# Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import atexit import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import time from functools import partial import interactive_mg_runner import mgclient import pytest from common import execute_and_fetch_all from mg_utils import mg_sleep_and_assert interactive_mg_runner.SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) interactive_mg_runner.PROJECT_DIR = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(interactive_mg_runner.SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", "..") ) interactive_mg_runner.BUILD_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(interactive_mg_runner.PROJECT_DIR, "build")) interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_BINARY = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(interactive_mg_runner.BUILD_DIR, "memgraph")) BOLT_PORTS = {"main": 7687, "replica_1": 7688, "replica_2": 7689} REPLICATION_PORTS = {"replica_1": 10001, "replica_2": 10002} MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION = { "replica_1": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};"], }, "replica_2": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};"], }, "main": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';", ], }, } TEMP_DIR = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_WITH_RECOVERY = { "replica_1": { "args": [ "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--replication-restore-state-on-startup", "--data-recovery-on-startup", ], "log_file": "replica1.log", "data_directory": TEMP_DIR + "/replica1", }, "replica_2": { "args": [ "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--replication-restore-state-on-startup", "--data-recovery-on-startup", ], "log_file": "replica2.log", "data_directory": TEMP_DIR + "/replica2", }, "main": { "args": [ "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--replication-restore-state-on-startup", "--data-recovery-on-startup", ], "log_file": "main.log", "data_directory": TEMP_DIR + "/main", }, } def safe_execute(function, *args): try: function(*args) except: pass def setup_replication(connection): # Setup replica1 cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};") # Setup replica2 cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};") # Setup main cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';") def setup_main(main_cursor): execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'A'});") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node)-[:EDGE]->(:Node)") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node)-[:EDGE]->(:Node)") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node)-[:EDGE]->(:Node)") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE B;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'B'});") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'B'});") def show_replicas_func(cursor, db_name): def func(): execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"USE DATABASE {db_name};") return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;")) return func def show_databases_func(cursor): def func(): return execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW DATABASES;") return func def get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor, db_name): def func(): execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"USE DATABASE {db_name};") return execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "MATCH (n) RETURN count(*);")[0][0] return func def get_number_of_edges_func(cursor, db_name): def func(): execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"USE DATABASE {db_name};") return execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "MATCH ()-[r]->() RETURN count(*);")[0][0] return func def test_manual_databases_create_multitenancy_replication(connection): # Goal: to show that replication can be established against REPLICA which already # has the clean databases we need # 0/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A + B # REPLICA CREATE DATABASE A + B # Setup replication # 1/ Write to MAIN A, Write to MAIN B # 2/ Validate replication of changes to A + B have arrived at REPLICA MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "CREATE DATABASE B;", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "CREATE DATABASE B;", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "CREATE DATABASE B;", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL) cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CREATE ();") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "USE DATABASE B;") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CREATE ()-[:EDGE]->();") # 2/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 1, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 1, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(cursor, "A")) expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 1, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 1, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(cursor, "B")) cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 1 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 0 assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 2 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 1 cursor_replica2 = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica_2").cursor() assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica2, "A")() == 1 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica2, "A")() == 0 assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica2, "B")() == 2 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica2, "B")() == 1 def test_manual_databases_create_multitenancy_replication_branching(connection): # Goal: to show that replication can be established against REPLICA which already # has all the databases and the same data # 0/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A + B and fill with data # REPLICA CREATE DATABASE A + B and fil with exact data # Setup REPLICA # 1/ Registering REPLICA on MAIN should not fail due to tenant branching MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "USE DATABASE A;", "CREATE ()", "CREATE DATABASE B;", "USE DATABASE B;", "CREATE ()-[:EDGE]->()", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "USE DATABASE A;", "CREATE ()", "CREATE DATABASE B;", "USE DATABASE B;", "CREATE ()-[:EDGE]->()", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "USE DATABASE A;", "CREATE ()", "CREATE DATABASE B;", "USE DATABASE B;", "CREATE ()-[:EDGE]->()", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL) cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ failed = False try: execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';" ) except mgclient.DatabaseError: failed = True assert not failed try: execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';" ) except