot_dir_).size(), 1); EXPECT_GT(DirFiles(wal_dir_).size(), 1); { auto recovered_config = DbConfig(); recovered_config.db_recover_on_startup = true; database::GraphDb recovered{recovered_config}; CompareDbs(db, recovered); } } TEST_F(Durability, SnapshotAndWalRecoveryAfterComplexTxSituation) { auto config = DbConfig(); config.durability_enabled = true; database::GraphDb db{config}; // The first transaction modifies and commits. auto dba_1 = db.Access(); MakeDb(dba_1, 100); dba_1.Commit(); // The second transaction will commit after snapshot. auto dba_2 = db.Access(); MakeDb(dba_2, 100); // The third transaction modifies and commits. auto dba_3 = db.Access(); MakeDb(dba_3, 100); dba_3.Commit(); MakeSnapshot(db); // Snapshooter takes the fourth transaction. dba_2.Commit(); // The fifth transaction starts and commits after snapshot. auto dba_5 = db.Access(); MakeDb(dba_5, 100); dba_5.Commit(); // The sixth transaction will not commit at all. auto dba_6 = db.Access(); MakeDb(dba_6, 100); auto VisibleVertexCount = [](database::GraphDb &db) { auto dba = db.Access(); auto vertices = dba.Vertices(false); return std::distance(vertices.begin(), vertices.end()); }; ASSERT_EQ(VisibleVertexCount(db), 400); db.wal().Flush(); ASSERT_EQ(DirFiles(snapshot_dir_).size(), 1); EXPECT_GT(DirFiles(wal_dir_).size(), 1); { auto recovered_config = DbConfig(); recovered_config.db_recover_on_startup = true; database::GraphDb recovered{recovered_config}; ASSERT_EQ(VisibleVertexCount(recovered), 400); CompareDbs(db, recovered); } } TEST_F(Durability, NoWalDuringRecovery) { size_t wal_files_before; { auto config = DbConfig(); config.durability_enabled = true; database::GraphDb db{config}; MakeDb(db, 300, {0, 1, 2}); db.wal().Flush(); } wal_files_before = DirFiles(wal_dir_).size(); ASSERT_GT(wal_files_before, 3); { auto recovered_config = DbConfig(); recovered_config.db_recover_on_startup = true; database::GraphDb recovered{recovered_config}; EXPECT_EQ(DirFiles(wal_dir_).size(), wal_files_before); } } TEST_F(Durability, SnapshotRetention) { database::GraphDb db{DbConfig()}; for (auto &pair : {std::pair{5, 10}, {5, 3}, {7, -1}}) { CleanDurability(); int count, retain; std::tie(count, retain) = pair; // Track the added snapshots to ensure the correct ones are pruned. std::unordered_set snapshots; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { MakeSnapshot(db, retain); auto latest = GetLastFile(snapshot_dir_); snapshots.emplace(GetLastFile(snapshot_dir_)); // Ensures that the latest snapshot was not in the snapshots collection // before. Thus ensures that it wasn't pruned. EXPECT_EQ(snapshots.size(), i + 1); } EXPECT_EQ(DirFiles(snapshot_dir_).size(), std::min(count, retain < 0 ? count : retain)); }; } TEST_F(Durability, WalRetention) { FLAGS_wal_rotate_deltas_count = 100; { auto config = DbConfig(); config.durability_enabled = true; database::GraphDb db{config}; MakeDb(db, 100); MakeSnapshot(db); MakeDb(db, 100); EXPECT_EQ(DirFiles(snapshot_dir_).size(), 1); db.wal().Flush(); // 1 current WAL file, plus retained ones EXPECT_GT(DirFiles(wal_dir_).size(), 1); MakeSnapshot(db); db.wal().Flush(); } // only 1 current WAL file EXPECT_EQ(DirFiles(snapshot_dir_).size(), 2); // There can only be one extra wal file (two total) because that file could // have been written after the snapshot WAL cleanup EXPECT_LE(DirFiles(wal_dir_).size(), 2); } TEST_F(Durability, SnapshotOnExit) { { auto config = DbConfig(); config.snapshot_on_exit = true; database::GraphDb graph_db{config}; } EXPECT_EQ(DirFiles(snapshot_dir_).size(), 1); } /* TODO: FIXME TEST_F(Durability, WorkerIdRecovery) { auto config = DbConfig(); config.worker_id = 5; config.recovering_cluster_size = 1; database::Master db{config}; MakeDb(db, 100); MakeSnapshot(db.WorkerId(), db); EXPECT_EQ(DirFiles(snapshot_dir_).size(), 1); // WorkerIds are equal and recovery should be