#include <chrono> #include <memory> #include <thread> #include <gflags/gflags.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include "data_structures/concurrent/skiplist_gc.hpp" /** * FakeItem class which increments a variable in the destructor. * Used to keep track of the number of destroyed elements in GC. */ class FakeItem { public: FakeItem(std::atomic<int> &count, int value) : count(count), value(value) {} ~FakeItem() { count.fetch_add(1); } bool operator<(const FakeItem &item) const { return this->value < item.value; } bool operator>(const FakeItem &item) const { return this->value > item.value; } static void destroy(FakeItem *item) { delete item; } private: std::atomic<int> &count; int value; }; DECLARE_int32(skiplist_gc_interval); TEST(SkipListGC, CreateNewAccessors) { FLAGS_skiplist_gc_interval = -1; SkipListGC<FakeItem> gc; auto &accessor1 = gc.CreateNewAccessor(); auto &accessor2 = gc.CreateNewAccessor(); auto &accessor3 = gc.CreateNewAccessor(); EXPECT_EQ(accessor1.id_, 1); EXPECT_EQ(accessor2.id_, 2); EXPECT_EQ(accessor3.id_, 3); accessor1.alive_ = false; accessor2.alive_ = false; accessor3.alive_ = false; } TEST(SkipListGC, DeleteItem) { FLAGS_skiplist_gc_interval = -1; SkipListGC<FakeItem> gc; auto &accessor1 = gc.CreateNewAccessor(); std::atomic<int> count{0}; auto item1 = new FakeItem(count, 1); gc.Collect(item1); // Kill the accesssor accessor1.alive_ = false; gc.GarbageCollect(); EXPECT_EQ(count, 1); } TEST(SkipListGC, DontDeleteItem) { FLAGS_skiplist_gc_interval = -1; SkipListGC<FakeItem> gc; auto &accessor1 = gc.CreateNewAccessor(); auto &accessor2 = gc.CreateNewAccessor(); std::atomic<int> count{0}; auto item1 = new FakeItem(count, 1); gc.Collect(item1); // Kill the accesssor accessor2.alive_ = false; // Nothing deleted because accessor1 is blocking. gc.GarbageCollect(); EXPECT_EQ(count, 0); // Accessor 1 is not blocking anymore. accessor1.alive_ = false; gc.GarbageCollect(); EXPECT_EQ(count, 1); } TEST(SkipListGC, Destructor) { FLAGS_skiplist_gc_interval = -1; std::atomic<int> count{0}; auto item1 = new FakeItem(count, 1); { SkipListGC<FakeItem> gc; gc.Collect(item1); EXPECT_EQ(count, 0); } EXPECT_EQ(count, 1); } TEST(SkipListGC, MultipleDeletes) { FLAGS_skiplist_gc_interval = -1; SkipListGC<FakeItem> gc; std::atomic<int> count{0}; auto &accessor1 = gc.CreateNewAccessor(); auto item1 = new FakeItem(count, 1); gc.Collect(item1); auto &accessor2 = gc.CreateNewAccessor(); auto item2 = new FakeItem(count, 1); gc.Collect(item2); auto &accessor3 = gc.CreateNewAccessor(); auto item3 = new FakeItem(count, 1); gc.Collect(item3); accessor1.alive_ = false; accessor2.alive_ = false; gc.GarbageCollect(); EXPECT_EQ(count, 2); accessor3.alive_ = false; gc.GarbageCollect(); EXPECT_EQ(count, 3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }