import inspect import random from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import helpers from benchmark_context import BenchmarkContext from workloads.base import Workload from workloads.importers.importer_ldbc_interactive import * class LDBC_Interactive(Workload): NAME = "ldbc_interactive" VARIANTS = ["sf0.1", "sf1", "sf3", "sf10"] DEFAULT_VARIANT = "sf1" URL_FILE = { "sf0.1": "", "sf1": "", "sf3": "", "sf10": "", } URL_CSV = { "sf0.1": "", "sf1": "", "sf3": "", "sf10": "", } SIZES = { "sf0.1": {"vertices": 327588, "edges": 1477965}, "sf1": {"vertices": 3181724, "edges": 17256038}, "sf3": {"vertices": 1, "edges": 1}, "sf10": {"vertices": 1, "edges": 1}, } URL_INDEX_FILE = { "memgraph": "", "neo4j": "", } PROPERTIES_ON_EDGES = True QUERY_PARAMETERS = { "sf0.1": "", "sf1": "", "sf3": "", } def custom_import(self) -> bool: importer = ImporterLDBCInteractive( benchmark_context=self.benchmark_context, dataset_name=self.NAME, variant=self._variant, index_file=self._file_index, csv_dict=self.URL_CSV, ) return importer.execute_import() def _prepare_parameters_directory(self): parameters = Path() / ".cache" / "datasets" / self.NAME / self._variant / "parameters" parameters.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dir_name = self.QUERY_PARAMETERS[self._variant].split("/")[-1:][0].removesuffix(".tar.zst") if (parameters / dir_name).exists(): print("Files downloaded:") parameters = parameters / dir_name else: print("Downloading files") downloaded_file = helpers.download_file(self.QUERY_PARAMETERS[self._variant], parameters.absolute()) print("Unpacking the file..." + downloaded_file) parameters = helpers.unpack_tar_zst(Path(downloaded_file)) return parameters def _get_query_parameters(self) -> dict: func_name = inspect.stack()[1].function parameters = {} for file in self._parameters_dir.glob("interactive_*.txt"): if"_")[1] == func_name.split("_")[-2]: with"r") as input: lines = input.readlines() position = random.randint(1, len(lines) - 1) header = lines[0].strip("\n").split("|") data = lines[position].strip("\n").split("|") for i in range(len(header)): if "Date" in header[i]: time = int(data[i]) / 1000 converted = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") parameters[header[i]] = converted elif data[i].isdigit(): parameters[header[i]] = int(data[i]) else: parameters[header[i]] = data[i] return parameters def __init__(self, variant: str = None, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext = None): super().__init__(variant, benchmark_context=benchmark_context) self._parameters_dir = self._prepare_parameters_directory() self.benchmark_context = benchmark_context def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_1_analytical(self): memgraph = ( """ MATCH (p:Person {id: $personId}), (friend:Person {firstName: $firstName}) WHERE NOT p=friend WITH p, friend MATCH path =((p)-[:KNOWS *BFS 1..3]-(friend)) WITH min(size(path)) AS distance, friend ORDER BY distance ASC, friend.lastName ASC, toInteger( ASC LIMIT 20 MATCH (friend)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(friendCity:City) OPTIONAL MATCH (friend)-[studyAt:STUDY_AT]->(uni:University)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(uniCity:City) WITH friend, collect( CASE WHEN null THEN null ELSE [, studyAt.classYear,] END ) AS unis, friendCity, distance OPTIONAL MATCH (friend)-[workAt:WORK_AT]->(company:Company)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(companyCountry:Country) WITH friend, collect( CASE WHEN null THEN null ELSE [, workAt.workFrom,] END ) AS companies, unis, friendCity, distance RETURN AS friendId, friend.lastName AS friendLastName, distance AS distanceFromPerson, friend.birthday AS friendBirthday, friend.gender AS friendGender, friend.browserUsed AS friendBrowserUsed, friend.locationIP AS friendLocationIp, AS friendEmails, friend.speaks AS friendLanguages, AS friendCityName, unis AS friendUniversities, companies AS friendCompanies ORDER BY distanceFromPerson ASC, friendLastName ASC, toInteger(friendId) ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) neo4j = ( """ MATCH (p:Person {id: $personId}), (friend:Person {firstName: $firstName}) WHERE NOT p=friend WITH p, friend MATCH path = shortestPath((p)-[:KNOWS*1..3]-(friend)) WITH min(length(path)) AS distance, friend ORDER BY distance ASC, friend.lastName ASC, toInteger( ASC LIMIT 20 MATCH (friend)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(friendCity:City) OPTIONAL MATCH (friend)-[studyAt:STUDY_AT]->(uni:University)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(uniCity:City) WITH friend, collect( CASE WHEN null THEN null ELSE [, studyAt.classYear,] END ) AS unis, friendCity, distance OPTIONAL