#include "memgraph_init.hpp" #include #include "config.hpp" #include "glue/auth.hpp" #include "glue/communication.hpp" #include "query/exceptions.hpp" #include "requests/requests.hpp" #include "utils/signals.hpp" #include "utils/sysinfo/memory.hpp" #include "utils/terminate_handler.hpp" #include "version.hpp" DEFINE_string(log_file, "", "Path to where the log should be stored."); DEFINE_HIDDEN_string( log_link_basename, "", "Basename used for symlink creation to the last log file."); DEFINE_uint64(memory_warning_threshold, 1024, "Memory warning threshold, in MB. If Memgraph detects there is " "less available RAM it will log a warning. Set to 0 to " "disable."); BoltSession::BoltSession(SessionData *data, const io::network::Endpoint &endpoint, communication::InputStream *input_stream, communication::OutputStream *output_stream) : communication::bolt::Session(input_stream, output_stream), transaction_engine_(data->db, data->interpreter), auth_(data->auth), audit_log_(data->audit_log), endpoint_(endpoint) {} using TEncoder = communication::bolt::Session::TEncoder; std::vector BoltSession::Interpret( const std::string &query, const std::map ¶ms) { std::map params_pv; for (const auto &kv : params) params_pv.emplace(kv.first, glue::ToPropertyValue(kv.second)); #ifndef MG_SINGLE_NODE_HA audit_log_->Record(endpoint_.address(), user_ ? user_->username() : "", query, params_pv); #endif try { auto result = transaction_engine_.Interpret(query, params_pv); #ifndef MG_SINGLE_NODE_HA if (user_) { const auto &permissions = user_->GetPermissions(); for (const auto &privilege : result.second) { if (permissions.Has(glue::PrivilegeToPermission(privilege)) != auth::PermissionLevel::GRANT) { transaction_engine_.Abort(); throw communication::bolt::ClientError( "You are not authorized to execute this query! Please contact " "your database administrator."); } } } #endif return result.first; } catch (const query::QueryException &e) { // Wrap QueryException into ClientError, because we want to allow the // client to fix their query. throw communication::bolt::ClientError(e.what()); } } std::map BoltSession::PullAll( TEncoder *encoder) { try { TypedValueResultStream stream(encoder); const auto &summary = transaction_engine_.PullAll(&stream); std::map decoded_summary; for (const auto &kv : summary) { decoded_summary.emplace(kv.first, glue::ToBoltValue(kv.second)); } return decoded_summary; } catch (const query::QueryException &e) { // Wrap QueryException into ClientError, because we want to allow the // client to fix their query. throw communication::bolt::ClientError(e.what()); } } void BoltSession::Abort() { transaction_engine_.Abort(); } bool BoltSession::Authenticate(const std::string &username, const std::string &password) { #ifdef MG_SINGLE_NODE_HA return true; #else if (!auth_->HasUsers()) return true; user_ = auth_->Authenticate(username, password); return !!user_; #endif } BoltSession::TypedValueResultStream::TypedValueResultStream(TEncoder *encoder) : encoder_(encoder) {} void BoltSession::TypedValueResultStream::Result( const std::vector &values) { std::vector decoded_values; decoded_values.reserve(values.size()); for (const auto &v : values) { decoded_values.push_back(glue::ToBoltValue(v)); } encoder_->MessageRecord(decoded_values); } void KafkaStreamWriter( SessionData &session_data, const std::string &query, const std::map ¶ms) { auto dba = session_data.db->Access(); KafkaResultStream stream; std::map params_pv; for (const auto &kv : params) params_pv.emplace(kv.first, glue::ToPropertyValue(kv.second)); try { (*session_data.interpreter)(query, *dba, params_pv, false).PullAll(stream); dba->Commit(); } catch (const utils::BasicException &e) { LOG(WARNING) << "[Kafka] query execution failed with an exception: " << e.what(); dba->Abort(); } }; // Needed to correctly handle memgraph destruction from a signal handler. // Without having some sort of a flag, it is possible that a signal is handled // when we are exiting main, inside destructors of database::GraphDb and // similar. The signal handler may then initiate another shutdown on memgraph // which is in half destructed state, causing invalid memory access and crash. volatile sig_atomic_t is_shutting_down = 0; void InitSignalHandlers(const std::function &shutdown_fun) { // Prevent handling shutdown inside a shutdown. For example, SIGINT handler // being interrupted by SIGTERM before is_shutting_down is set, thus causing // double shutdown. sigset_t block_shutdown_signals; sigemptyset(&block_shutdown_signals); sigaddset(&block_shutdown_signals, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&block_shutdown_signals, SIGINT); // Wrap the shutdown function in a safe way to prevent recursive shutdown. auto shutdown = [shutdown_fun]() { if (is_shutting_down) return; is_shutting_down = 1; shutdown_fun(); }; CHECK(utils::SignalHandler::RegisterHandler(utils::Signal::Terminate, shutdown, block_shutdown_signals)) << "Unable to register SIGTERM handler!"; CHECK(utils::SignalHandler::RegisterHandler(utils::Signal::Interupt, shutdown, block_shutdown_signals)) << "Unable to register SIGINT handler!"; // Setup SIGUSR1 to be used for reopening log files, when e.g. logrotate // rotates our logs. CHECK(utils::SignalHandler::RegisterHandler(utils::Signal::User1, []() { google::CloseLogDestination(google::INFO); })) << "Unable to register SIGUSR1 handler!"; } int WithInit(int argc, char **argv, const std::function &memgraph_main) { gflags::SetVersionString(version_string); // Load config before parsing arguments, so that flags from the command line // overwrite the config. LoadConfig(); gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); google::SetLogDestination(google::INFO, FLAGS_log_file.c_str()); google::SetLogSymlink(google::INFO, FLAGS_log_link_basename.c_str()); // Unhandled exception handler init. std::set_terminate(&utils::TerminateHandler); // Initialize the communication library. communication::Init(); // Start memory warning logger. utils::Scheduler mem_log_scheduler; if (FLAGS_memory_warning_threshold > 0) { auto free_ram = utils::sysinfo::AvailableMemoryKilobytes(); if (free_ram) { mem_log_scheduler.Run("Memory warning", std::chrono::seconds(3), [] { auto free_ram = utils::sysinfo::AvailableMemoryKilobytes(); if (free_ram && *free_ram / 1024 < FLAGS_memory_warning_threshold) LOG(WARNING) << "Running out of available RAM, only " << *free_ram / 1024 << " MB left."; }); } else { // Kernel version for the `MemAvailable` value is from: man procfs LOG(WARNING) << "You have an older kernel version (<3.14) or the /proc " "filesystem isn't available so remaining memory warnings " "won't be available."; } } requests::Init(); memgraph_main(); return 0; }