# Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import atexit import json import os import re import socket import subprocess import tempfile import threading import time from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from pathlib import Path import log from benchmark_context import BenchmarkContext DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME = "mgbench_network" def _wait_for_server_socket(port, ip="", delay=0.1): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) while s.connect_ex((ip, int(port))) != 0: time.sleep(0.01) time.sleep(delay) def _convert_args_to_flags(*args, **kwargs): flags = list(args) for key, value in kwargs.items(): key = "--" + key.replace("_", "-") if type(value) == bool: flags.append(key + "=" + str(value).lower()) else: flags.append(key) flags.append(str(value)) return flags def _get_usage(pid): total_cpu = 0 with open("/proc/{}/stat".format(pid)) as f: total_cpu = sum(map(int, f.read().split(")")[1].split()[11:15])) / os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names["SC_CLK_TCK"]) peak_rss = 0 with open("/proc/{}/status".format(pid)) as f: for row in f: tmp = row.split() if tmp[0] == "VmHWM:": peak_rss = int(tmp[1]) * 1024 return {"cpu": total_cpu, "memory": peak_rss} def _get_current_usage(pid): rss = 0 with open("/proc/{}/status".format(pid)) as f: for row in f: tmp = row.split() if tmp[0] == "VmRSS:": rss = int(tmp[1]) return rss / 1024 def _setup_docker_benchmark_network(network_name): command = ["docker", "network", "ls", "--format", "{{.Name}}"] networks = subprocess.run(command, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout.split("\n") if network_name in networks: return else: command = ["docker", "network", "create", network_name] subprocess.run(command, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True) def _get_docker_container_ip(container_name): command = [ "docker", "inspect", "--format", "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}", container_name, ] return subprocess.run(command, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout.strip() class BaseClient(ABC): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext): self.benchmark_context = benchmark_context @abstractmethod def execute(self): pass class BoltClient(BaseClient): def __init__(self, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext): self._client_binary = benchmark_context.client_binary self._directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=benchmark_context.temporary_directory) self._username = "" self._password = "" self._bolt_port = ( benchmark_context.vendor_args["bolt-port"] if "bolt-port" in benchmark_context.vendor_args.keys() else 7687 ) def _get_args(self, **kwargs): return _convert_args_to_flags(self._client_binary, **kwargs) def set_credentials(self, username: str, password: str): self._username = username self._password = password def execute( self, queries=None, file_path=None, num_workers=1, max_retries: int = 10000, validation: bool = False, time_dependent_execution: int = 0, ): check_db_query = Path(self._directory.name) / "check_db_query.json" with open(check_db_query, "w") as f: query = ["RETURN 0;", {}] json.dump(query, f) f.write("\n") check_db_args = self._get_args( input=check_db_query, num_workers=1, max_retries=max_retries, queries_json=True, username=self._username, password=self._password, port=self._bolt_port, validation=False, time_dependent_execution=time_dependent_execution, ) while True: try: subprocess.run(check_db_args, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True) break except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.log("Checking if database is up and running failed...") log.warning("Reported errors from client:") log.warning("Error: {}".format(e.stderr)) log.warning("Database is not up yet, waiting 3 seconds...") time.sleep(3) if (queries is None and file_path is None) or (queries is not None and file_path is not None): raise ValueError("Either queries or input_path must be specified!") queries_and_args_json = False if queries is not None: queries_and_args_json = True file_path = os.path.join(self._directory.name, "queries_and_args_json.json") with open(file_path, "w") as f: for query in queries: json.dump(query, f) f.write("\n") args = self._get_args( input=file_path, num_workers=num_workers, max_retries=max_retries, queries_json=queries_and_args_json, username=self._username, password=self._password, port=self._bolt_port, validation=validation, time_dependent_execution=time_dependent_execution, ) ret = None try: ret = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True) finally: error = ret.stderr.decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n") data = ret.stdout.decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n") if