sucessful { auto config = DbConfig(); config.worker_id = 5; config.db_recover_on_startup = true; config.recovering_cluster_size = 1; database::Master recovered{config}; EXPECT_EQ(recovered.WorkerId(), config.worker_id); CompareDbs(db, recovered); auto dba = recovered.Access(); EXPECT_NE(dba.VerticesCount(), 0); EXPECT_NE(dba.EdgesCount(), 0); recovered.Shutdown(); EXPECT_TRUE(recovered.AwaitShutdown()); } // WorkerIds are not equal and recovery should fail { auto config = DbConfig(); config.worker_id = 10; config.db_recover_on_startup = true; config.recovering_cluster_size = 1; database::Master recovered{config}; EXPECT_NE(recovered.WorkerId(), db.WorkerId()); auto dba = recovered.Access(); EXPECT_EQ(dba.VerticesCount(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(dba.EdgesCount(), 0); recovered.Shutdown(); EXPECT_TRUE(recovered.AwaitShutdown()); } db.Shutdown(); EXPECT_TRUE(db.AwaitShutdown()); } */ TEST_F(Durability, SequentialRecovery) { const int kNumWorkers = 6; const int kNumVertices = 1000; auto random_int = [](int upper_exclusive) { static thread_local std::mt19937 pseudo_rand_gen{std::random_device{}()}; static thread_local std::uniform_int_distribution rand_dist; return rand_dist(pseudo_rand_gen) % upper_exclusive; }; auto init_db = [](database::GraphDb &db) { auto dba = db.Access(); for (int i = 0; i < kNumVertices; ++i) dba.InsertVertex(i); dba.Commit(); }; auto run_updates = [&random_int](database::GraphDb &db, std::atomic &keep_running) { std::vector threads; for (int i = 0; i < kNumWorkers; ++i) { threads.emplace_back([&random_int, &db, &keep_running]() { while (keep_running) { auto dba = db.Access(); auto v = dba.FindVertex(random_int(kNumVertices), false); try { v.PropsSet(dba.Property("prop"), random_int(100)); } catch (utils::LockTimeoutException &) { } catch (mvcc::SerializationError &) { } dba.InsertVertex(); dba.Commit(); } }); } return threads; }; auto make_updates = [&run_updates, this](database::GraphDb &db, bool snapshot_during, bool snapshot_after) { std::atomic keep_running{true}; auto update_theads = run_updates(db, keep_running); std::this_thread::sleep_for(25ms); if (snapshot_during) { MakeSnapshot(db); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(25ms); keep_running = false; for (auto &t : update_theads) t.join(); if (snapshot_after) { MakeSnapshot(db); } db.wal().Flush(); }; const std::vector> combinations{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}}; for (auto &combo : combinations) { CleanDurability(); auto config = DbConfig(); config.durability_enabled = true; database::GraphDb db{config}; init_db(db); make_updates(db, combo.first, combo.second); { auto recovered_config = DbConfig(); recovered_config.db_recover_on_startup = true; recovered_config.durability_enabled = true; database::GraphDb recovered{recovered_config}; CompareDbs(db, recovered); { for (auto &combo2 : combinations) { make_updates(recovered, combo2.first, combo2.second); database::GraphDb recovered_2{recovered_config}; CompareDbs(recovered, recovered_2); } } } } } TEST_F(Durability, ContainsDurabilityFilesSnapshot) { ASSERT_FALSE(durability::ContainsDurabilityFiles(durability_dir_)); { database::GraphDb db{DbConfig()}; auto dba = db.Access(); dba.InsertVertex(); MakeSnapshot(db); } ASSERT_TRUE(durability::ContainsDurabilityFiles(durability_dir_)); } TEST_F(Durability, ContainsDurabilityFilesWal) { ASSERT_FALSE(durability::ContainsDurabilityFiles(durability_dir_)); { database::GraphDb db{DbConfig(true, false)}; auto dba = db.Access(); dba.InsertVertex(); dba.Commit(); db.wal().Flush(); } ASSERT_TRUE(durability::ContainsDurabilityFiles(durability_dir_)); } TEST_F(Durability, MoveToBackupSnapshot) { ASSERT_FALSE(durability::ContainsDurabilityFiles(backup_dir_)); { database::GraphDb db{DbConfig()}; auto dba = db.Access(); dba.InsertVertex(); MakeSnapshot(db); } // durability-enabled=true, db-recover-on-startup=false