#ifndef MEMGRAPH_UTILS_SPLIT_HPP #define MEMGRAPH_UTILS_SPLIT_HPP #include #include namespace utils { std::vector split(const std::string& src, const std::string& delimiter) { size_t index = 0; std::vector res; size_t n = src.find(delimiter, index); while(n != std::string::npos) { n = src.find(delimiter, index); res.push_back(src.substr(index, n - index)); index = n + delimiter.size(); } return res; } // doesn't work with gcc even though it's only c++11... // and it's slow as hell compared to the split implementation above // (more powerful though) std::vector regex_split(const std::string& input, const std::string& regex) { auto rgx = std::regex(regex); std::sregex_token_iterator last, first { input.begin(), input.end(), rgx, -1}; return { first, last }; } } #endif