#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "query/util.hpp" #include "query/i_plan_cpu.hpp" #include "storage/model/properties/all.hpp" #include "using.hpp" using std::cout; using std::endl; // Query: MATCH (p:profile {profile_id: 111, partner_id:55})-[s:score]-(g.garment {garment_id: 1234}) DELETE s // Hash: 9459600951073026137 class CodeCPU : public IPlanCPU<Stream> { public: bool run(Db &db, plan_args_t &args, Stream &stream) override { DbAccessor t(db); auto &profile = t.label_find_or_create("profile"); auto &score = t.type_find_or_create("score"); auto &garment = t.label_find_or_create("garment"); indices_t profile_ind = {{"profile_id", 0}, {"partner_id", 1}}; indices_t garment_ind = {{"garment_id", 2}}; auto profile_prop = query_properties(profile_ind, args); auto garment_prop = query_properties(garment_ind, args); auto score_key = t.edge_property_key("score", args[3].key.flags()); // TODO: decide path (which index is better) // 3 options p->s->g, g->s->p, g<-s->p // NOTE! both direections have to be chacked // because pattern is non directional // OR // even better, use index on label and property // just one option p->s->g! Option<const EdgeAccessor> e1; profile.index() .for_range(t) .properties_filter(t, profile_prop) .out() .type(score) .clone_to(e1) .to() .label(garment) .properties_filter(t, garment_prop) .for_all([&](auto va) -> void { auto ea = e1.get().update(); ea.remove(); }); Option<const EdgeAccessor> e2; profile.index() .for_range(t) .properties_filter(t, profile_prop) .in() .type(score) .clone_to(e1) .from() .label(garment) .properties_filter(t, garment_prop) .for_all([&](auto va) -> void { auto ea = e2.get().update(); ea.remove(); }); stream.write_empty_fields(); stream.write_meta("w"); return t.commit(); } ~CodeCPU() {} }; extern "C" IPlanCPU<Stream>* produce() { return new CodeCPU(); } extern "C" void destruct(IPlanCPU<Stream>* p) { delete p; }