#pragma once #include #include #include #include "cppitertools/itertools.hpp" #include "json/json.hpp" #include "storage/common/types/property_value.hpp" #include "storage/distributed/gid.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "value_generator.hpp" namespace snapshot_generation { nlohmann::json GetWithDefault(const nlohmann::json &object, const std::string &key, const nlohmann::json &default_value) { const auto &found = object.find(key); if (found == object.end()) return default_value; return *found; } struct Node { gid::Gid gid; std::vector labels; std::unordered_map props; std::vector in_edges; std::vector out_edges; }; struct Edge { gid::Gid gid; gid::Gid from; gid::Gid to; std::string type; std::unordered_map props; }; /// Helper class for tracking info about the generated graph. class GraphState { public: explicit GraphState(int num_workers) : num_workers_(num_workers), worker_nodes_(num_workers), worker_edges_(num_workers) { for (int worker_id = 0; worker_id < num_workers; ++worker_id) { edge_generators_.emplace_back( std::make_unique(worker_id)); node_generators_.emplace_back( std::make_unique(worker_id)); } } int NumWorkers() { return num_workers_; } int64_t NumNodesOnWorker(int worker_id) { return node_generators_[worker_id]->LocalCount(); } int64_t NumEdgesOnWorker(int worker_id) { return edge_generators_[worker_id]->LocalCount(); } auto &NodesWithLabel(const std::string &label, int worker_id) { return worker_nodes_[worker_id][label]; } auto NodesWithLabel(const std::string &label) { return iter::chain.from_iterable( iter::imap([ this, label ](int worker_id) -> auto & { return NodesWithLabel(label, worker_id); }, iter::range(num_workers_))); } auto NodesOnWorker(int worker_id) { return iter::chain.from_iterable( iter::imap([](auto &p) -> auto & { return p.second; }, worker_nodes_[worker_id])); } auto EdgesOnWorker(int worker_id) { return iter::chain.from_iterable( iter::imap([](auto &p) -> auto & { return p.second; }, worker_edges_[worker_id])); } gid::Gid &RandomNode(const std::string &label, int worker_id) { CHECK(0 <= worker_id && worker_id < (int)worker_nodes_.size()) << "Worker ID should be between 0 and " << worker_nodes_.size() - 1; auto &label_nodes = worker_nodes_[worker_id]; auto found = label_nodes.find(label); CHECK(found != label_nodes.end()) << "Label not found"; return found->second[rand_(gen_) * found->second.size()]; } gid::Gid &RandomNode(const std::string &label) { return RandomNode(label, rand_(gen_) * worker_nodes_.size()); } gid::Gid &RandomNodeOnOtherWorker(const std::string &label, int worker_id) { int worker_id2 = rand_(gen_) * (worker_nodes_.size() - 1); if (worker_id2 >= worker_id) ++worker_id2; return RandomNode(label, worker_id2); } gid::Gid CreateNode( int worker_id, const std::vector &labels, const std::unordered_map &props) { auto node_gid = node_generators_[worker_id]->Next(std::nullopt); nodes_[node_gid] = {node_gid, labels, props, {}, {}}; for (const auto &label : labels) { worker_nodes_[worker_id][label].push_back(node_gid); } return node_gid; } gid::Gid CreateEdge( gid::Gid from, gid::Gid to, const std::string &type, const std::unordered_map &props) { int worker_id = gid::CreatorWorker(from); auto edge_gid = edge_generators_[worker_id]->Next(std::nullopt); nodes_[from].out_edges.emplace_back(edge_gid); nodes_[to].in_edges.emplace_back(edge_gid); edges_[edge_gid] = Edge{edge_gid, from, to, type, props}; worker_edges_[worker_id][type].push_back(edge_gid); return edge_gid; } auto &GetNode(gid::Gid gid) { return nodes_[gid]; } auto &GetEdge(gid::Gid gid) { return edges_[gid]; } auto &GetNodes() { return nodes_; } auto &GetEdges() { return edges_; } void CreateIndex(std::string label, std::string property) { indices_.emplace_back(std::move(label)); indices_.emplace_back(std::move(property)); } auto &Indices() { return indices_; } private: typedef std::unordered_map> LabelGid; int num_workers_; std::vector indices_; std::vector worker_nodes_; std::vector worker_edges_; std::unordered_map nodes_; std::unordered_map edges_; std::vector> edge_generators_; std::vector> node_generators_; std::mt19937 gen_{std::random_device{}()}; std::uniform_real_distribution<> rand_{0.0, 1.0}; }; int Worker(gid::Gid gid) { return gid::CreatorWorker(gid); } GraphState BuildFromConfig(int num_workers, const nlohmann::json &config) { ValueGenerator value_generator; GraphState state(num_workers); for (const auto &index : GetWithDefault(config, "indexes", {})) { auto index_parts = utils::Split(std::string(index), "."); CHECK(index_parts.size() == 2) << "Index format should be Label.Property"; state.CreateIndex(index_parts[0], index_parts[1]); } CHECK(config["nodes"].is_array() && config["nodes"].size() > 0) << "Generator config must have 'nodes' array with at least one " "element"; for (const auto &node_config : config["nodes"]) { CHECK(node_config.is_object()) << "Node config must be a dict"; const auto &labels = node_config["labels"]; CHECK(labels.is_array()) << "Must provide an array of node labels"; CHECK(node_config.size() > 0) << "Node labels array must contain at least one element"; for (int i = 0; i < node_config["count_per_worker"]; ++i) { for (int worker_id = 0; worker_id < num_workers; ++worker_id) { const auto properties = value_generator.MakeProperties(node_config["properties"]); state.CreateNode(worker_id, labels, properties); } } } int num_hops = 0; auto get_edge_endpoint = [num_workers, &state, &num_hops, &value_generator]( gid::Gid from, std::string label_to, double hop_probability) { if (num_workers > 1 && value_generator.Bernoulli(hop_probability)) { ++num_hops; return state.RandomNodeOnOtherWorker(label_to, Worker(from)); } return state.RandomNode(label_to, Worker(from)); }; for (const auto &edge_config : config["edges"]) { CHECK(edge_config.is_object()) << "Edge config must be a dict"; const std::string &label_from = edge_config["from"]; const std::string &label_to = edge_config["to"]; const std::string &type = edge_config["type"]; const double hop_probability = edge_config["hop_probability"]; if (edge_config["kind"] == "random") { for (int i = 0; i < edge_config["count"]; i++) { gid::Gid from = state.RandomNode(label_from); gid::Gid to = get_edge_endpoint(from, label_to, hop_probability); const auto &props = value_generator.MakeProperties( GetWithDefault(edge_config, "properties", nullptr)); state.CreateEdge(from, to, type, props); } } if (edge_config["kind"] == "unique") { for (const auto &from : state.NodesWithLabel(label_from)) { gid::Gid to = get_edge_endpoint(from, label_to, hop_probability); const auto &props = value_generator.MakeProperties( GetWithDefault(edge_config, "properties", nullptr)); state.CreateEdge(from, to, type, props); } } } for (int worker_id = 0; worker_id < num_workers; ++worker_id) { LOG(INFO) << "-- Summary for worker: " << worker_id; LOG(INFO) << "---- Total nodes: " << state.NumNodesOnWorker(worker_id); LOG(INFO) << "---- Total edges: " << state.NumEdgesOnWorker(worker_id); } LOG(INFO) << "-- Total number of hops: " << num_hops; return state; } } // namespace snapshot_generation