#include #include "communication/bolt/v1/value.hpp" #include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp" #include "database/single_node/graph_db_accessor.hpp" #include "glue/communication.hpp" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "query/exceptions.hpp" #include "query/interpreter.hpp" #include "query/typed_value.hpp" #include "query_common.hpp" namespace { auto ToEdgeList(const communication::bolt::Value &v) { std::vector list; for (auto x : v.ValueList()) { list.push_back(x.ValueEdge()); } return list; }; } // namespace // TODO: This is not a unit test, but tests/integration dir is chaotic at the // moment. After tests refactoring is done, move/rename this. class InterpreterTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: database::GraphDb db_; query::InterpreterContext interpreter_context_{&db_}; query::Interpreter interpreter_{&interpreter_context_}; /** * Execute the given query and commit the transaction. * * Return the query stream. */ auto Interpret(const std::string &query, const std::map ¶ms = {}) { ResultStreamFaker stream; auto [header, _] = interpreter_.Prepare(query, params); stream.Header(header); auto summary = interpreter_.PullAll(&stream); stream.Summary(summary); return stream; } }; // Run query with different ast twice to see if query executes correctly when // ast is read from cache. TEST_F(InterpreterTest, AstCache) { { auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 2 + 3"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "2 + 3"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 5); } { // Cached ast, different literals. auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 5 + 4"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 9); } { // Different ast (because of different types). auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 5.5 + 4"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueDouble(), 9.5); } { // Cached ast, same literals. auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 2 + 3"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 5); } { // Cached ast, different literals. auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 10.5 + 1"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueDouble(), 11.5); } { // Cached ast, same literals, different whitespaces. auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 10.5 + 1"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueDouble(), 11.5); } { // Cached ast, same literals, different named header. auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 10.5+1"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "10.5+1"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueDouble(), 11.5); } } // Run query with same ast multiple times with different parameters. TEST_F(InterpreterTest, Parameters) { { auto stream = Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", PropertyValue(10)}, {"a b", PropertyValue(15)}}); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "$2 + $`a b`"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 25); } { // Not needed parameter. auto stream = Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", PropertyValue(10)}, {"a b", PropertyValue(15)}, {"c", PropertyValue(10)}}); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "$2 + $`a b`"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueInt(), 25); } { // Cached ast, different parameters. auto stream = Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", PropertyValue("da")}, {"a b", PropertyValue("ne")}}); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].ValueString(), "dane"); } { // Non-primitive literal. auto stream = Interpret( "RETURN $2", {{"2", PropertyValue(std::vector{ PropertyValue(5), PropertyValue(2), PropertyValue(3)})}}); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U); auto result = query::test_common::ToIntList( glue::ToTypedValue(stream.GetResults()[0][0])); ASSERT_THAT(result, testing::ElementsAre(5, 2, 3)); } { // Cached ast, unprovided parameter. ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", PropertyValue("da")}, {"ab", PropertyValue("ne")}}), query::UnprovidedParameterError); } } // Test bfs end to end. TEST_F(InterpreterTest, Bfs) { srand(0); const auto kNumLevels = 10; const auto kNumNodesPerLevel = 100; const auto kNumEdgesPerNode = 100; const auto kNumUnreachableNodes = 1000; const auto kNumUnreachableEdges = 100000; const auto kReachable = "reachable"; const auto kId = "id"; std::vector> levels(kNumLevels); int id = 0; // Set up. { auto dba = db_.Access(); auto add_node = [&](int level, bool reachable) { auto node = dba.InsertVertex(); node.PropsSet(dba.Property(kId), PropertyValue(id++)); node.PropsSet(dba.Property(kReachable), PropertyValue(reachable)); levels[level].push_back(node); return node; }; auto add_edge = [&](VertexAccessor &v1, VertexAccessor &v2, bool reachable) { auto edge = dba.InsertEdge(v1, v2, dba.EdgeType("edge")); edge.PropsSet(dba.Property(kReachable), PropertyValue(reachable)); }; // Add source node. add_node(0, true); // Add reachable nodes. for (int i = 1; i < kNumLevels; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < kNumNodesPerLevel; ++j) { auto node = add_node(i, true); for (int k = 0; k < kNumEdgesPerNode; ++k) { auto &node2 = levels[i - 1][rand() % levels[i - 1].size()]; add_edge(node2, node, true); } } } // Add unreachable nodes. for (int i = 0; i < kNumUnreachableNodes; ++i) { auto node = add_node(rand() % kNumLevels, // Not really important. false); for (int j = 0; j < kNumEdgesPerNode; ++j) { auto &level = levels[rand() % kNumLevels]; auto &node2 = level[rand() % level.size()]; add_edge(node2, node, true); add_edge(node, node2, true); } } // Add unreachable edges. for (int i = 0; i < kNumUnreachableEdges; ++i) { auto &level1 = levels[rand() % kNumLevels]; auto &node1 = level1[rand() % level1.size()]; auto &level2 = levels[rand() % kNumLevels]; auto &node2 = level2[rand() % level2.size()]; add_edge(node1, node2, false); } dba.Commit(); } auto stream = Interpret( "MATCH (n {id: 0})-[r *bfs..5 (e, n | n.reachable and " "e.reachable)]->(m) RETURN n, r, m"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 3U); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "n"); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[1], "r"); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[2], "m"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 5 * kNumNodesPerLevel); auto dba = db_.Access(); int expected_level = 1; int remaining_nodes_in_level = kNumNodesPerLevel; std::unordered_set matched_ids; for (const auto &result : stream.GetResults()) { const auto &begin = result[0].ValueVertex(); const auto &edges = ToEdgeList(result[1]); const auto &end = result[2].ValueVertex(); // Check that path is of expected length. Returned paths should be from // shorter to longer ones. EXPECT_EQ(edges.size(), expected_level); // Check that starting node is correct. EXPECT_EQ(edges.front().from, begin.id); EXPECT_EQ(begin.properties.at(kId).ValueInt(), 0); for (int i = 1; i < static_cast(edges.size()); ++i) { // Check that edges form a connected path. EXPECT_EQ(edges[i - 1].to.AsInt(), edges[i].from.AsInt()); } auto matched_id = end.properties.at(kId).ValueInt(); EXPECT_EQ(edges.back().to, end.id); // Check that we didn't match that node already. EXPECT_TRUE(matched_ids.insert(matched_id).second); // Check that shortest path was found. EXPECT_TRUE(matched_id > kNumNodesPerLevel * (expected_level - 1) && matched_id <= kNumNodesPerLevel * expected_level); if (!