mgclient.DatabaseError: failed = True assert not failed def test_manual_databases_create_multitenancy_replication_dirty_replica(connection): # Goal: to show that replication can be established against REPLICA which already # has all the databases we need, even when they branched # 0/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A # REPLICA CREATE DATABASE A # REPLICA write to A # Setup REPLICA # 1/ Register replica; should fail MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "USE DATABASE A;", "CREATE (:Node{from:'A'})", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "USE DATABASE A;", "CREATE (:Node{from:'A'})", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL) cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ failed = False try: execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';" ) except mgclient.DatabaseError: failed = True assert not failed try: execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';" ) except mgclient.DatabaseError: failed = True assert not failed def test_manual_databases_create_multitenancy_replication_main_behind(connection): # Goal: to show that replication can be established against REPLICA which has # different branched databases # 0/ REPLICA CREATE DATABASE A # REPLICA write to A # Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A # 2/ Check that database has been replicated MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "USE DATABASE A;", "CREATE (:Node{from:'A'})", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "USE DATABASE A;", "CREATE (:Node{from:'A'})", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") # 2/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 0, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")) databases_on_main = show_databases_func(main_cursor)() replica_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() mg_sleep_and_assert(databases_on_main, show_databases_func(replica_cursor)) replica_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() mg_sleep_and_assert(databases_on_main, show_databases_func(replica_cursor)) def test_automatic_databases_create_multitenancy_replication(connection): # Goal: to show that replication can be established against REPLICA where a new databases # needs replication # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A # 2/ Write to MAIN A # 3/ Validate replication of changes to A have arrived at REPLICA # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE B;") # 2/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'A'});") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node)-[:EDGE]->(:Node)") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node)-[:EDGE]->(:Node)") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node)-[:EDGE]->(:Node)") # 3/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 7, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 7, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")) expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 0, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "B")) cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 7 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 3 assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 0 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 0 cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 7 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 3 assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 0 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 0 def test_automatic_databases_multitenancy_replication_predefined(connection): # Goal: to show that replication can be established against REPLICA which doesn't # have any additional databases; MAIN's database clean at registration time # 0/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A + B # Setup replication # 1/ Write to MAIN A, Write to MAIN B # 2/ Validate replication of changes to A + B have arrived at REPLICA MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "main": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "CREATE DATABASE B;", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL) cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CREATE ();") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "USE DATABASE B;") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CREATE ()-[:EDGE]->();") # 2/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 1, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(cursor, "A")) expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 1, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(cursor, "B")) cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 1 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 0 def test_automatic_databases_create_multitenancy_replication_dirty_main(connection): # Goal: to show that replication can be established against REPLICA which doesn't # have any additional databases; MAIN's database dirty at registration time # 0/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A # MAIN write to A # Setup replication # 1/ Validate MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "main": { "args": ["--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE"], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE DATABASE A;", "USE DATABASE A;", "CREATE (:Node{from:'A'})", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL) cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 1, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(cursor, "A")) cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_replica, "USE DATABASE A;") actual_data = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_replica, "MATCH (n) RETURN count(*);") assert actual_data[0][0] == 1 # one node actual_data = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_replica, "MATCH ()-[r]->() RETURN count(*);") assert actual_data[0][0] == 0 # zero relationships @pytest.mark.parametrize("replica_name", [("replica_1"), ("replica_2")]) def test_multitenancy_replication_restart_replica_w_fc(connection, replica_name): # Goal: show that a replica can be recovered with the frequent checker # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A and B # 2/ Write on MAIN to A and B # 3/ Restart replica # 4/ Validate data on replica # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE B;") # 2/ setup_main(main_cursor) # 3/ interactive_mg_runner.kill(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, replica_name) time.sleep(3) # In order for the frequent check to run # Check that the FC did invalidate expected_data = { "replica_1": { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 7, 0, "ready"), }, "replica_2": { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 7, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 0, 0, "invalid"), }, } assert