error and error[0] != "": log.warning("Reported errors from client:") log.warning("There is a possibility that query from: {} is not executed properly".format(file_path)) log.error(error) log.error("Results for this query or benchmark run are probably invalid!") data = [x for x in data if not x.startswith("[")] return list(map(json.loads, data)) class BoltClientDocker(BaseClient): def __init__(self, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext): self._client_binary = benchmark_context.client_binary self._directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=benchmark_context.temporary_directory) self._username = "" self._password = "" self._bolt_port = ( benchmark_context.vendor_args["bolt-port"] if "bolt-port" in benchmark_context.vendor_args.keys() else 7687 ) self._container_name = "mgbench-bolt-client" self._target_db_container = ( "memgraph_benchmark" if "memgraph" in benchmark_context.vendor_name else "neo4j_benchmark" ) def _remove_container(self): command = ["docker", "rm", "-f", self._container_name] self._run_command(command) def _create_container(self, *args): command = [ "docker", "create", "--name", self._container_name, "--network", DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME, "memgraph/mgbench-client", *args, ] self._run_command(command) def _get_logs(self): command = [ "docker", "logs", self._container_name, ] ret = self._run_command(command) return ret def _get_args(self, **kwargs): return _convert_args_to_flags(**kwargs) def execute( self, queries=None, file_path=None, num_workers=1, max_retries: int = 50, validation: bool = False, time_dependent_execution: int = 0, ): if (queries is None and file_path is None) or (queries is not None and file_path is not None): raise ValueError("Either queries or input_path must be specified!") self._remove_container() ip = _get_docker_container_ip(self._target_db_container) # Perform a check to make sure the database is up and running args = self._get_args( address=ip, input="/bin/check.json", num_workers=1, max_retries=max_retries, queries_json=True, username=self._username, password=self._password, port=self._bolt_port, validation=False, time_dependent_execution=0, ) self._create_container(*args) check_file = Path(self._directory.name) / "check.json" with open(check_file, "w") as f: query = ["RETURN 0;", {}] json.dump(query, f) f.write("\n") command = [ "docker", "cp", check_file.resolve().as_posix(), self._container_name + ":/bin/" + check_file.name, ] self._run_command(command) command = [ "docker", "start", "-i", self._container_name, ] while True: try: self._run_command(command) break except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.log("Checking if database is up and running failed!") log.warning("Reported errors from client:") log.warning("Error: {}".format(e.stderr)) log.warning("Database is not up yet, waiting 3 second") time.sleep(3) self._remove_container() queries_and_args_json = False if queries is not None: queries_and_args_json = True file_path = os.path.join(self._directory.name, "queries.json") with open(file_path, "w") as f: for query in queries: json.dump(query, f) f.write("\n") self._remove_container() ip = _get_docker_container_ip(self._target_db_container) # Query file JSON or Cypher file = Path(file_path) args = self._get_args( address=ip, input="/bin/" + file.name, num_workers=num_workers, max_retries=max_retries, queries_json=queries_and_args_json, username=self._username, password=self._password, port=self._bolt_port, validation=validation, time_dependent_execution=time_dependent_execution, ) self._create_container(*args) command = [ "docker", "cp", file.resolve().as_posix(), self._container_name + ":/bin/" + file.name, ] self._run_command(command) log.log("Starting query execution...") try: command = [ "docker", "start", "-i", self._container_name, ] self._run_command(command) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.warning("Reported errors from client:") log.warning("Error: {}".format(e.stderr)) ret = self._get_logs() error = ret.stderr.strip().split("\n") if error and error[0] != "": log.warning("There is a possibility that query from: {} is not executed properly".format(file_path)) log.warning(*error) data = ret.stdout.strip().split("\n") data = [x for x in data if not x.startswith("[")] return list(map(json.loads, data)) def _run_command(self, command): ret = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, check=True, text=True) time.sleep(0.2) return ret class BaseRunner(ABC): subclasses = {} def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) cls.subclasses[cls.