database::GraphDb db{DbConfig(true, false)}; ASSERT_TRUE(durability::ContainsDurabilityFiles(backup_dir_)); } TEST_F(Durability, MoveToBackupWal) { ASSERT_FALSE(durability::ContainsDurabilityFiles(backup_dir_)); { database::GraphDb db{DbConfig(true, false)}; auto dba = db.Access(); dba.InsertVertex(); dba.Commit(); db.wal().Flush(); } // durability-enabled=true, db-recover-on-startup=false database::GraphDb db{DbConfig(true, false)}; ASSERT_TRUE(durability::ContainsDurabilityFiles(backup_dir_)); } TEST_F(Durability, UniqueIndexRecoverySnapshotAndWal) { auto config = DbConfig(); config.durability_enabled = true; database::GraphDb db{config}; { auto dba = db.Access(); auto label = dba.Label("A"); auto property = dba.Property("x"); dba.BuildIndex(label, property, true); auto v0 = dba.InsertVertex(); v0.add_label(label); v0.PropsSet(property, 5); dba.Commit(); } // create snapshot with build index and vertex MakeSnapshot(db); { auto dba = db.Access(); auto label = dba.Label("A"); auto property = dba.Property("x"); dba.DeleteIndex(label, property); auto v0 = dba.InsertVertex(); v0.add_label(label); v0.PropsSet(property, 5); dba.Commit(); } // create wal with drop index and vertex db.wal().Flush(); { auto recovered_config = DbConfig(); recovered_config.db_recover_on_startup = true; database::GraphDb recovered{recovered_config}; CompareDbs(db, recovered); } } TEST_F(Durability, UniqueIndexRecoveryWal) { auto config = DbConfig(); config.durability_enabled = true; database::GraphDb db{config}; { auto dba = db.Access(); auto label = dba.Label("A"); auto property = dba.Property("x"); dba.BuildIndex(label, property, true); auto v0 = dba.InsertVertex(); v0.add_label(label); v0.PropsSet(property, 5); dba.DeleteIndex(label, property); auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex(); v1.add_label(label); v1.PropsSet(property, 5); dba.Commit(); } db.wal().Flush(); { auto recovered_config = DbConfig(); recovered_config.db_recover_on_startup = true; database::GraphDb recovered{recovered_config}; CompareDbs(db, recovered); } } TEST_F(Durability, UniqueConstraintRecoveryWal) { auto config = DbConfig(true, false); database::GraphDb db{config}; { // Fill database with some data auto dba = db.Access(); DbGenerator gen(dba); dba.InsertVertex(); gen.InsertVertex(); gen.InsertVertex(); auto l1 = dba.Label("l1"); auto p1 = dba.Property("p1"); dba.BuildUniqueConstraint(l1, p1); gen.InsertEdge(); auto l2 = dba.Label("l2"); auto p2 = dba.Property("p2"); dba.BuildUniqueConstraint(l2, p2); gen.InsertVertex(); gen.InsertEdge(); dba.DeleteUniqueConstraint(l1, p1); dba.Commit(); } { // Recover and compare db.wal().Flush(); auto recovered_config = DbConfig(false, true); database::GraphDb recovered_db{recovered_config}; CompareDbs(db, recovered_db); } } TEST_F(Durability, UniqueConstraintRecoverySnapshotAndWal) { auto config = DbConfig(true, false); database::GraphDb db{config}; { // Fill database with some data auto dba = db.Access(); DbGenerator gen(dba); dba.InsertVertex(); gen.InsertVertex(); gen.InsertVertex(); auto l1 = dba.Label("l1"); auto p1 = dba.Property("p1"); dba.BuildUniqueConstraint(l1, p1); gen.InsertEdge(); auto l2 = dba.Label("l2"); auto p2 = dba.Property("p2"); dba.BuildUniqueConstraint(l2, p2); gen.InsertVertex(); gen.InsertEdge(); dba.DeleteUniqueConstraint(l1, p1); dba.Commit(); } // create snapshot with build unique constraint MakeSnapshot(db); { auto dba = db.Access(); DbGenerator gen(dba); gen.InsertVertex(); gen.InsertVertex(); auto l3 = dba.Label("l3"); auto p3 = dba.Property("p3"); dba.BuildUniqueConstraint(l3, p3); dba.Commit(); } { // Recover and compare db.wal().Flush(); auto recovered_config = DbConfig(false, true); database::GraphDb recovered_db{recovered_config}; CompareDbs(db, recovered_db); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }