# Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. WITH_FINE_GRAINED_AUTHORIZATION = "with_fine_grained_authorization" WITHOUT_FINE_GRAINED_AUTHORIZATION = "without_fine_grained_authorization" RUN_CONFIGURATION = "__run_configuration__" IMPORT = "__import__" THROUGHPUT = "throughput" DATABASE = "database" MEMORY = "memory" VENDOR = "vendor" CONDITION = "condition" NUM_WORKERS_FOR_BENCHMARK = "num_workers_for_benchmark" SINGLE_THREADED_RUNTIME_SEC = "single_threaded_runtime_sec" BENCHMARK_MODE = "benchmark_mode" BENCHMARK_MODE_CONFIG = "benchmark_mode_config" PLATFORM = "platform" COUNT = "count" DURATION = "duration" NUM_WORKERS = "num_workers" CPU = "cpu" MEMORY = "memory" VENDOR_RUNNER_IMPORT = "import" VENDOR_RUNNER_AUTHORIZATION = "authorization" CLIENT = "client" DATABASE = "database" CUSTOM_LOAD = "custom_load" RETRIES = "retries" DOCKER = "docker" METADATA = "metadata" LATENCY_STATS = "latency_stats" ITERATIONS = "iterations" USERNAME = "user" PASSWORD = "test" DATABASE_CONDITION_HOT = "hot" DATABASE_CONDITION_VULCANIC = "vulcanic" WRITE_TYPE_QUERY = "write" READ_TYPE_QUERY = "read" UPDATE_TYPE_QUERY = "update" ANALYTICAL_TYPE_QUERY = "analytical" QUERY = "query" CACHE = "cache" DISK_PREPARATION_RSS = "disk_storage_preparation" IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL_RSS = "in_memory_analytical_preparation" STORAGE_MODE = "storage_mode" IN_MEMORY_TRANSACTIONAL = "IN_MEMORY_TRANSACTIONAL" IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL = "IN_MEMORY_ANALYTICAL" ON_DISK_TRANSACTIONAL = "ON_DISK_TRANSACTIONAL"