__name__.lower()] = cls return @classmethod def create(cls, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext): if benchmark_context.vendor_name not in cls.subclasses: raise ValueError("Missing runner with name: {}".format(benchmark_context.vendor_name)) return cls.subclasses[benchmark_context.vendor_name]( benchmark_context=benchmark_context, ) @abstractmethod def __init__(self, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext): self.benchmark_context = benchmark_context @abstractmethod def start_db_init(self): pass @abstractmethod def stop_db_init(self): pass @abstractmethod def start_db(self): pass @abstractmethod def stop_db(self): pass @abstractmethod def clean_db(self): pass @abstractmethod def fetch_client(self) -> BaseClient: pass class Memgraph(BaseRunner): def __init__(self, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext): super().__init__(benchmark_context=benchmark_context) self._memgraph_binary = benchmark_context.vendor_binary self._performance_tracking = benchmark_context.performance_tracking self._directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=benchmark_context.temporary_directory) self._vendor_args = benchmark_context.vendor_args self._bolt_port = self._vendor_args["bolt-port"] if "bolt-port" in self._vendor_args.keys() else 7687 self._proc_mg = None self._stop_event = threading.Event() self._rss = [] # Determine Memgraph version ret = subprocess.run([self._memgraph_binary, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True) version = re.search(r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+", ret.stdout.decode("utf-8")).group(0) self._memgraph_version = tuple(map(int, version.split("."))) atexit.register(self._cleanup) def __del__(self): self._cleanup() atexit.unregister(self._cleanup) def _set_args(self, **kwargs): data_directory = os.path.join(self._directory.name, "memgraph") kwargs["bolt_port"] = self._bolt_port kwargs["data_directory"] = data_directory kwargs["storage_properties_on_edges"] = True for key, value in self._vendor_args.items(): kwargs[key] = value return _convert_args_to_flags(self._memgraph_binary, **kwargs) def _start(self, **kwargs): if self._proc_mg is not None: raise Exception("The database process is already running!") args = self._set_args(**kwargs) self._proc_mg = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) time.sleep(0.2) if self._proc_mg.poll() is not None: self._proc_mg = None raise Exception("The database process died prematurely!") _wait_for_server_socket(self._bolt_port) ret = self._proc_mg.poll() assert ret is None, "The database process died prematurely " "({})!".format(ret) def _cleanup(self): if self._proc_mg is None: return 0 usage = _get_usage(self._proc_mg.pid) self._proc_mg.terminate() ret = self._proc_mg.wait() self._proc_mg = None return ret, usage def start_db_init(self, workload): if self._performance_tracking: p = threading.Thread(target=self.res_background_tracking, args=(self._rss, self._stop_event)) self._stop_event.clear() self._rss.clear() p.start() self._start(storage_snapshot_on_exit=True, **self._vendor_args) def stop_db_init(self, workload): if self._performance_tracking: self._stop_event.set() self.dump_rss(workload) ret, usage = self._cleanup() assert ret == 0, "The database process exited with a non-zero " "status ({})!".format(ret) return usage def start_db(self, workload): if self._performance_tracking: p = threading.Thread(target=self.res_background_tracking, args=(self._rss, self._stop_event)) self._stop_event.clear() self._rss.clear() p.start() self._start(storage_recover_on_startup=True, **self._vendor_args) def stop_db(self, workload): if self._performance_tracking: self._stop_event.set() self.dump_rss(workload) ret, usage = self._cleanup() assert ret == 0, "The database process exited with a non-zero " "status ({})!".format(ret) return usage def clean_db(self): if self._proc_mg is not None: raise Exception("The database process is already running, cannot clear data it!") else: out = subprocess.run( args="rm -Rf memgraph/snapshots/*", cwd=self._directory.name, capture_output=True, shell=True, ) print(out.stderr.decode("utf-8")) print(out.stdout.decode("utf-8")) def res_background_tracking(self, res, stop_event): print("Started rss tracking.") while not stop_event.is_set(): if self._proc_mg != None: self._rss.append(_get_current_usage(self._proc_mg.pid)) time.sleep(0.05) print("Stopped rss tracking. ") def dump_rss(self, workload): file_name = workload + "_rss" Path.mkdir(Path().cwd() / "memgraph_memory", exist_ok=True) file = Path(Path().cwd() / "memgraph_memory" / file_name) file.touch() with file.open("r+") as f: for rss in self._rss: f.write(str(rss)) f.write("\n") f.close() def fetch_client(self) -> BoltClient: return BoltClient(benchmark_context=self.benchmark_context) class Neo4j(BaseRunner): def __init__(self, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext): super().