Feature: Memgraph only tests (queries in which we choose to be incompatible with neo4j) Scenario: Multiple sets (undefined behaviour) Given an empty graph And having executed """ CREATE (n{x: 3})-[:X]->(m{x: 5}) """ When executing query: """ MATCH (n)--(m) SET n.x = n.x + 1 SET m.x = m.x + 2 SET m.x = n.x RETURN n.x """ # TODO: Figure out if we can define a test with multiple possible outputs in cucumber, # until then this test just documents behaviour instead of testing it. # Then the result should be: # | n.x | | n.x | # | 5 | or | 7 | # | 5 | | 7 | Scenario: Multiple comparisons Given an empty graph When executing query: """ RETURN 1 < 10 > 5 < 7 > 6 < 8 AS x """ Then the result should be: | x | | true | Scenario: Use deleted node Given an empty graph When executing query: """ CREATE(a:A), (b:B), (c:C), (a)-[:T]->(b) WITH a DETACH DELETE a WITH a MATCH()-[r:T]->() RETURN r """ Then an error should be raised Scenario: In test3 When executing query: """ WITH [[1], 2, 3, 4] AS l RETURN 1 IN l as in """ Then the result should be: | in | | false | Scenario: In test8 When executing query: """ WITH [[[[1]]], 2, 3, 4] AS l RETURN 1 IN l as in """ Then the result should be: | in | | false | Scenario: Keyword as symbolic name Given an empty graph When executing query: """ CREATE(a:DELete) """ Then an error should be raised