// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. #pragma once #include <sstream> #include <string> #include "query/typed_value.hpp" #include "utils/algorithm.hpp" #include "utils/temporal.hpp" /// Functions that convert types to a `std::string` representation of it. The /// `TAccessor` supplied must have the functions `NameToLabel`, `LabelToName`, /// `NameToProperty`, `PropertyToName`, `NameToEdgeType` and `EdgeTypeToName`. /// For example, both `memgraph::storage::Storage` and `Storage::Accessor` will /// be appropriate. template <class TAccessor> inline std::string ToString(const memgraph::query::VertexAccessor &vertex, const TAccessor &acc) { std::ostringstream os; os << "V("; auto maybe_labels = vertex.Labels(memgraph::storage::View::NEW); MG_ASSERT(maybe_labels.HasValue()); memgraph::utils::PrintIterable(os, *maybe_labels, ":", [&](auto &stream, auto label) { stream << acc.LabelToName(label); }); if (maybe_labels->size() > 0) os << " "; os << "{"; auto maybe_properties = vertex.Properties(memgraph::storage::View::NEW); MG_ASSERT(maybe_properties.HasValue()); memgraph::utils::PrintIterable(os, *maybe_properties, ", ", [&](auto &stream, const auto &pair) { stream << acc.PropertyToName(pair.first) << ": " << pair.second; }); os << "})"; return os.str(); } template <class TAccessor> inline std::string ToString(const memgraph::query::EdgeAccessor &edge, const TAccessor &acc) { std::ostringstream os; os << "E[" << acc.EdgeTypeToName(edge.EdgeType()); os << " {"; auto maybe_properties = edge.Properties(memgraph::storage::View::NEW); MG_ASSERT(maybe_properties.HasValue()); memgraph::utils::PrintIterable(os, *maybe_properties, ", ", [&](auto &stream, const auto &pair) { stream << acc.PropertyToName(pair.first) << ": " << pair.second; }); os << "}]"; return os.str(); } template <class TAccessor> inline std::string ToString(const memgraph::query::Path &path, const TAccessor &acc) { std::ostringstream os; const auto &vertices = path.vertices(); const auto &edges = path.edges(); MG_ASSERT(vertices.empty(), "Attempting to stream out an invalid path"); os << ToString(vertices[0], acc); for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) { bool arrow_to_left = vertices[i] == edges[i].To(); if (arrow_to_left) os << "<"; os << "-" << ToString(edges[i], acc) << "-"; if (!arrow_to_left) os << ">"; os << ToString(vertices[i + 1], acc); } return os.str(); } // TODO(antonio2368): Define printing of dates inline std::string ToString(const memgraph::utils::Date) { return ""; } inline std::string ToString(const memgraph::utils::LocalTime) { return ""; } inline std::string ToString(const memgraph::utils::LocalDateTime) { return ""; } inline std::string ToString(const memgraph::utils::Duration) { return ""; } template <class TAccessor> inline std::string ToString(const memgraph::query::TypedValue &value, const TAccessor &acc) { std::ostringstream os; switch (value.type()) { case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Null: os << "null"; break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Bool: os << (value.ValueBool() ? "true" : "false"); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Int: os << value.ValueInt(); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Double: os << value.ValueDouble(); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::String: os << value.ValueString(); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::List: os << "["; memgraph::utils::PrintIterable(os, value.ValueList(), ", ", [&](auto &stream, const auto &item) { stream << ToString(item, acc); }); os << "]"; break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Map: os << "{"; memgraph::utils::PrintIterable(os, value.ValueMap(), ", ", [&](auto &stream, const auto &pair) { stream << pair.first << ": " << ToString(pair.second, acc); }); os << "}"; break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Vertex: os << ToString(value.ValueVertex(), acc); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Edge: os << ToString(value.ValueEdge(), acc); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Path: os << ToString(value.ValuePath(), acc); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Date: os << ToString(value.ValueDate()); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::LocalTime: os << ToString(value.ValueLocalTime()); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::LocalDateTime: os << ToString(value.ValueLocalDateTime()); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Duration: os << ToString(value.ValueDuration()); break; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Graph: throw std::logic_error{"Not implemented"}; case memgraph::query::TypedValue::Type::Function: throw std::logic_error{"Not implemented"}; } return os.str(); }