expected_data[replica_name] == show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")() # Restart interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, replica_name) # 4/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 7, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 7, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")) expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 3, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 3, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "B")) cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS[replica_name], "replica").cursor() assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 7 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 3 assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 2 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("replica_name", [("replica_1"), ("replica_2")]) def test_multitenancy_replication_restart_replica_wo_fc(connection, replica_name): # Goal: show that a replica can be recovered without the frequent checker detecting it being down # needs replicating over # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A and B # 2/ Write on MAIN to A and B # 3/ Restart replica # 4/ Validate data on replica # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE B;") # 2/ setup_main(main_cursor) # 3/ interactive_mg_runner.kill(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, replica_name) interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, replica_name) # 4/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 7, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 7, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")) expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 3, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 3, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "B")) cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS[replica_name], "replica").cursor() assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 7 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 3 assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 2 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("replica_name", [("replica_1"), ("replica_2")]) def test_multitenancy_replication_restart_replica_w_fc_w_rec(connection, replica_name): # Goal: show that a replica recovers data on reconnect # needs replicating over # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A and B # 2/ Write on MAIN to A and B # 3/ Restart replica # 4/ Validate data on replica # 0/ # Tmp dir should already be removed, but sometimes its not... safe_execute(shutil.rmtree, TEMP_DIR) interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_WITH_RECOVERY) setup_replication(connection) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE B;") # 2/ setup_main(main_cursor) # 3/ interactive_mg_runner.kill(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_WITH_RECOVERY, replica_name) safe_execute(execute_and_fetch_all, main_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") safe_execute(execute_and_fetch_all, main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'A'});") safe_execute(execute_and_fetch_all, main_cursor, "USE DATABASE B;") safe_execute(execute_and_fetch_all, main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'B'});") interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_WITH_RECOVERY, replica_name) # 4/ cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS[replica_name], "replica").cursor() mg_sleep_and_assert(8, get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")) mg_sleep_and_assert(3, get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")) mg_sleep_and_assert(3, get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "B")) mg_sleep_and_assert(0, get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "B")) @pytest.mark.parametrize("replica_name", [("replica_1"), ("replica_2")]) def test_multitenancy_replication_drop_replica(connection, replica_name): # Goal: show that the cluster can recover if a replica is dropped and registered again # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A and B # 2/ Write on MAIN to A and B # 3/ Drop and add the same replica # 4/ Validate data on replica # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE B;") # 2/ setup_main(main_cursor) # 3/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, f"DROP REPLICA {replica_name};") sync = {"replica_1": "SYNC", "replica_2": "ASYNC"} execute_and_fetch_all( main_cursor, f"REGISTER REPLICA {replica_name} {sync[replica_name]} TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS[replica_name]}';", ) # 4/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 7, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 7, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")) expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 3, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 3, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "B")) cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS[replica_name], "replica").cursor() assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 7 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 3 assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 2 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 0 def test_multitenancy_replication_restart_main(connection): # Goal: show that the cluster can restore to a correct state if the MAIN restarts # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A and B # 2/ Write on MAIN to A and B # 3/ Restart main and write new data # 4/ Validate data on replica # 0/ # Tmp dir should already be removed, but sometimes its not... safe_execute(shutil.rmtree, TEMP_DIR) interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_WITH_RECOVERY) setup_replication(connection) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE B;") # 2/ setup_main(main_cursor) # 3/ interactive_mg_runner.kill(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_WITH_RECOVERY, "main") interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_WITH_RECOVERY, "main") main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'A'});") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE B;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'B'});") # 4/ cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_replica, "USE DATABASE A;") assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 8 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 3 assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 3 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 0 cursor_replica = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_replica, "USE DATABASE A;") assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 8 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "A")() == 3 assert get_number_of_nodes_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 