#pragma once

#include <gflags/gflags.h>

#include "data_structures/concurrent/concurrent_map.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/context.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/stripped.hpp"
#include "query/interpret/frame.hpp"
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "utils/spin_lock.hpp"
#include "utils/timer.hpp"


namespace auth {
class Auth;
}  // namespace auth

namespace integrations::kafka {
class Streams;
}  // namespace integrations::kafka

namespace query {

// TODO: Maybe this should move to query/plan/planner.
/// Interface for accessing the root operator of a logical plan.
class LogicalPlan {
  virtual ~LogicalPlan() {}

  virtual const plan::LogicalOperator &GetRoot() const = 0;
  virtual double GetCost() const = 0;
  virtual const SymbolTable &GetSymbolTable() const = 0;
  virtual const AstStorage &GetAstStorage() const = 0;

class Interpreter {
  class CachedPlan {
    CachedPlan(std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan);

    const auto &plan() const { return plan_->GetRoot(); }
    double cost() const { return plan_->GetCost(); }
    const auto &symbol_table() const { return plan_->GetSymbolTable(); }
    const auto &ast_storage() const { return plan_->GetAstStorage(); }

    bool IsExpired() const {
      return cache_timer_.Elapsed() >

    std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan_;
    utils::Timer cache_timer_;

  struct CachedQuery {
    AstStorage ast_storage;
    Query *query;
    std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> required_privileges;

  using PlanCacheT = ConcurrentMap<HashType, std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan>>;

   * Wraps a `Query` that was created as a result of parsing a query string
   * along with its privileges.
  struct ParsedQuery {
    Query *query;
    std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> required_privileges;

   * Encapsulates all what's necessary for the interpretation of a query
   * into a single object that can be pulled (into the given Stream).
  class Results {
    friend Interpreter;
    Results(database::GraphDbAccessor *db_accessor,
            const query::Parameters &parameters,
            std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> plan,
            std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols, std::vector<std::string> header,
            std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary,
            std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges,
            bool is_profile_query = false, bool should_abort_query = false)
        : ctx_{db_accessor},
              plan_->plan().MakeCursor(db_accessor, execution_memory_.get())),
          should_abort_query_(should_abort_query) {
      ctx_.is_profile_query = is_profile_query;
      ctx_.symbol_table = plan_->symbol_table();
      ctx_.evaluation_context.timestamp =
      ctx_.evaluation_context.parameters = parameters;
      ctx_.evaluation_context.properties =
          NamesToProperties(plan_->ast_storage().properties_, db_accessor);
      ctx_.evaluation_context.labels =
          NamesToLabels(plan_->ast_storage().labels_, db_accessor);

    Results(const Results &) = delete;
    Results(Results &&) = default;
    Results &operator=(const Results &) = delete;
    Results &operator=(Results &&) = default;

     * Make the interpreter perform a single Pull. Results (if they exists) are
     * pushed into the given stream. On first Pull the header is written to the
     * stream, on last the summary.
     * @param stream - The stream to push the header, results and summary into.
     * @return - If this Results is eligible for another Pull. If Pulling
     * after `false` has been returned, the behavior is undefined.
     * @tparam TStream - Stream type.
    template <typename TStream>
    bool Pull(TStream &stream) {
      utils::Timer timer;
      bool return_value = cursor_->Pull(frame_, ctx_);
      if (return_value && !output_symbols_.empty()) {
        std::vector<TypedValue> values;
        for (const auto &symbol : output_symbols_) {
      execution_time_ += timer.Elapsed().count();

      if (!return_value) {
        summary_["plan_execution_time"] = execution_time_;

        if (ctx_.is_profile_query) {
          summary_["profile"] =
              ProfilingStatsToJson(ctx_.stats, ctx_.profile_execution_time)


      return return_value;

    /** Calls Pull() until exhausted. */
    template <typename TStream>
    void PullAll(TStream &stream) {
      while (Pull(stream)) continue;

    const std::vector<std::string> &header() { return header_; }
    const std::map<std::string, TypedValue> &summary() { return summary_; }

    const std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> &privileges() {
      return privileges_;

    bool ShouldAbortQuery() const { return should_abort_query_; }

    ExecutionContext ctx_;
    std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> plan_;
    // execution_memory_ is unique_ptr because we are passing the address to
    // cursor_, and we want to preserve the pointer in case we get moved.
    std::unique_ptr<utils::MonotonicBufferResource> execution_memory_;
    query::plan::UniqueCursorPtr cursor_;
    Frame frame_;
    std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols_;

    std::vector<std::string> header_;
    std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary_;

    double execution_time_{0};

    std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges_;

    bool should_abort_query_;

  Interpreter(const Interpreter &) = delete;
  Interpreter &operator=(const Interpreter &) = delete;
  Interpreter(Interpreter &&) = delete;
  Interpreter &operator=(Interpreter &&) = delete;

  virtual ~Interpreter() {}

   * Generates an Results object for the parameters. The resulting object
   * can be Pulled with its results written to an arbitrary stream.
  virtual Results operator()(const std::string &query,
                             database::GraphDbAccessor &db_accessor,
                             const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &params,
                             bool in_explicit_transaction);

  auth::Auth *auth_ = nullptr;
  integrations::kafka::Streams *kafka_streams_ = nullptr;

  std::pair<StrippedQuery, ParsedQuery> StripAndParseQuery(
      const std::string &, Parameters *, AstStorage *ast_storage,
      database::GraphDbAccessor *,
      const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &);

  // high level tree -> logical plan
  // AstStorage and SymbolTable may be modified during planning. The created
  // LogicalPlan must take ownership of AstStorage and SymbolTable.
  virtual std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> MakeLogicalPlan(
      CypherQuery *, AstStorage, const Parameters &,
      database::GraphDbAccessor *);

  virtual void PrettyPrintPlan(const database::GraphDbAccessor &,
                               const plan::LogicalOperator *, std::ostream *);

  virtual std::string PlanToJson(const database::GraphDbAccessor &,
                                 const plan::LogicalOperator *);

  ConcurrentMap<HashType, CachedQuery> ast_cache_;
  PlanCacheT plan_cache_;
  // Antlr has singleton instance that is shared between threads. It is
  // protected by locks inside of antlr. Unfortunately, they are not protected
  // in a very good way. Once we have antlr version without race conditions we
  // can remove this lock. This will probably never happen since antlr
  // developers introduce more bugs in each version. Fortunately, we have cache
  // so this lock probably won't impact performance much...
  utils::SpinLock antlr_lock_;
  bool is_tsc_available_;

  // high level tree -> CachedPlan
  std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> CypherQueryToPlan(
      HashType query_hash, CypherQuery *query, AstStorage ast_storage,
      const Parameters &parameters, database::GraphDbAccessor *db_accessor);

  // stripped query -> high level tree
  ParsedQuery ParseQuery(const std::string &stripped_query,
                         const std::string &original_query,
                         const frontend::ParsingContext &context,
                         AstStorage *ast_storage,
                         database::GraphDbAccessor *db_accessor);

}  // namespace query