% Set 16:9 aspect ratio \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{mg-beamer} % Default directive sets the regular 4:3 aspect ratio % \documentclass{mg-beamer} \mode<presentation> % requires xelatex \usepackage{ccicons} \title{Insert Presentation Title} \titlegraphic{\ccbyncnd} \author{Insert Name} % Institute doesn't look good in our current styling class. % \institute[Memgraph Ltd.]{\pgfimage[height=1.5cm]{mg-logo.png}} % Date is autogenerated on compilation, so no need to set it explicitly, % unless you wish to override it with a different date. % \date{March 23, 2018} \begin{document} \titleframe \section{Intro} \begin{frame}{Contents} \tableofcontents \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Memgraph Markup Test} \begin{itemize} \item \mgtexttt{Prefer \\mgtexttt for monospace} \item Replace this slide with your own \item Add even more slides in different sections \item Make sure you spellcheck your presentation \end{itemize} \end{frame} \end{document}