#!/usr/bin/python3 ''' Test dynamic graph partitioner on Memgraph cluster with randomly generated graph (uniform distribution of nodes and edges). The partitioning goal is to minimize number of crossing edges while keeping the cluster balanced. ''' import argparse import atexit import logging import os import random import sys import subprocess import time try: # graphviz==0.9 from graphviz import Digraph except ImportError: print("graphviz module isn't available. " "Graph won't be generated but the checks will still work.") from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase, basic_auth SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PROJECT_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..")) COMMON_ARGS = ["--durability-enabled=false", "--snapshot-on-exit=false", "--db-recover-on-startup=false"] MASTER_ARGS = ["--master", "--master-port", "10000", "--dynamic-graph-partitioner-enabled", "--durability-directory=durability_master"] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) memgraph_processes = [] def worker_args(worker_id): args = ["--worker", "--worker-id", str(worker_id), "--worker-port", str(10000 + worker_id), "--master-port", str(10000), "--durability-directory=durability_worker%s" % worker_id] return args def wait_for_server(port, delay=0.01): cmd = ["nc", "-z", "-w", "1", "", port] while subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: time.sleep(delay) time.sleep(delay) def run_memgraph_process(binary, args): global memgraph_processes process = subprocess.Popen([binary] + args, cwd=os.path.dirname(binary)) memgraph_processes.append(process) def run_distributed_memgraph(args): run_memgraph_process(args.memgraph, COMMON_ARGS + MASTER_ARGS) wait_for_server("10000") for i in range(1, int(args.machine_count)): run_memgraph_process(args.memgraph, COMMON_ARGS + worker_args(i)) wait_for_server("7687") def terminate(): global memgraph_processes for process in memgraph_processes: process.terminate() status = process.wait() if status != 0: raise Exception( "Memgraph binary returned non-zero ({})!".format(status)) @atexit.register def cleanup(): global memgraph_processes for proc in memgraph_processes: if proc.poll() is not None: continue proc.kill() proc.wait() def run_test(args): driver = GraphDatabase.driver(args.endpoint, auth=basic_auth(args.username, args.password), encrypted=args.encrypted) session = driver.session() session.run("CREATE INDEX ON :Node(id)").consume() session.run( "UNWIND range(0, $num - 1) AS n CREATE (:Node {id: n})", num=args.node_count - 1).consume() created_edges = 0 while created_edges <= args.edge_count: # Retry block is here because DGP is running in background and # serialization errors may occure. try: session.run("MATCH (n:Node {id: $id1}), (m:Node {id:$id2}) " "CREATE (n)-[:Edge]->(m)", id1=random.randint(0, args.node_count - 1), id2=random.randint(0, args.node_count - 1)).consume() created_edges += 1 except Exception: pass # Check cluster state periodically. crossing_edges_history = [] load_history = [] duration = 0 for iteration in range(args.iteration_count): iteration_start_time = time.time() data = session.run( "MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) " "RETURN " " id(n) AS v1, id(m) AS v2, " " workerid(n) AS position_n, workerid(m) AS position_m").data() # Visualize cluster state. if args.visualize and 'graphviz' in sys.modules: output_dir = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "output") if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) cluster = Digraph(name="memgraph_cluster", format="png") cluster.attr(splines="false", rank="TB") subgraphs = [Digraph(name="cluster_worker%s" % i) for i in range(args.machine_count)] for index, subgraph in enumerate(subgraphs): subgraph.attr(label="worker%s" % index) edges = [] for row in data: # start_id end_id machine_id edges.append((row["v1"], row["v2"], row["position_n"])) edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda x: x[0]) for edge in edges: # machine_id start_id end_id subgraphs[edge[2]].edge(str(edge[0]), str(edge[1])) for subgraph in subgraphs: cluster.subgraph(subgraph) cluster.render("output/iteration_%s" % iteration) # Collect data. num_of_crossing_edges = 0 load = [0] * args.machine_count for edge in data: src_worker = int(edge["position_n"]) dst_worker = int(edge["position_m"]) if src_worker != dst_worker: num_of_crossing_edges = num_of_crossing_edges + 1 load[src_worker] = load[src_worker] + 1 crossing_edges_history.append(num_of_crossing_edges) load_history.append(load) iteration_delta_time = time.time() - iteration_start_time duration += iteration_delta_time log.info("Number of crossing edges %s" % num_of_crossing_edges) log.info("Cluster load %s" % load) # Wait for DGP a bit. if iteration_delta_time < args.iteration_interval: time.sleep(args.iteration_interval - iteration_delta_time) duration += args.iteration_interval else: duration += iteration_delta_time # TODO (buda): Somehow align with DGP turns. Replace runtime param with # the query. assert crossing_edges_history[-1] < crossing_edges_history[0], \ "Number of crossing edges is equal or bigger." for machine in range(args.machine_count): assert load_history[-1][machine] > 0, "Machine %s is empty." % machine log.info("Config") log.info(" Machines: %s" % args.machine_count) log.info(" Nodes: %s" % args.node_count) log.info(" Edges: %s" % args.edge_count) log.info("Start") log.info(" Crossing Edges: %s" % crossing_edges_history[0]) log.info(" Cluster Load: %s" % load_history[0]) log.info("End") log.info(" Crossing Edges: %s" % crossing_edges_history[-1]) log.info(" Cluster Load: %s" % load_history[-1]) log.info("Stats") log.info(" Duration: %ss" % duration) session.close() driver.close() if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) memgraph_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "memgraph") if not os.path.exists(memgraph_binary): memgraph_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build_debug", "memgraph") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--memgraph", default=memgraph_binary) parser.add_argument("--endpoint", type=str, default="bolt://localhost:7687") parser.add_argument("--username", type=str, default="") parser.add_argument("--password", type=str, default="") parser.add_argument("--encrypted", type=bool, default=False) parser.add_argument("--visualize", type=bool, default=False) parser.add_argument("--machine-count", type=int, default=3) parser.add_argument("--node-count", type=int, default=1000000) parser.add_argument("--edge-count", type=int, default=1000000) parser.add_argument("--iteration-count", type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument("--iteration-interval", type=float, default=5) args = parser.parse_args() run_distributed_memgraph(args) run_test(args) terminate()