#pragma once #include <atomic> #include <memory> namespace lockfree { /** @brief Multiple-Producer Single-Consumer Queue * A wait-free (*) multiple-producer single-consumer queue. * * features: * - wait-free * - fast producers (only one atomic XCHG and and one atomic store with * release semantics) * - extremely fast consumer (only atomic loads with acquire semantics on * the fast path and atomic loads + atomic XCHG on the slow path) * - no need for order reversion -> pop() is always O(1) * - ABA free * * great for using in loggers, garbage collectors etc. * * (*) there is a small window of inconsistency from the lock free design * see the url below for details * URL: * http://www.1024cores.net/home/lock-free-algorithms/queues/intrusive-mpsc-node-based-queue * * mine is not intrusive for better modularity, but with slightly worse * performance because it needs to do two memory allocations instead of * one * * @tparam T Type of the items to store in the queue */ template <class T> class MpscQueue { struct Node { Node(Node* next, std::unique_ptr<T>&& item) : next(next), item(std::forward<std::unique_ptr<T>>(item)) {} std::atomic<Node*> next; std::unique_ptr<T> item; }; public: MpscQueue() { auto stub = new Node(nullptr, nullptr); head.store(stub); tail = stub; } ~MpscQueue() { // purge all elements from the queue while (pop()) { } // we are left with a stub, delete that delete tail; } MpscQueue(MpscQueue&) = delete; MpscQueue(MpscQueue&&) = delete; /** @brief Pushes an item into the queue. * * Pushes an item into the front of the queue. * * @param item std::unique_ptr<T> An item to push into the queue * @return void */ void push(std::unique_ptr<T>&& item) { push(new Node(nullptr, std::forward<std::unique_ptr<T>>(item))); } /** @brief Pops a node from the queue. * * Pops and returns a node from the back of the queue. * * @return std::unique_ptr<T> A pointer to the node popped from the * queue, nullptr if nothing was popped */ std::unique_ptr<T> pop() { auto tail = this->tail; // serialization point wrt producers auto next = tail->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if (next) { // remove the last stub from the queue // make [2] the next stub and return it's data // // H --> [n] <- ... <- [2] <--+--[STUB] +-- T // | | // +-----------+ this->tail = next; // delete the stub node // H --> [n] <- ... <- [STUB] <-- T delete tail; return std::move(next->item); } return nullptr; } private: std::atomic<Node*> head; Node* tail; /** @brief Pushes a new node into the queue. * * Pushes a new node containing the item into the front of the queue. * * @param node Node* A pointer to node you want to push into the queue * @return void */ void push(Node* node) { // initial state // H --> [3] <- [2] <- [STUB] <-- T // serialization point wrt producers, acquire-release auto old = head.exchange(node, std::memory_order_acq_rel); // after exchange // H --> [4] [3] <- [2] <- [STUB] <-- T // this is the window of inconsistency, if the producer is blocked // here, the consumer is also blocked. but this window is extremely // small, it's followed by a store operation which is a // serialization point wrt consumer // old holds a pointer to node [3] and we need to link the [3] to a // newly created node [4] using release semantics // serialization point wrt consumer, release old->next.store(node, std::memory_order_release); // finally, we have a queue like this // H --> [4] <- [3] <- [2] <- [1] <-- T } }; }