#include #include "_hardcoded_query/basic.hpp" #include "logging/default.hpp" #include "logging/streams/stdout.hpp" #include "query/strip/stripper.hpp" #include "storage/indexes/indexes.hpp" #include "utils/sysinfo/memory.hpp" // Returns uniform random size_t generator from range [0,n> auto rand_gen(size_t n) { std::default_random_engine generator; std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0, n - 1); return std::bind(distribution, generator); } void run(size_t n, std::string &query, Db &db) { auto stripper = make_query_stripper(TK_LONG, TK_FLOAT, TK_STR, TK_BOOL); auto qf = hardcode::load_basic_functions(db); auto stripped = stripper.strip(query); std::cout << "Running query [" << stripped.hash << "] for " << n << " time." << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { properties_t vec = stripped.arguments; assert(qf[stripped.hash](std::move(vec))); } } void add_edge(size_t n, Db &db) { auto stripper = make_query_stripper(TK_LONG, TK_FLOAT, TK_STR, TK_BOOL); auto qf = hardcode::load_basic_functions(db); std::string query = "MATCH (n1), (n2) WHERE ID(n1)=0 AND " "ID(n2)=1 CREATE (n1)<-[r:IS {age: " "25,weight: 70}]-(n2) RETURN r"; auto stripped = stripper.strip(query); std::cout << "Running query [" << stripped.hash << "] for " << n << " time to add edge." << std::endl; std::vector vertices; for (auto &v : db.graph.vertices.access()) { vertices.push_back(v.second.id); } auto rand = rand_gen(vertices.size()); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { properties_t vec = stripped.arguments; vec[0] = Property(Int64(vertices[rand()]), Flags::Int64); vec[1] = Property(Int64(vertices[rand()]), Flags::Int64); assert(qf[stripped.hash](std::move(vec))); } } void add_property(Db &db, StoredProperty &prop) { DbAccessor t(db); t.vertex_access().fill().update().for_all([&](auto va) { va.set(prop); }); assert(t.commit()); } void add_vertex_property_serial_int(Db &db, PropertyFamily &f) { DbAccessor t(db); auto key = f.get(Int64::type).family_key(); size_t i = 0; t.vertex_access().fill().update().for_all([&](auto va) mutable { va.set(StoredProperty(Int64(i), key)); i++; }); assert(t.commit()); } void add_edge_property_serial_int(Db &db, PropertyFamily &f) { DbAccessor t(db); auto key = f.get(Int64::type).family_key(); size_t i = 0; t.edge_access().fill().update().for_all([&](auto va) mutable { va.set(StoredProperty(Int64(i), key)); i++; }); assert(t.commit()); } template size_t size(Db &db, IndexHolder &h) { DbAccessor t(db); size_t count = 0; auto oin = h.get_read(); if (oin.is_present()) { oin.get()->for_range(t).for_all([&](auto va) mutable { count++; }); } t.commit(); return count; } void assert_empty(Db &db) { assert(db.graph.vertices.access().size() == 0); assert(db.graph.edges.access().size() == 0); } void clean_vertex(Db &db) { DbTransaction t(db); t.clean_vertex_section(); t.trans.commit(); } void clean_edge(Db &db) { DbTransaction t(db); t.clean_edge_section(); t.trans.commit(); } void clear_database(Db &db) { std::string delete_all_vertices = "MATCH (n) DELETE n"; std::string delete_all_edges = "MATCH ()-[r]-() DELETE r"; run(1, delete_all_edges, db); run(1, delete_all_vertices, db); clean_vertex(db); clean_edge(db); assert_empty(db); } bool equal(Db &a, Db &b) { { auto acc_a = a.graph.vertices.access(); auto acc_b = b.graph.vertices.access(); if (acc_a.size() != acc_b.size()) { return false; } auto it_a = acc_a.begin(); auto it_b = acc_b.begin(); for (auto i = acc_a.size(); i > 0; i--) { // TODO: compare } } { auto acc_a = a.graph.edges.access(); auto acc_b = b.graph.edges.access(); if (acc_a.size() != acc_b.size()) { return false; } auto it_a = acc_a.begin(); auto it_b = acc_b.begin(); for (auto i = acc_a.size(); i > 0; i--) { // TODO: compare } } return true; } int main(void) { logging::init_async(); logging::log->pipe(std::make_unique()); size_t cvl_n = 1; std::string create_vertex_label = "CREATE (n:LABEL {name: \"cleaner_test\"}) RETURN n"; std::string create_vertex_other = "CREATE (n:OTHER {name: \"cleaner_test\"}) RETURN n"; std::string delete_label_vertices = "MATCH (n:LABEL) DELETE n"; std::string delete_all_vertices = "MATCH (n) DELETE n"; IndexDefinition vertex_property_nonunique_unordered = { IndexLocation{VertexSide, Option("prop"), Option(), Option()}, IndexType{false, None}}; IndexDefinition edge_property_nonunique_unordered = { IndexLocation{EdgeSide, Option("prop"), Option(), Option()}, IndexType{false, None}}; IndexDefinition edge_property_unique_ordered = { IndexLocation{EdgeSide, Option("prop"), Option(), Option()}, IndexType{true, Ascending}}; IndexDefinition vertex_property_unique_ordered = { IndexLocation{VertexSide, Option("prop"), Option(), Option()}, IndexType{true, Ascending}}; // ******************************* TEST 1 ********************************// { std::cout << "TEST1" << std::endl; // add indexes // add vertices LABEL // add edges // add vertices property // assert index size. Db db("index", false); assert(db.indexes().add_index(vertex_property_nonunique_unordered)); assert(db.indexes().add_index(edge_property_nonunique_unordered)); run(cvl_n, create_vertex_label, db); auto sp = StoredProperty( Int64(0), db.graph.vertices.property_family_find_or_create("prop") .get(Int64::type) .family_key()); add_property(db, sp); assert(cvl_n == size(db, db.graph.vertices.property_family_find_or_create("prop") .index)); add_edge(cvl_n, db); add_edge_property_serial_int( db, db.graph.edges.property_family_find_or_create("prop")); assert( cvl_n == size(db, db.graph.edges.property_family_find_or_create("prop").index)); } // TODO: more tests return 0; }