## openCypher Query Language [*openCypher*](http://www.opencypher.org/) is a query language for querying graph databases. It aims to be intuitive and easy to learn, while providing a powerful interface for working with graph based data. *Memgraph* supports most of the commonly used constructs of the language. This chapter contains the details of features which are implemented. Additionally, not yet supported features of the language are listed. * [Reading existing Data](#reading-existing-data) * [Writing new Data](#writing-new-data) * [Reading & Writing](#reading-amp-writing) * [Other Features](#other-features) ### Reading existing Data The simplest usage of the language is to find data stored in the database. For that purpose, the following clauses are offered: * `MATCH`, which searches for patterns; * `WHERE`, for filtering the matched data and * `RETURN`, for defining what will be presented to the user in the result set. #### MATCH This clause is used to obtain data from Memgraph by matching it to a given pattern. For example, to find each node in the database, you can use the following query. MATCH (node) RETURN node Finding connected nodes can be achieved by using the query: MATCH (node1) -[connection]- (node2) RETURN node1, connection, node2 In addition to general pattern matching, you can narrow the search down by specifying node labels and properties. Similarly, edge types and properties can also be specified. For example, finding each node labeled as `Person` and with property `age` being 42, is done with the following query. MATCH (n :Person {age: 42}) RETURN n. While their friends can be found with the following. MATCH (n :Person {age: 42}) -[:FriendOf]- (friend) RETURN friend. More details on how `MATCH` works can be found [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/match/). Note that *variable length paths* and *named paths* are not yet supported. The `MATCH` clause can be modified by prepending the `OPTIONAL` keyword. `OPTIONAL MATCH` clause behaves the same as a regular `MATCH`, but when it fails to find the pattern, missing parts of the pattern will be filled with `null` values. Examples can be found [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/optional-match/). #### WHERE You have already seen that simple filtering can be achieved by using labels and properties in `MATCH` patterns. When more complex filtering is desired, you can use `WHERE` paired with `MATCH` or `OPTIONAL MATCH`. For example, finding each person older than 20 is done with the this query. MATCH (n :Person) WHERE n.age > 20 RETURN n Additional examples can be found [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/where/). #### RETURN The `RETURN` clause defines which data should be included in the resulting set. Basic usage was already shown in the examples for `MATCH` and `WHERE` clauses. Another feature of `RETURN` is renaming the results using the `AS` keyword. Example. MATCH (n :Person) RETURN n AS people That query would display all nodes under the header named `people` instead of `n`. When you want to get everything that was matched, you can use the `*` (*asterisk*) symbol. This query: MATCH (node1) -[connection]- (node2) RETURN * is equivalent to: MATCH (node1) -[connection]- (node2) RETURN node1, connection, node2 `RETURN` can be followed by the `DISTINCT` operator, which will remove duplicate results. For example, getting unique names of people can be achieved with: MATCH (n :Person) RETURN DISTINCT n.name Besides choosing what will be the result and how it will be named, the `RETURN` clause can also be used to: * limit results with `LIMIT` sub-clause; * skip results with `SKIP` sub-clause; * order results with `ORDER BY` sub-clause and * perform aggregations (such as `count`). More details on `RETURN` can be found [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/return/). ##### SKIP & LIMIT These sub-clauses take a number of how many results to skip or limit. For example, to get the first 3 results you can use this query. MATCH (n :Person) RETURN n LIMIT 3 If you want to get all the results after the first 3, you can use the following. MATCH (n :Person) RETURN n SKIP 3 The `SKIP` and `LIMIT` can be combined. So for example, to get the 2nd result, you can do: MATCH (n :Person) RETURN n SKIP 1 LIMIT 1 ##### ORDER BY Since the patterns which are matched can come in any order, it is very useful to be able to enforce some ordering among the results. In such cases, you can use the `ORDER BY` sub-clause. For example, the following query will get all `:Person` nodes and order them by their names. MATCH (n :Person) RETURN n ORDER BY n.name By default, ordering will be in the ascending order. To change the order to be descending, you should append `DESC`. For example, to order people by their name descending, you can use this query. MATCH (n :Person) RETURN n ORDER BY n.name DESC You can also order by multiple variables. The results will be sorted by the first variable listed. If the values are equal, the results are sorted by the second variable, and so on. Example. Ordering by first name descending and last name ascending. MATCH (n :Person) RETURN n ORDER BY n.name DESC, n.lastName The `ORDER BY` sub-clause may come in handy with `SKIP` and/or `LIMIT` sub-clauses. For example, to get the oldest person you can use the following. MATCH (n :Person) RETURN n ORDER BY n.age DESC LIMIT 1 ##### Aggregating openCypher has functions for aggregating data. Memgraph currently supports the following aggregating functions. * `avg`, for calculating the average. * `collect`, for collecting multiple values into a single list. * `count`, for counting the resulting values. * `max`, for calculating the maximum result. * `min`, for calculating the minimum result. * `sum`, for getting the sum of numeric results. Example, calculating the average age. MATCH (n :Person) RETURN avg(n.age) AS averageAge Click [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/functions/aggregating/) for additional details on how aggregations work. ### Writing new Data For adding new data, you can use the following clauses. * `CREATE`, for creating new nodes and edges. * `SET`, for adding new or updating existing labels and properties. * `DELETE`, for deleting nodes and edges. * `REMOVE`, for