// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <exception> #include <iterator> #include <memory> #include <optional> #include <string> #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "integrations/kafka/consumer.hpp" #include "query/procedure/mg_procedure_impl.hpp" #include "query/stream/common.hpp" #include "test_utils.hpp" #include "utils/pmr/vector.hpp" /// This class implements the interface of RdKafka::Message such that it can be mocked. /// It's important to note that integrations::kafka::Message member functions /// use c_ptr() to indirectly access the results inside the rd_kafka_message_s structure /// effectively bypassing the mocked values returned by the overrides below. Therefore, to /// protect against accidental use of the public members, the functions are marked as /// [[noreturn]] and throw an std::logic_error exception. class MockedRdKafkaMessage : public RdKafka::Message { public: explicit MockedRdKafkaMessage(std::string key, std::string payload, int64_t offset) : key_(std::move(key)), payload_(std::move(payload)) { message_.err = rd_kafka_resp_err_t::RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__BEGIN; message_.key = static_cast<void *>(key_.data()); message_.key_len = key_.size(); message_.offset = offset; message_.payload = static_cast<void *>(payload_.data()); message_.len = payload_.size(); rd_kafka_ = rd_kafka_new(rd_kafka_type_t::RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER, nullptr, nullptr, 0); message_.rkt = rd_kafka_topic_new(rd_kafka_, mocked_topic_name.data(), nullptr); } ~MockedRdKafkaMessage() override { rd_kafka_destroy(rd_kafka_); rd_kafka_topic_destroy(message_.rkt); } // The two can be accessed safely. Any use of the other public members should // be considered accidental (as per the current semantics of the class // Message) and therefore they are marked as [[noreturn]] and throw rd_kafka_message_s *c_ptr() override { return &message_; } // This is used by Message() constructor RdKafka::ErrorCode err() const override { return RdKafka::ErrorCode::ERR_NO_ERROR; } [[noreturn]] std::string errstr() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] RdKafka::Topic *topic() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] std::string topic_name() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] int32_t partition() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] void *payload() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] size_t len() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] const std::string *key() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] const void *key_pointer() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] size_t key_len() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] int64_t offset() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] RdKafka::MessageTimestamp timestamp() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] void *msg_opaque() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] int64_t latency() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] Status status() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] RdKafka::Headers *headers() override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] RdKafka::Headers *headers(RdKafka::ErrorCode *err) override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } [[noreturn]] int32_t broker_id() const override { ThrowIllegalCallError(); } private: [[noreturn]] void ThrowIllegalCallError() const { throw std::logic_error("This function should not have been called"); } std::string key_; rd_kafka_t *rd_kafka_; std::string payload_; rd_kafka_message_s message_; static std::string mocked_topic_name; }; std::string MockedRdKafkaMessage::mocked_topic_name = "Topic1"; class MgpApiTest : public ::testing::Test { public: using Message = memgraph::integrations::kafka::Message; using KafkaMessage = MockedRdKafkaMessage; MgpApiTest() { messages_.emplace(CreateMockedBatch()); } ~MgpApiTest() { messages_.reset(); } mgp_messages &Messages() { return *messages_; } protected: struct ExpectedResult { const char *payload; const char key; const char *topic_name; const size_t payload_size; const int64_t offset; }; static constexpr std::array<ExpectedResult, 2> expected = {ExpectedResult{"payload1", '1', "Topic1", 8, 0}, ExpectedResult{"payload2", '2', "Topic1", 8, 1}}; private: memgraph::utils::pmr::vector<mgp_message> CreateMockedBatch() { std::transform( expected.begin(), expected.end(), std::back_inserter(msgs_storage_), [i = int64_t(0)](const auto expected) mutable { return Message(std::make_unique<KafkaMessage>(std::string(1, expected.key), expected.payload, i++)); }); auto v = memgraph::utils::pmr::vector<mgp_message>(memgraph::utils::NewDeleteResource()); v.reserve(expected.size()); std::transform(msgs_storage_.begin(), msgs_storage_.end(), std::back_inserter(v), [](auto &msgs) { return mgp_message{msgs}; }); return v; } memgraph::utils::pmr::vector<Message> msgs_storage_{memgraph::utils::NewDeleteResource()}; std::optional<mgp_messages> messages_; }; TEST_F(MgpApiTest, TestAllMgpKafkaCApi) { mgp_messages &messages = Messages(); EXPECT_EQ(EXPECT_MGP_NO_ERROR(size_t, mgp_messages_size, &messages), expected.size()); for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); ++i) { auto *message = EXPECT_MGP_NO_ERROR(mgp_message *, mgp_messages_at, &messages, i); // Test for key and key size. Key size is always 1 in this test. EXPECT_EQ(EXPECT_MGP_NO_ERROR(size_t, mgp_message_key_size, message), 1); EXPECT_EQ(*EXPECT_MGP_NO_ERROR(const char *, mgp_message_key, message), expected[i].key); // Test for source type EXPECT_EQ(EXPECT_MGP_NO_ERROR(mgp_source_type, mgp_message_source_type, message), mgp_source_type::KAFKA); // Test for payload size EXPECT_EQ(EXPECT_MGP_NO_ERROR(size_t, mgp_message_payload_size, message), expected[i].payload_size); // Test for payload EXPECT_FALSE(std::strcmp(EXPECT_MGP_NO_ERROR(const char *, mgp_message_payload, message), expected[i].payload)); // Test for topic name EXPECT_FALSE( std::strcmp(EXPECT_MGP_NO_ERROR(const char *, mgp_message_topic_name, message), expected[i].topic_name)); // Test for offset EXPECT_EQ(EXPECT_MGP_NO_ERROR(int64_t, mgp_message_offset, message), expected[i].offset); } // Unfortunately, we can't test timestamp here because we can't mock (as explained above) // and the test does not have access to the internal rd_kafka_message2msg() function. // auto expected_timestamp = rd_kafka_timestamp_type_t::RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_NOT_AVAILABLE; // EXPECT_EQ(mgp_message_timestamp(first_msg), expected_timestamp); // EXPECT_EQ(mgp_message_timestamp(second_msg), expected_timestamp); }