MATCH (friend)-[workAt:WORK_AT]->(company:Company)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(companyCountry:Country) WITH friend, collect( CASE WHEN null THEN null ELSE [, workAt.workFrom,] END ) AS companies, unis, friendCity, distance RETURN AS friendId, friend.lastName AS friendLastName, distance AS distanceFromPerson, friend.birthday AS friendBirthday, friend.gender AS friendGender, friend.browserUsed AS friendBrowserUsed, friend.locationIP AS friendLocationIp, AS friendEmails, friend.speaks AS friendLanguages, AS friendCityName, unis AS friendUniversities, companies AS friendCompanies ORDER BY distanceFromPerson ASC, friendLastName ASC, toInteger(friendId) ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) if self._vendor == "memgraph": return memgraph else: return neo4j def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_2_analytical(self): return ( """ MATCH (:Person {id: $personId })-[:KNOWS]-(friend:Person)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(message:Message) WHERE message.creationDate <= localDateTime($maxDate) RETURN AS personId, friend.firstName AS personFirstName, friend.lastName AS personLastName, AS postOrCommentId, coalesce(message.content,message.imageFile) AS postOrCommentContent, message.creationDate AS postOrCommentCreationDate ORDER BY postOrCommentCreationDate DESC, toInteger(postOrCommentId) ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_3_analytical(self): memgraph = ( """ MATCH (countryX:Country {name: $countryXName }), (countryY:Country {name: $countryYName }), (person:Person {id: $personId }) WITH person, countryX, countryY LIMIT 1 MATCH (city:City)-[:IS_PART_OF]->(country:Country) WHERE country IN [countryX, countryY] WITH person, countryX, countryY, collect(city) AS cities MATCH (person)-[:KNOWS*1..2]-(friend)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(city) WHERE NOT person=friend AND NOT city IN cities WITH DISTINCT friend, countryX, countryY MATCH (friend)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(message), (message)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(country) WHERE localDateTime($startDate) + duration({day:$durationDays}) > message.creationDate >= localDateTime($startDate) AND country IN [countryX, countryY] WITH friend, CASE WHEN country=countryX THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS messageX, CASE WHEN country=countryY THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS messageY WITH friend, sum(messageX) AS xCount, sum(messageY) AS yCount WHERE xCount>0 AND yCount>0 RETURN AS friendId, friend.firstName AS friendFirstName, friend.lastName AS friendLastName, xCount, yCount, xCount + yCount AS xyCount ORDER BY xyCount DESC, friendId ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) neo4j = ( """ MATCH (countryX:Country {name: $countryXName }), (countryY:Country {name: $countryYName }), (person:Person {id: $personId }) WITH person, countryX, countryY LIMIT 1 MATCH (city:City)-[:IS_PART_OF]->(country:Country) WHERE country IN [countryX, countryY] WITH person, countryX, countryY, collect(city) AS cities MATCH (person)-[:KNOWS*1..2]-(friend)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(city) WHERE NOT person=friend AND NOT city IN cities WITH DISTINCT friend, countryX, countryY MATCH (friend)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(message), (message)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(country) WHERE localDateTime($startDate) + duration({days:$durationDays}) > message.creationDate >= localDateTime($startDate) AND country IN [countryX, countryY] WITH friend, CASE WHEN country=countryX THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS messageX, CASE WHEN country=countryY THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS messageY WITH friend, sum(messageX) AS xCount, sum(messageY) AS yCount WHERE xCount>0 AND yCount>0 RETURN AS friendId, friend.firstName AS friendFirstName, friend.lastName AS friendLastName, xCount, yCount, xCount + yCount AS xyCount ORDER BY xyCount DESC, friendId ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) if self._vendor == "memgraph": return memgraph else: return neo4j def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_4_analytical(self): memgraph = ( """ MATCH (person:Person {id: $personId })-[:KNOWS]-(friend:Person), (friend)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(post:Post)-[:HAS_TAG]->(tag) WITH DISTINCT tag, post WITH tag, CASE WHEN localDateTime($startDate) + duration({day:$durationDays}) > post.creationDate >= localDateTime($startDate) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS valid, CASE WHEN localDateTime($startDate) > post.creationDate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS