#!/usr/bin/python3 import argparse import atexit import json import os import subprocess import tempfile import time import sys SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PROJECT_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..")) workers = [] @atexit.register def cleanup(): for worker in workers: worker.kill() worker.wait() workers.clear() def wait_for_server(port, delay=0.1): cmd = ["nc", "-z", "-w", "1", "", str(port)] while subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: time.sleep(0.01) time.sleep(delay) def generate_args(memgraph_binary, temporary_dir, worker_id): args = [memgraph_binary] if worker_id == 0: args.append("--master") else: args.extend(["--worker", "--worker-id", str(worker_id)]) args.extend(["--master-host", "", "--master-port", "10000"]) if worker_id != 0: args.extend(["--worker-host", "", "--worker-port", str(10000 + worker_id)]) # All garbage collectors must be set to their lowest intervals to assure # that they won't terminate the memgraph process when communication between # the cluster fails. args.extend(["--skiplist-gc-interval", "1", "--gc-cycle-sec", "1"]) # Each worker must have a unique durability directory. args.extend(["--durability-directory", os.path.join(temporary_dir, "worker" + str(worker_id))]) return args def worker_id_to_name(worker_id): if worker_id == 0: return "master" return "worker {}".format(worker_id) def execute_test(memgraph_binary, tester_binary, cluster_size, disaster, on_worker_id, execute_query): args = {"cluster_size": cluster_size, "disaster": disaster, "on_worker_id": on_worker_id, "execute_query": execute_query} print("\033[1;36m~~ Executing test with arguments:", json.dumps(args, sort_keys=True), "~~\033[0m") # Get a temporary directory used for durability. tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # Start the cluster. cleanup() for worker_id in range(cluster_size): workers.append(subprocess.Popen( generate_args(memgraph_binary, tempdir.name, worker_id))) time.sleep(0.2) assert workers[worker_id].poll() is None, \ "The {} process died prematurely!".format( worker_id_to_name(worker_id)) if worker_id == 0: wait_for_server(10000) # Wait for the cluster to startup. wait_for_server(7687) # Execute the query if required. if execute_query: time.sleep(1) # Run the `create` step first. subprocess.run([tester_binary, "--step", "create"], check=True) # Now execute the query. client = subprocess.Popen([tester_binary, "--step", "execute"]) # Perform the disaster. time.sleep(2) if disaster == "terminate": workers[on_worker_id].terminate() else: workers[on_worker_id].kill() time.sleep(2) # Array of exit codes. codes = [] # Check what happened with query execution. if execute_query: try: code = client.wait(timeout=30) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: client.kill() raise e if code != 0: print("The client process didn't exit cleanly!") codes.append(code) # Terminate the master and wait to see what happens with the cluster. workers[0].terminate() # Wait for all of the workers. for worker_id in range(cluster_size): code = workers[worker_id].wait(timeout=30) if worker_id == on_worker_id and disaster == "kill": if code == 0: print("The", worker_id_to_name(worker_id), "process should have died but it exited cleanly!") codes.append(-1) elif code != 0: print("The", worker_id_to_name(worker_id), "process didn't exit cleanly!") codes.append(code) assert not any(codes), "Something went wrong!" if __name__ == "__main__": memgraph_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "memgraph_distributed") if not os.path.exists(memgraph_binary): memgraph_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build_debug", "memgraph_distributed") tester_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "tests", "integration", "distributed", "tester") if not os.path.exists(tester_binary): tester_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build_debug", "tests", "integration", "distributed", "tester") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--memgraph", default=memgraph_binary) parser.add_argument("--tester", default=tester_binary) args = parser.parse_args() for cluster_size in [3, 5]: for worker_id in [0, 1]: for disaster in ["terminate", "kill"]: for execute_query in [False, True]: execute_test(args.memgraph, args.tester, cluster_size, disaster, worker_id, execute_query) print("\033[1;32m~~ The test finished successfully ~~\033[0m") sys.exit(0)