__init__(benchmark_context=benchmark_context) self._neo4j_binary = Path(benchmark_context.vendor_binary) self._neo4j_path = Path(benchmark_context.vendor_binary).parents[1] self._neo4j_config = self._neo4j_path / "conf" / "neo4j.conf" self._neo4j_pid = self._neo4j_path / "run" / "neo4j.pid" self._neo4j_admin = self._neo4j_path / "bin" / "neo4j-admin" self._neo4j_dump = ( Path() / ".cache" / "datasets" / self.benchmark_context.get_active_workload() / self.benchmark_context.get_active_variant() / "neo4j.dump" ) self._performance_tracking = benchmark_context.performance_tracking self._vendor_args = benchmark_context.vendor_args self._stop_event = threading.Event() self._rss = [] if not self._neo4j_binary.is_file(): raise Exception("Wrong path to binary!") tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=benchmark_context.temporary_directory) self._bolt_port = ( self.benchmark_context.vendor_args["bolt-port"] if "bolt-port" in self.benchmark_context.vendor_args.keys() else 7687 ) atexit.register(self._cleanup) configs = [] memory_flag = "server.jvm.additional=-XX:NativeMemoryTracking=detail" auth_flag = "dbms.security.auth_enabled=false" bolt_flag = "server.bolt.listen_address=:7687" http_flag = "server.http.listen_address=:7474" if self._performance_tracking: configs.append(memory_flag) else: lines = [] with self._neo4j_config.open("r") as file: lines = file.readlines() file.close() for i in range(0, len(lines)): if lines[i].strip("\n") == memory_flag: print("Clear up config flag: " + memory_flag) lines[i] = "\n" print(lines[i]) with self._neo4j_config.open("w") as file: file.writelines(lines) file.close() configs.append(auth_flag) configs.append(bolt_flag) configs.append(http_flag) print("Check neo4j config flags:") for conf in configs: with self._neo4j_config.open("r+") as file: lines = file.readlines() line_exist = False for line in lines: if conf == line.rstrip(): line_exist = True print("Config line exist at line: " + str(lines.index(line))) print("Line content: " + line) file.close() break if not line_exist: print("Setting config line: " + conf) file.write(conf) file.write("\n") file.close() def __del__(self): self._cleanup() atexit.unregister(self._cleanup) def _start(self, **kwargs): if self._neo4j_pid.exists(): raise Exception("The database process is already running!") args = _convert_args_to_flags(self._neo4j_binary, "start", **kwargs) start_proc = subprocess.run(args, check=True) time.sleep(0.5) if self._neo4j_pid.exists(): print("Neo4j started!") else: raise Exception("The database process died prematurely!") print("Run server check:") _wait_for_server_socket(self._bolt_port) def _cleanup(self): if self._neo4j_pid.exists(): pid = self._neo4j_pid.read_text() print("Clean up: " + pid) usage = _get_usage(pid) exit_proc = subprocess.run(args=[self._neo4j_binary, "stop"], capture_output=True, check=True) return exit_proc.returncode, usage else: return 0 def start_db_init(self, workload): if self._performance_tracking: p = threading.Thread(target=self.res_background_tracking, args=(self._rss, self._stop_event)) self._stop_event.clear() self._rss.clear() p.start() # Start DB self._start() if self._performance_tracking: self.get_memory_usage("start_" + workload) def stop_db_init(self, workload): if self._performance_tracking: self._stop_event.set() self.get_memory_usage("stop_" + workload) self.dump_rss(workload) ret, usage = self._cleanup() self.dump_db(path=self._neo4j_dump.parent) assert ret == 0, "The database process exited with a non-zero " "status ({})!".format(ret) return usage def start_db(self, workload): if self._performance_tracking: p = threading.Thread(target=self.res_background_tracking, args=(self._rss, self._stop_event)) self._stop_event.clear() self._rss.clear() p.start() neo4j_dump = ( Path() / ".cache" / "datasets" / self.benchmark_context.get_active_workload() / self.benchmark_context.get_active_variant() / "neo4j.dump" ) if neo4j_dump.exists(): self.load_db_from_dump(path=neo4j_dump.parent) # Start DB self._start() if self._performance_tracking: self.get_memory_usage("start_" + workload) def stop_db(self, workload): if self._performance_tracking: self._stop_event.set() self.get_memory_usage("stop_" + workload) self.dump_rss(workload) ret, usage = self._cleanup() assert ret == 0, "The database process exited with a non-zero " "status ({})!".format(ret) return usage def dump_db(self, path): print("Dumping the neo4j database...") if self._neo4j_pid.exists(): raise Exception("Cannot dump DB because it is running.") else: subprocess.run( args=[ self._neo4j_admin, "database", "dump", "--overwrite-destination=true", "--to-path", path, "neo4j", ], check=True, ) def clean_db(self): print("Cleaning the database") if self._neo4j_pid.exists(): raise Exception("Cannot clean DB because