template_test_nodes_query: &template_test_nodes_query - query: "MATCH (n) RETURN count(n);" expected: 1000 template_test_edge_query: &template_test_edges_query - query: "MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN count(r);" expected: 5000 template_validation_queries: &template_validation_queries validation_queries: - <<: *template_test_nodes_query - <<: *template_test_edges_query template_simple_cluster: &template_simple_cluster cluster: replica_1: args: [ "--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-replica1.log" setup_queries: [ "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;" ] replica_2: args: ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-replica2.log" setup_queries: ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"] main: args: ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-main.log" setup_queries: [ "REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO ''", "REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO ''", ] template_cluster: &template_cluster cluster: replica_1: args: ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-replica1.log" setup_queries: ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;"] <<: *template_validation_queries replica_2: args: ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-replica2.log" setup_queries: ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"] <<: *template_validation_queries replica_3: args: ["--bolt-port", "7690", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-replica3.log" setup_queries: ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10003;"] <<: *template_validation_queries main: args: ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-main.log" setup_queries: [ "REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO ''", "REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 SYNC TO ''", "REGISTER REPLICA replica_3 ASYNC TO ''" ] workloads: - name: "Constraints" binary: "tests/e2e/replication/memgraph__e2e__replication__constraints" args: [] <<: *template_cluster - name: "Index replication" binary: "tests/e2e/replication/memgraph__e2e__replication__indices" args: [] <<: *template_cluster - name: "Read-write benchmark" binary: "tests/e2e/replication/memgraph__e2e__replication__read_write_benchmark" args: [] <<: *template_cluster - name: "Show" binary: "tests/e2e/pytest_runner.sh" args: ["replication/show.py"] cluster: replica_1: args: ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-replica1.log" setup_queries: ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;"] validation_queries: [] replica_2: args: ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-replica2.log" setup_queries: ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"] validation_queries: [] replica_3: args: ["--bolt-port", "7690", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-replica3.log" setup_queries: ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10003;"] validation_queries: [] main: args: ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE"] log_file: "replication-e2e-main.log" setup_queries: [ "REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO ''", "REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 SYNC TO ''", "REGISTER REPLICA replica_3 ASYNC TO ''" ] validation_queries: [] - name: "Show while creating invalid state" binary: "tests/e2e/pytest_runner.sh" args: ["replication/show_while_creating_invalid_state.py"] - name: "Delete edge replication" binary: "tests/e2e/pytest_runner.sh" args: ["replication/edge_delete.py"] <<: *template_simple_cluster