cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) # setup antlr option(WITH_LIBCXX "" OFF) # because of debian bug # add_subdirectory(antlr4/runtime/Cpp) # setup google benchmark add_subdirectory(benchmark) # setup fmt format # fmt uses google test but if fmt isn't top project (here it isn't) fmt tests # are disabled (reasonable configuration) add_subdirectory(fmt) # setup google test add_subdirectory(googletest) # setup google flags set(GFLAGS_BUILD_gflags_nothreads_LIB OFF) set(GFLAGS_BUILD_gflags_LIB ON) add_subdirectory(gflags) # setup cppitertools # CLion compatiblity; the target won't be built file(GLOB __CPPITERTOOLS_SOURCES __main.cpp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/cppitertools/*.hpp) add_executable(__cppitertools_target ${__CPPITERTOOLS_SOURCES}) set_target_properties(__cppitertools_target PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL 1)