it is running.") else: out = subprocess.run( args="rm -Rf data/databases/* data/transactions/*", cwd=self._neo4j_path, capture_output=True, shell=True, ) print(out.stderr.decode("utf-8")) print(out.stdout.decode("utf-8")) def load_db_from_dump(self, path): print("Loading the neo4j database from dump...") if self._neo4j_pid.exists(): raise Exception("Cannot dump DB because it is running.") else: subprocess.run( args=[ self._neo4j_admin, "database", "load", "--from-path", path, "--overwrite-destination=true", "neo4j", ], check=True, ) def res_background_tracking(self, res, stop_event): print("Started rss tracking.") while not stop_event.is_set(): if self._neo4j_pid.exists(): pid = self._neo4j_pid.read_text() self._rss.append(_get_current_usage(pid)) time.sleep(0.05) print("Stopped rss tracking. ") def is_stopped(self): pid_file = self._neo4j_path / "run" / "neo4j.pid" if pid_file.exists(): return False else: return True def dump_rss(self, workload): file_name = workload + "_rss" Path.mkdir(Path().cwd() / "neo4j_memory", exist_ok=True) file = Path(Path().cwd() / "neo4j_memory" / file_name) file.touch() with file.open("r+") as f: for rss in self._rss: f.write(str(rss)) f.write("\n") f.close() def get_memory_usage(self, workload): Path.mkdir(Path().cwd() / "neo4j_memory", exist_ok=True) pid = self._neo4j_pid.read_text() memory_usage = subprocess.run(args=["jcmd", pid, "VM.native_memory"], capture_output=True, text=True) file = Path(Path().cwd() / "neo4j_memory" / workload) if file.exists(): with file.open("r+") as f: f.write(memory_usage.stdout) f.close() else: file.touch() with file.open("r+") as f: f.write(memory_usage.stdout) f.close() def fetch_client(self) -> BoltClient: return BoltClient(benchmark_context=self.benchmark_context) class MemgraphDocker(BaseRunner): def __init__(self, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext): super().__init__(benchmark_context=benchmark_context) self._directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=benchmark_context.temporary_directory) self._vendor_args = benchmark_context.vendor_args self._bolt_port = self._vendor_args["bolt-port"] if "bolt-port" in self._vendor_args.keys() else "7687" self._container_name = "memgraph_benchmark" self._container_ip = None self._config_file = None _setup_docker_benchmark_network(network_name=DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME) def _set_args(self, **kwargs): return _convert_args_to_flags(**kwargs) def start_db_init(self, message): log.init("Starting database for import...") try: command = [ "docker", "run", "--detach", "--network", DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME, "--name", self._container_name, "-it", "-p", self._bolt_port + ":" + self._bolt_port, "memgraph/memgraph:2.7.0", "--storage_wal_enabled=false", "--storage_recover_on_startup=true", "--storage_snapshot_interval_sec", "0", ] command.extend(self._set_args(**self._vendor_args)) ret = self._run_command(command) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.error("Failed to start Memgraph docker container.") log.error( "There is probably a database running on that port, please stop the running container and try again." ) raise e command = [ "docker", "cp", self._container_name + ":/etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf", self._directory.name + "/memgraph.conf", ] self._run_command(command) self._config_file = Path(self._directory.name + "/memgraph.conf") _wait_for_server_socket(self._bolt_port, delay=0.5) log.log("Database started.") def stop_db_init(self, message): log.init("Stopping database...") usage = self._get_cpu_memory_usage() # Stop to save the snapshot command = ["docker", "stop", self._container_name] self._run_command(command) # Change config back to default argument = "--storage-snapshot-on-exit=false" self._replace_config_args(argument) command = [ "docker", "cp", self._config_file.resolve(), self._container_name + ":/etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf", ] self._run_command(command) log.log("Database stopped.") return usage def start_db(self, message): log.init("Starting database for benchmark...") command = ["docker", "start", self._container_name] self._run_command(command) ip_address = _get_docker_container_ip(self._container_name) _wait_for_server_socket(self._bolt_port, delay=0.5) log.log("Database started.") def stop_db(self, message): log.init("Stopping database...") usage = self._get_cpu_memory_usage() command = ["docker", "stop", self._container_name] self._run_command(command) log.log("Database stopped.") return usage def clean_db(self): self.remove_container(self._container_name) def fetch_client(self) -> BaseClient: return BoltClientDocker(benchmark_context=self.benchmark_context) def remove_container(self, containerName): command = ["docker", "rm", "-f", containerName] self._run_command(command) def _replace_config_args(self, argument): config_lines = [] with self._config_file.open("r") as file: lines = file.readlines() file.close() key, value = argument.split("=") for line in lines: if line[0] == "#" or line.strip("\n") == "": config_lines.append(line) else: key_file, value_file = line.split("=") if key_file == key and value != value_file: line = argument + "\n" config_lines.append(line) with self._config_file.open("w") as file: file.writelines(config_lines) file.close() def _get_cpu_memory_usage(self): command = [ "docker", "exec", "-it", self._container_name, "bash", "-c", "grep ^VmPeak /proc/1/status", ] usage = {"cpu": 0, "memory": 0} ret = self._run_command(command) memory = ret.stdout.split() usage["memory"] = int(memory[1]) * 1024 command = [ "docker", "exec", "-it", self._container_name, "bash", "-c", "cat /proc/1/stat", ] stat = self._run_command(command).stdout.strip("\n") command = [ "docker", "exec", "-it", self._container_name, "bash", "-c", "getconf CLK_TCK", ] CLK_TCK = int(self._run_command(command).stdout.strip("\n")) cpu_time = sum(map(int, stat.split(")")[1].split()[11:15])) / CLK_TCK usage["cpu"] = cpu_time return usage def _run_command(self, command): ret = subprocess.run(command, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True) time.sleep(0.2) return ret class Neo4jDocker(BaseRunner): def __init__(self, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext): super().__init__(benchmark_context=benchmark_context) self._directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=benchmark_context.temporary_directory) self._vendor_args = benchmark_context.vendor_args self._bolt_port = self._vendor_args["bolt-port"] if "bolt-port" in self._vendor_args.keys() else "7687" self._container_name = "neo4j_benchmark" self._container_ip = None self._config_file = None _setup_docker_benchmark_network(DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME) def _set_args(self, **kwargs): return _convert_args_to_flags(**kwargs) def start_db_init(self, message): log.init("Starting database for initialization...") try: command = [ "docker", "run", "--detach", "--network", DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME, "--name", self._container_name, "-it", "-p", self._bolt_port + ":" + self._bolt_port, "--env", "NEO4J_AUTH=none", "neo4j:5.6.0", ] command.extend(self._set_args(**self._vendor_args)) ret = self._run_command(command) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.error("There was an error starting the Neo4j container!") log.error( "There is probably a database running on that port, please stop the running container and try again." ) raise e _wait_for_server_socket(self._bolt_port, delay=5) log.log("Database started.") def stop_db_init(self, message): log.init("Stopping database...") usage = self._get_cpu_memory_usage() command = ["docker", "stop", self._container_name] self._run_command(command) log.log("Database stopped.") return usage def start_db(self, message): log.init("Starting database...") command = ["docker", "start", self._container_name] self._run_command(command) _wait_for_server_socket(self._bolt_port, delay=5) log.log("Database started.") def stop_db(self, message): log.init("Stopping database...") usage = self._get_cpu_memory_usage() command = ["docker", "stop", self._container_name] self._run_command(command) log.log("Database stopped.") return usage def clean_db(self): self.remove_container(self._container_name) def fetch_client(self) -> BaseClient: return BoltClientDocker(benchmark_context=self.benchmark_context) def remove_container(self, containerName): command = ["docker", "rm", "-f", containerName] self._run_command(command) def _get_cpu_memory_usage(self): command = [ "docker", "exec", "-it", self._container_name, "bash", "-c", "cat /var/lib/neo4j/run/neo4j.pid", ] ret = self._run_command(command) pid = ret.stdout.split()[0] command = [ "docker", "exec", "-it", self._container_name, "bash", "-c", "grep ^VmPeak /proc/{}/status".format(pid), ] usage = {"cpu": 0, "memory": 0} ret = self._run_command(command) memory = ret.stdout.split() usage["memory"] = int(memory[1]) * 1024 command = [ "docker", "exec", "-it", self._container_name, "bash", "-c", "cat /proc/{}/stat".format(pid), ] stat = self._run_command(command).stdout.strip("\n") command = [ "docker", "exec", "-it", self._container_name, "bash", "-c", "getconf CLK_TCK", ] CLK_TCK = int(self._run_command(command).stdout.strip("\n")) cpu_time = sum(map(int, stat.split(")")[1].split()[11:15])) / CLK_TCK usage["cpu"] = cpu_time return usage def _run_command(self, command): ret = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, check=True, text=True) time.sleep(0.2) return ret