#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp" #include "database/distributed/distributed_graph_db.hpp" #include "database/distributed/graph_db_accessor.hpp" #include "glue/communication.hpp" #include "query/distributed_interpreter.hpp" #include "query/typed_value.hpp" #include "utils/file.hpp" DECLARE_string(durability_directory); namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; class WorkerInThread { public: explicit WorkerInThread(database::Config config) : worker_(config) { thread_ = std::thread([this, config] { EXPECT_TRUE(worker_.AwaitShutdown()); }); } ~WorkerInThread() { if (thread_.joinable()) thread_.join(); } database::Worker worker_; std::thread thread_; }; class Cluster { const std::chrono::microseconds kInitTime{200}; const std::string kLocal = ""; public: Cluster(int worker_count, const std::string &test_name) { tmp_dir_ = fs::temp_directory_path() / "MG_test_unit_distributed_common_" / test_name; EXPECT_TRUE(utils::EnsureDir(tmp_dir_)); database::Config master_config; master_config.master_endpoint = {kLocal, 0}; master_config.durability_directory = GetDurabilityDirectory(0); // Flag needs to be updated due to props on disk storage. FLAGS_durability_directory = GetDurabilityDirectory(0); master_ = std::make_unique(master_config); interpreter_ = std::make_unique(master_.get()); std::this_thread::sleep_for(kInitTime); auto worker_config = [this](int worker_id) { database::Config config; config.worker_id = worker_id; config.master_endpoint = master_->endpoint(); config.durability_directory = GetDurabilityDirectory(worker_id); config.worker_endpoint = {kLocal, 0}; return config; }; for (int i = 0; i < worker_count; ++i) { // Flag needs to be updated due to props on disk storage. FLAGS_durability_directory = GetDurabilityDirectory(i + 1); workers_.emplace_back( std::make_unique(worker_config(i + 1))); std::this_thread::sleep_for(kInitTime); } } void Stop() { interpreter_ = nullptr; master_->Shutdown(); EXPECT_TRUE(master_->AwaitShutdown()); workers_.clear(); } ~Cluster() { if (master_) Stop(); } auto Execute(const std::string &query, std::map params = {}) { auto dba = master_->Access(); ResultStreamFaker result; (*interpreter_)(query, *dba, params, false).PullAll(result); dba->Commit(); return result.GetResults(); }; fs::path GetDurabilityDirectory(int worker_id) { if (worker_id == 0) return tmp_dir_ / "master"; return tmp_dir_ / fmt::format("worker{}", worker_id); } private: std::unique_ptr master_; std::vector> workers_; std::unique_ptr interpreter_; fs::path tmp_dir_{fs::temp_directory_path() / "MG_test_manual_distributed_common"}; }; void CheckResults( const std::vector> &results, const std::vector> &expected_rows, const std::string &msg) { query::TypedValue::BoolEqual equality; CHECK(results.size() == expected_rows.size()) << msg << " (expected " << expected_rows.size() << " rows " << ", got " << results.size() << ")"; for (size_t row_id = 0; row_id < results.size(); ++row_id) { auto &result = results[row_id]; auto &expected = expected_rows[row_id]; CHECK(result.size() == expected.size()) << msg << " (expected " << expected.size() << " elements in row " << row_id << ", got " << result.size() << ")"; for (size_t col_id = 0; col_id < result.size(); ++col_id) { CHECK(equality(result[col_id], expected[col_id])) << msg << " (expected value '" << expected[col_id] << "' got '" << result[col_id] << "' in row " << row_id << " col " << col_id << ")"; } } }