removing labels and properties. You can still use the `RETURN` clause to produce results after writing, but it is not mandatory. #### CREATE This clause is used to add new nodes and edges to the database. The creation is done by providing a pattern, similarly to `MATCH` clause. For example, to create 2 new nodes connected with a new edge, use this query. CREATE (node1) -[:edge_type]-> (node2) Additional information on `CREATE` is [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/create/). #### SET The `SET` clause is used to update labels and properties of already existing data. Example. Incrementing everyone's age by 1. MATCH (n :Person) SET n.age = n.age + 1 Click [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/create/) for a more detailed explanation on what can be done with `SET`. #### DELETE This clause is used to delete nodes and edges from the database. Example. Removing all edges of a single type. MATCH () -[edge :type]- () DELETE edge When testing the database, you want to often have a clean start by deleting every node and edge in the database. It is reasonable that deleting each node should delete all edges coming into or out of that node. MATCH (node) DELETE node But, openCypher prevents accidental deletion of edges. Therefore, the above query will report an error. Instead, you need to use the `DETACH` keyword, which will remove edges from a node you are deleting. The following should work and *delete everything* in the database. MATCH (node) DETACH DELETE node More examples are [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/delete/). #### REMOVE The `REMOVE` clause is used to remove labels and properties from nodes and edges. Example. MATCH (n :WrongLabel) REMOVE n :WrongLabel, n.property ### Reading & Writing OpenCypher supports combining multiple reads and writes using the `WITH` clause. In addition to combining, the `MERGE` clause is provided which may create patterns if they do not exist. #### WITH The write part of the query cannot be simply followed by another read part. In order to combine them, `WITH` clause must be used. The names this clause establishes are transferred from one part to another. For example, creating a node and finding all nodes with the same property. CREATE (node {property: 42}) WITH node.property AS propValue MATCH (n {property: propValue}) RETURN n Note that the `node` is not visible after `WITH`, since only `node.property` was carried over. This clause behaves very much like `RETURN`, so you should refer to features of `RETURN`. #### MERGE The `MERGE` clause is used to ensure that a pattern you are looking for exists in the database. This means that if the pattern is not found, it will be created. In a way, this clause is like a combination of `MATCH` and `CREATE`. Example. Ensure that a person has at least one friend. MATCH (n :Person) MERGE (n) -[:FriendOf]-> (m) The clause also provides additional features for updating the values depending on whether the pattern was created or matched. This is achieved with `ON CREATE` and `ON MATCH` sub clauses. Example. Set a different properties depending on what `MERGE` did. MATCH (n :Person) MERGE (n) -[:FriendOf]-> (m) ON CREATE SET m.prop = "created" ON MATCH SET m.prop = "existed" For more details, click [this link](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/merge/). ### Other Features The following sections describe some of the other supported features. #### UNWIND The `UNWIND` clause is used to unwind a list of values as individual rows. Example. Produce rows out of a single list. UNWIND [1,2,3] AS listElement RETURN listElement More examples are [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/unwind/). #### Functions You have already been introduced to one type of functions, [aggregating functions](#aggregating). This section contains the list of other supported functions. Name | Description --------------|------------ `coalesce` | Returns the first non null argument. `startNode` | Returns the starting node of an edge. `endNode` | Returns the destination node of an edge. `head` | Returns the first element of a list. `last` | Returns the last element of a list. `properties` | Returns the properties of a node or an edge. `size` | Returns the number of elements in a list. `toBoolean` | Converts the argument to a boolean. `toFloat` | Converts the argument to a floating point number. `toInteger` | Converts the argument to an integer. `type` | Returns the type of an edge as a character string. `keys` | Returns a list keys of properties from an edge or a node. Each key is represented as a string of characters. `labels` | Return a list of labels from a node. Each label is represented as a character string. `range` | Constructs a list of value in given range. `tail` | Returns all elements after the first of a given list. `abs` | Returns the absolute value of a number. `ceil` | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to given number. `floor` | Returns the largest integer smaller than or equal to given number. `round` | Returns the number, rounded to the nearest integer. Tie-breaking is done using the *commercial rounding*, where -1.5 produces -2 and 1.5 produces 2. `exp` | Calculates `e^n` where `e` is the base of the natural logarithm, and `n` is the given number. `log` | Calculates the natural logarithm of a given number. `log10` | Calculates the logarithm (base 10) of a given number. `sqrt` | Calculates the square root of a given number. `acos` | Calculates the arccosine of a given number. `asin` | Calculates the arcsine of a given number. `atan` | Calculates the arctangent of a given number. `atan2` | Calculates the arctangent2 of a given number. `cos` | Calculates the cosine of a given number. `sin` | Calculates the sine of a given number. `tan` | Calculates the tangent of a given number. `sign` | Applies the signum function to a given number and returns the result. The signum of positive numbers is 1, of negative -1 and for 0 returns 0. `e` | Returns the base of the natural logarithm. `pi` | Returns the constant *pi*. `startsWith` | Check if the first argument starts with the second. `endsWith` | Check if the first argument ends with the second. `contains` | Check if the first argument has an element which is equal to the second argument.