#pragma once

#include "utils/iterator/composable.hpp"
#include "utils/iterator/iterator_base.hpp"

namespace iter

// Class which wraps iterator and hides it's type. It actualy does this by
// dynamicly allocating iterator on heap.
// T - type of return value
template <class T>
class Virtual : public Composable<T, Virtual<T>>

    Virtual() = delete;

    // Virtual operation is designed to be used in chained calls which operate
    // on a
    // iterator. Virtual will in that usecase receive other iterator by value
    // and
    // std::move is a optimization for it.

    template <class I>
    Virtual(I &&iter) : it(std::make_unique<I>(std::move(iter)))

    Virtual(Virtual &&m) : it(std::move(m.it)) {}

    ~Virtual() {}

    Option<T> next() { return it.get()->next(); }

    Count count() { return it.get()->count(); }

    std::unique_ptr<IteratorBase<T>> it;

template <class I>
auto make_virtual(I &&iter)
    // Compiler cant deduce type T. decltype is here to help with it.
    return Virtual<decltype(iter.next().take())>(std::move(iter));