--remaining_nodes_in_level) { remaining_nodes_in_level = kNumNodesPerLevel; ++expected_level; } } } TEST_F(InterpreterTest, CreateIndexInMulticommandTransaction) { Interpret("BEGIN"); ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE INDEX ON :X(y)"), query::IndexInMulticommandTxException); Interpret("ROLLBACK"); } // Test shortest path end to end. TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ShortestPath) { Interpret( "CREATE (n:A {x: 1}), (m:B {x: 2}), (l:C {x: 1}), (n)-[:r1 {w: 1 " "}]->(m)-[:r2 {w: 2}]->(l), (n)-[:r3 {w: 4}]->(l)"); auto stream = Interpret("MATCH (n)-[e *wshortest 5 (e, n | e.w) ]->(m) return e"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "e"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 3U); auto dba = db_.Access(); std::vector> expected_results{ {"r1"}, {"r2"}, {"r1", "r2"}}; for (const auto &result : stream.GetResults()) { const auto &edges = ToEdgeList(result[0]); std::vector datum; datum.reserve(edges.size()); for (const auto &edge : edges) { datum.push_back(edge.type); } bool any_match = false; for (const auto &expected : expected_results) { if (expected == datum) { any_match = true; break; } } EXPECT_TRUE(any_match); } } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions) TEST_F(InterpreterTest, UniqueConstraintTest) { Interpret("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:A) ASSERT n.a, n.b IS UNIQUE;"); Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:1, b:1})"); Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:2, b:2})"); ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:1, b:1})"), query::QueryRuntimeException); Interpret("MATCH (n:A{a:2, b:2}) SET n.a=1"); Interpret("CREATE (:A{a:2, b:2})"); Interpret("MATCH (n:A{a:2, b:2}) DETACH DELETE n"); Interpret("CREATE (n:A{a:2, b:2})"); } TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ExplainQuery) { EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 0U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 0U); auto stream = Interpret("EXPLAIN MATCH (n) RETURN *;"); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().front(), "QUERY PLAN"); std::vector expected_rows{" * Produce {n}", " * ScanAll (n)", " * Once"}; ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size()); auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin(); for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) { ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it); ++expected_it; } // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ... EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 1U); // We should have AST cache for EXPLAIN ... and for inner MATCH ... EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 2U); Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN *;"); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 2U); } TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ExplainQueryWithParams) { EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 0U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 0U); auto stream = Interpret("EXPLAIN MATCH (n) WHERE n.id = $id RETURN *;", {{"id", PropertyValue(42)}}); ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().front(), "QUERY PLAN"); std::vector expected_rows{" * Produce {n}", " * Filter", " * ScanAll (n)", " * Once"}; ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size()); auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin(); for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) { ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it); ++expected_it; } // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ... EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 1U); // We should have AST cache for EXPLAIN ... and for inner MATCH ... EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 2U); Interpret("MATCH (n) WHERE n.id = $id RETURN *;", {{"id", PropertyValue("something else")}}); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 2U); } TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ProfileQuery) { EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 0U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 0U); auto stream = Interpret("PROFILE MATCH (n) RETURN *;"); std::vector expected_header{"OPERATOR", "ACTUAL HITS", "RELATIVE TIME", "ABSOLUTE TIME"}; EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader(), expected_header); std::vector expected_rows{"* Produce", "* ScanAll", "* Once"}; ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size()); auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin(); for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) { ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 4U); EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it); ++expected_it; } // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ... EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 1U); // We should have AST cache for PROFILE ... and for inner MATCH ... EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 2U); Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN *;"); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 2U); } TEST_F(InterpreterTest, ProfileQueryWithParams) { EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 0U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 0U); auto stream = Interpret("PROFILE MATCH (n) WHERE n.id = $id RETURN *;", {{"id", PropertyValue(42)}}); std::vector expected_header{"OPERATOR", "ACTUAL HITS", "RELATIVE TIME", "ABSOLUTE TIME"}; EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader(), expected_header); std::vector expected_rows{"* Produce", "* Filter", "* ScanAll", "* Once"}; ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), expected_rows.size()); auto expected_it = expected_rows.begin(); for (const auto &row : stream.GetResults()) { ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 4U); EXPECT_EQ(row.front().ValueString(), *expected_it); ++expected_it; } // We should have a plan cache for MATCH ... EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 1U); // We should have AST cache for PROFILE ... and for inner MATCH ... EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 2U); Interpret("MATCH (n) WHERE n.id = $id RETURN *;", {{"id", PropertyValue("something else")}}); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.plan_cache.size(), 1U); EXPECT_EQ(interpreter_context_.ast_cache.size(), 2U); }