3 assert get_number_of_edges_func(cursor_replica, "B")() == 0 def test_automatic_databases_drop_multitenancy_replication(connection): # Goal: show that drop database can be replicated # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A # 2/ Write to MAIN A # 3/ Validate replication of changes to A have arrived at REPLICA # 4/ DROP DATABASE A/B # 5/ Check that the drop replicated # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE B;") # 2/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'A'});") # 3/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 1, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 1, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")) expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 0, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "B")) # 4/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE memgraph;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "DROP DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "DROP DATABASE B;") # 5/ databases_on_main = show_databases_func(main_cursor)() replica_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() mg_sleep_and_assert(databases_on_main, show_databases_func(replica_cursor)) replica_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() mg_sleep_and_assert(databases_on_main, show_databases_func(replica_cursor)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("replica_name", [("replica_1"), ("replica_2")]) def test_drop_multitenancy_replication_restart_replica(connection, replica_name): # Goal: show that the drop database can be restored # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A and B # 2/ Write on MAIN to A and B # 3/ Restart SYNC replica and drop database # 4/ Validate data on replica # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE B;") # 2/ setup_main(main_cursor) # 3/ interactive_mg_runner.kill(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, replica_name) execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE memgraph;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "DROP DATABASE B;") interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, replica_name) # 4/ databases_on_main = show_databases_func(main_cursor)() replica_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() mg_sleep_and_assert(databases_on_main, show_databases_func(replica_cursor)) replica_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() mg_sleep_and_assert(databases_on_main, show_databases_func(replica_cursor)) def test_multitenancy_drop_while_replica_using(connection): # Goal: show that the replica can handle a transaction on a database being dropped (will persist until tx finishes) # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A # 2/ Write to MAIN A # 3/ Validate replication of changes to A have arrived at REPLICA # 4/ Start A transaction on replica 1, Use A on replica2 # 5/ Check that the drop replicated # 6/ Validate that the transaction is still active and working and that the replica2 is not pointing to anything # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") # 2/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'A'});") # 3/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 1, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 1, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")) # 4/ replica1_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() replica2_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "BEGIN") execute_and_fetch_all(replica2_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE memgraph;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "DROP DATABASE A;") # 5/ # TODO Remove this once there is a replica state for the system execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE B;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE B;") expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 0, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "B")) # 6/ assert execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "MATCH(n) RETURN count(*);")[0][0] == 1 execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "COMMIT") failed = False try: execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "MATCH(n) RETURN n;") except mgclient.DatabaseError: failed = True assert failed failed = False try: execute_and_fetch_all(replica2_cursor, "MATCH(n) RETURN n;") except mgclient.DatabaseError: failed = True assert failed def test_multitenancy_drop_and_recreate_while_replica_using(connection): # Goal: show that the replica can handle a transaction on a database being dropped and the same name reused # Original storage should persist in a nameless state until tx is over # needs replicating over # 0/ Setup replication # 1/ MAIN CREATE DATABASE A # 2/ Write to MAIN A # 3/ Validate replication of changes to A have arrived at REPLICA # 4/ Start A transaction on replica 1, Use A on replica2 # 5/ Check that the drop/create replicated # 6/ Validate that the transaction is still active and working and that the replica2 is not pointing to anything # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION) main_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main").cursor() # 1/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") # 2/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE (:Node{on:'A'});") # 3/ expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 1, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 1, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")) # 4/ replica1_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() replica2_cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "BEGIN") execute_and_fetch_all(replica2_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE memgraph;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "DROP DATABASE A;") # 5/ execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "CREATE DATABASE A;") execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "USE DATABASE A;") expected_data = { ("replica_1", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"), ("replica_2", f"{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}", "async", 0, 0, "ready"), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_replicas_func(main_cursor, "A")) # 6/ assert execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "MATCH(n) RETURN count(*);")[0][0] == 1 execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "COMMIT") failed = False try: execute_and_fetch_all(replica1_cursor, "MATCH(n) RETURN n;") except mgclient.DatabaseError: failed = True assert failed failed = False try: execute_and_fetch_all(replica2_cursor, "MATCH(n) RETURN n;") except mgclient.DatabaseError: failed = True assert failed if __name__ == "__main__": interactive_mg_runner.cleanup_directories_on_exit() sys.exit(pytest.main([__file__, "-rA"]))