inValid WITH tag, sum(valid) AS postCount, sum(inValid) AS inValidPostCount WHERE postCount>0 AND inValidPostCount=0 RETURN AS tagName, postCount ORDER BY postCount DESC, tagName ASC LIMIT 10 """, self._get_query_parameters(), ) neo4j = ( """ MATCH (person:Person {id: $personId })-[:KNOWS]-(friend:Person), (friend)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(post:Post)-[:HAS_TAG]->(tag) WITH DISTINCT tag, post WITH tag, CASE WHEN localDateTime($startDate) + duration({days:$durationDays}) > post.creationDate >= localDateTime($startDate) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS valid, CASE WHEN localDateTime($startDate) > post.creationDate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS inValid WITH tag, sum(valid) AS postCount, sum(inValid) AS inValidPostCount WHERE postCount>0 AND inValidPostCount=0 RETURN AS tagName, postCount ORDER BY postCount DESC, tagName ASC LIMIT 10 """, self._get_query_parameters(), ) if self._vendor == "memgraph": return memgraph else: return neo4j def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_5_analytical(self): return ( """ MATCH (person:Person { id: $personId })-[:KNOWS*1..2]-(friend) WHERE NOT person=friend WITH DISTINCT friend MATCH (friend)<-[membership:HAS_MEMBER]-(forum) WHERE membership.joinDate > localDateTime($minDate) WITH forum, collect(friend) AS friends OPTIONAL MATCH (friend)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(post)<-[:CONTAINER_OF]-(forum) WHERE friend IN friends WITH forum, count(post) AS postCount RETURN forum.title AS forumName, postCount ORDER BY postCount DESC, ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_6_analytical(self): return ( """ MATCH (knownTag:Tag { name: $tagName }) WITH as knownTagId MATCH (person:Person { id: $personId })-[:KNOWS*1..2]-(friend) WHERE NOT person=friend WITH knownTagId, collect(distinct friend) as friends UNWIND friends as f MATCH (f)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(post:Post), (post)-[:HAS_TAG]->(t:Tag{id: knownTagId}), (post)-[:HAS_TAG]->(tag:Tag) WHERE NOT t = tag WITH as tagName, count(post) as postCount RETURN tagName, postCount ORDER BY postCount DESC, tagName ASC LIMIT 10 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_7_analytical(self): memgraph = ( """ MATCH (person:Person {id: $personId})<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(message:Message)<-[like:LIKES]-(liker:Person) WITH liker, message, like.creationDate AS likeTime, person ORDER BY likeTime DESC, toInteger( ASC WITH liker, head(collect({msg: message, likeTime: likeTime})) AS latestLike, person OPTIONAL MATCH (liker)-[:KNOWS]-(person) WITH liker, latestLike, person, CASE WHEN person IS null THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS isNew RETURN AS personId, liker.firstName AS personFirstName, liker.lastName AS personLastName, latestLike.likeTime AS likeCreationDate, AS commentOrPostId, coalesce(latestLike.msg.content, latestLike.msg.imageFile) AS commentOrPostContent, (latestLike.likeTime - latestLike.msg.creationDate).minute AS minutesLatency ORDER BY likeCreationDate DESC, toInteger(personId) ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) neo4j = ( """ MATCH (person:Person {id: $personId})<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(message:Message)<-[like:LIKES]-(liker:Person) WITH liker, message, like.creationDate AS likeTime, person ORDER BY likeTime DESC, toInteger( ASC WITH liker, head(collect({msg: message, likeTime: likeTime})) AS latestLike, person RETURN AS personId, liker.firstName AS personFirstName, liker.lastName AS personLastName, latestLike.likeTime AS likeCreationDate, AS commentOrPostId, coalesce(latestLike.msg.content, latestLike.msg.imageFile) AS commentOrPostContent, duration.between(latestLike.likeTime, latestLike.msg.creationDate).minutes AS minutesLatency, not((liker)-[:KNOWS]-(person)) AS isNew ORDER BY likeCreationDate DESC, toInteger(personId) ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) if self._vendor == "memgraph": return memgraph else: return neo4j def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_8_analytical(self): return ( """ MATCH (start:Person {id: $personId})<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(:Message)<-[:REPLY_OF]-(comment:Comment)-[:HAS_CREATOR]->(person:Person) RETURN AS personId, person.firstName AS personFirstName, person.lastName AS personLastName, comment.creationDate AS commentCreationDate, AS commentId, comment.content AS commentContent ORDER BY commentCreationDate DESC, commentId ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_9_analytical(self): return ( """ MATCH (root:Person {id: $personId })-[:KNOWS*1..2]-(friend:Person) WHERE NOT friend = root WITH collect(distinct friend) as friends UNWIND friends as friend MATCH (friend)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(message:Message) WHERE message.creationDate < localDateTime($maxDate) RETURN AS personId, friend.firstName AS personFirstName, friend.lastName AS personLastName, AS commentOrPostId, coalesce(message.content,message.imageFile) AS commentOrPostContent, message.creationDate AS commentOrPostCreationDate ORDER BY commentOrPostCreationDate DESC, ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_10_analytical(self): memgraph = ( """ MATCH (person:Person {id: $personId})-[:KNOWS*2..2]-(friend), (friend)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(city:City) WHERE NOT friend=person AND NOT (friend)-[:KNOWS]-(person) WITH person, city, friend, datetime({epochMillis: friend.birthday}) as birthday WHERE (birthday.month=$month AND>=21) OR (birthday.month=($month%12)+1 AND<22) WITH DISTINCT friend, city, person OPTIONAL MATCH (friend)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(post:Post) WITH friend, city, collect(post) AS posts, person WITH friend, city, size(posts) AS postCount, size([p IN posts WHERE (p)-[:HAS_TAG]->()<-[:HAS_INTEREST]-(person)]) AS commonPostCount RETURN AS personId, friend.firstName AS personFirstName, friend.lastName AS personLastName, commonPostCount - (postCount - commonPostCount) AS commonInterestScore, friend.gender AS personGender, AS personCityName ORDER BY commonInterestScore DESC, personId ASC LIMIT 10 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) neo4j = ( """ MATCH (person:Person {id: $personId})-[:KNOWS*2..2]-(friend), (friend)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(city:City) WHERE NOT friend=person AND NOT (friend)-[:KNOWS]-(person) WITH person, city, friend, datetime({epochMillis: friend.birthday}) as birthday WHERE (birthday.month=$month AND>=21) OR (birthday.month=($month%12)+1 AND<22) WITH DISTINCT friend, city, person OPTIONAL MATCH (friend)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(post:Post) WITH friend, city, collect(post) AS posts, person WITH friend, city, size(posts) AS postCount, size([p IN posts WHERE (p)-[:HAS_TAG]->()<-[:HAS_INTEREST]-(person)]) AS commonPostCount RETURN AS personId, friend.firstName AS personFirstName, friend.lastName AS personLastName, commonPostCount - (postCount - commonPostCount) AS commonInterestScore, friend.gender AS personGender, AS personCityName ORDER BY commonInterestScore DESC, personId ASC LIMIT 10 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) if self._vendor == "memgraph": return memgraph else: return neo4j def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_11_analytical(self): return ( """ MATCH (person:Person {id: $personId })-[:KNOWS*1..2]-(friend:Person) WHERE not(person=friend) WITH DISTINCT friend MATCH (friend)-[workAt:WORK_AT]->(company:Company)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(:Country {name: $countryName }) WHERE workAt.workFrom < $workFromYear RETURN AS personId, friend.firstName AS personFirstName, friend.lastName AS personLastName, AS organizationName, workAt.workFrom AS organizationWorkFromYear ORDER BY organizationWorkFromYear ASC, toInteger(personId) ASC, organizationName DESC LIMIT 10 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_12_analytical(self): return ( """ MATCH (tag:Tag)-[:HAS_TYPE|IS_SUBCLASS_OF*0..]->(baseTagClass:TagClass) WHERE = $tagClassName OR = $tagClassName WITH collect( as tags MATCH (:Person {id: $personId })-[:KNOWS]-(friend:Person)<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(comment:Comment)-[:REPLY_OF]->(:Post)-[:HAS_TAG]->(tag:Tag) WHERE in tags RETURN AS personId, friend.firstName AS personFirstName, friend.lastName AS personLastName, collect(DISTINCT AS tagNames, count(DISTINCT comment) AS replyCount ORDER BY replyCount DESC, toInteger(personId) ASC LIMIT 20 """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) def benchmark__interactive__complex_query_13_analytical(self): memgraph = ( """ MATCH (person1:Person {id: $person1Id}), (person2:Person {id: $person2Id}), path = (person1)-[:KNOWS *BFS]-(person2) RETURN CASE path IS NULL WHEN true THEN -1 ELSE size(path) END AS shortestPathLength """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) neo4j = ( """ MATCH (person1:Person {id: $person1Id}), (person2:Person {id: $person2Id}), path = shortestPath((person1)-[:KNOWS*]-(person2)) RETURN CASE path IS NULL WHEN true THEN -1 ELSE length(path) END AS shortestPathLength """.replace( "\n", "" ), self._get_query_parameters(), ) if self._vendor == "memgraph": return memgraph else: return neo4j