def query(q, context, params={}): """ Function used to execute query on database. Query results are set in context.result_list. If exception occurs, it is set on context.exception. @param q: String, database query. @param context: behave.runner.Context, context of all tests. @return: List of query results. """ driver = context.driver results_list = [] if context.config.database == "neo4j": session = driver.session() try: #executing query with session.begin_transaction() as tx: results =, params) summary = results.summary() if not context.config.no_side_effects: add_side_effects(context, summary.counters) results_list = list(results) tx.success = True except Exception as e: #exception print(e) context.exception = e'%s', str(e)) #not working if removed query("match (n) detach delete(n)", context) finally: session.close() return results_list def add_side_effects(context, counters): """ Funtion adds side effects from query to graph properties. @param context: behave.runner.Context, context of all tests. """ graph_properties = context.graph_properties #check nodes if counters.nodes_created > 0: graph_properties.change_nodes(counters.nodes_created) if counters.nodes_deleted > 0: graph_properties.change_nodes(-counters.nodes_deleted) #check relationships if counters.relationships_created > 0: graph_properties.change_relationships(counters.relationships_created) if counters.relationships_deleted > 0: graph_properties.change_relationships(-counters.relationships_deleted) #check labels if counters.labels_added > 0: graph_properties.change_labels(counters.labels_added) if counters.labels_removed > 0: graph_properties.change_labels(-counters.labels_removed) #check properties if counters.properties_set > 0: graph_properties.change_properties(counters.properties_set)