// LdbcUpdate6AddPost{postId=2199025986581, imageFile='', creationDate=Thu Sep 13 11:41:43 CEST 2012, locationIp='', browserUsed='Chrome', language='tk', content='About Abbas I of Persia, w Shah Mohammed in a coup and placed the 16-year-old Abbas on the th', length=93, authorPersonId=8796093029267, forumId=549755863266, countryId=0, tagIds=[3]} // If the imageFile parameter is not empty, then we need to add it to the created node properties. CREATE (m:Post:Message {id: "2199025986581", creationDate: 1347529303996, locationIP: '', browserUsed: 'Chrome', language: 'tk', content: 'About Abbas I of Persia, w Shah Mohammed in a coup and placed the 16-year-old Abbas on the th', length: 93}); MATCH (m:Post {id: "2199025986581"}), (p:Person {id: "8796093029267"}), (f:Forum {id: "549755863266"}), (c:Place {id: "0"}) OPTIONAL MATCH (t:Tag) WHERE t.id IN ["3"] WITH m, p, f, c, collect(t) as tagSet CREATE (m)-[:HAS_CREATOR]->(p), (m)<-[:CONTAINER_OF]-(f), (m)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(c) // FOREACH (t IN tagSet| CREATE (m)-[:HAS_TAG]->(t)); WITH m, tagSet UNWIND tagSet AS t CREATE (m)-[:HAS_TAG]->(t);