#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import os import time import itertools import json import subprocess from argparse import ArgumentParser from collections import OrderedDict from collections import defaultdict import tempfile import shutil from statistics import median from perf import Perf try: import jail APOLLO = True except: import jail_faker as jail APOLLO = False DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) WALL_TIME = "wall_time" CPU_TIME = "cpu_time" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_absolute_path(path, base=""): if base == "build": extra = "../../../build" elif base == "build_release": extra = "../../../build_release" elif base == "libs": extra = "../../../libs" elif base == "config": extra = "../../../config" else: extra = "" return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DIR_PATH, extra, path)) def wait_for_server(port, delay=1.0): cmd = ["nc", "-z", "-w", "1", "", port] while subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: time.sleep(0.5) time.sleep(delay) def load_scenarios(args): """ Scans through folder structure starting with groups_root and loads query scenarios. Expected folder structure is: groups_root/ groupname1/ config.json common.py setup.FILE_TYPE teardown.FILE_TYPE itersetup.FILE_TYPE iterteardown.FILE_TYPE scenario1.config.json scenario1.run.FILE_TYPE-------(mandatory) scenario1.setup.FILE_TYPE scenario1.teardown.FILE_TYPE scenario1.itersetup.FILE_TYPE scenario1.iterteardown.FILE_TYPE scenario2... ... groupname2/ ... Per query configs (setup, teardown, itersetup, iterteardown) override group configs for that scenario. Group configs must have one extension (.FILE_TYPE) and scenario configs must have 2 extensions (.scenario_name.FILE_TYPE). Each suite doesn't need to implement all query steps and filetypes. See documentation in each suite for supported ones. Args: args: additional args parsed by this function group_paths: str, root folder that contains group folders Return: {group: (scenario, {config: query_generator_function}) """ argp = ArgumentParser("QuerySuite.scenarios argument parser") argp.add_argument("--query-scenarios-root", default=get_absolute_path("groups"), dest="root") args, _ = argp.parse_known_args() log.info("Loading query scenarios from root: %s", args.root) def fill_config_dict(config_dict, base, config_files): for config_file in config_files: log.debug("Processing config file %s", config_file) config_name = config_file.split(".")[-2] config_dict[config_name] = QuerySuite.Loader( os.path.join(base, config_file)) # validate that the scenario does not contain any illegal # keys (defense against typos in file naming) unknown_keys = set(config_dict) - QuerySuite.KNOWN_KEYS if unknown_keys: raise Exception("Unknown QuerySuite config elements: '%r'" % unknown_keys) def dir_content(root, predicate): return [p for p in os.listdir(root) if predicate(os.path.join(root, p))] group_scenarios = OrderedDict() for group in dir_content(args.root, os.path.isdir): log.info("Loading group: '%s'", group) group_scenarios[group] = [] files = dir_content(os.path.join(args.root, group), os.path.isfile) # process group default config group_config = {} fill_config_dict(group_config, os.path.join(args.root, group), [f for f in files if f.count(".") == 1]) # group files on scenario for scenario_name, scenario_files in itertools.groupby( filter(lambda f: f.count(".") == 2, sorted(files)), lambda x: x.split(".")[0]): log.info("Loading scenario: '%s'", scenario_name) scenario = dict(group_config) fill_config_dict(scenario, os.path.join(args.root, group), scenario_files) group_scenarios[group].append((scenario_name, scenario)) log.debug("Loaded config for scenario '%s'\n%r", scenario_name, scenario) return group_scenarios class _QuerySuite: """ Executes a Query-based benchmark scenario. Query-based scenarios consist of setup steps (Cypher queries) executed before the benchmark, a single Cypher query that is benchmarked, and teardown steps (Cypher queries) executed after the benchmark. """ # what the QuerySuite can work with KNOWN_KEYS = {"config", "setup", "itersetup", "run", "iterteardown", "teardown", "common"} FORMAT = ["{:>24}", "{:>28}", "{:>16}", "{:>18}", "{:>22}", "{:>16}", "{:>16}"] FULL_FORMAT = "".join(FORMAT) + "\n" summary = FULL_FORMAT.format( "group_name", "scenario_name", "parsing_time", "planning_time", "plan_execution_time", WALL_TIME, CPU_TIME) def __init__(self, args): if not APOLLO: self.perf = Perf() argp = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) argp.add_argument("--perf", help="Run perf on memgraph binary.", action="store_true") args, _ = argp.parse_known_args(args) self.perf = Perf() if args.perf else None class Loader: """ Loads file contents. Supported types are: .py - executable that prints out Cypher queries .cypher - contains Cypher queries in textual form .json - contains a configuration A QueryLoader object is callable. A call to it returns a generator that yields loaded data (Cypher queries, configuration). In that sense one QueryLoader is reusable. The generator approach makes it possible to generated different queries each time when executing a .py file. """ def __init__(self, file_path): self.file_path = file_path def _queries(self, data): """ Helper function for breaking down and filtering queries""" for element in filter( None, map(str.strip, data.replace("\n", " ").split(";"))): yield element def __call__(self): """ Yields queries found in the given file_path one by one """ log.debug("Generating queries from file_path: %s", self.file_path) _, extension = os.path.splitext(self.file_path) if extension == ".cypher": with open(self.file_path) as f: return self._queries(f.read()) elif extension == ".py": return self._queries(subprocess.check_output( ["python3", self.file_path]).decode("ascii")) elif extension == ".json": with open(self.file_path) as f: return [json.load(f)].__iter__() else: raise Exception("Unsupported filetype {} ".format(extension)) def __repr__(self): return "(QuerySuite.Loader<%s>)" % self.file_path def run(self, scenario, group_name, scenario_name, runner): log.debug("QuerySuite.run() with scenario: %s", scenario) scenario_config = scenario.get("config") scenario_config = next(scenario_config()) if scenario_config else {} def execute(config_name, num_client_workers=1): queries = scenario.get(config_name) start_time = time.time() if queries: r_val = runner.execute(queries(), num_client_workers) else: r_val = None log.info("\t%s done in %.2f seconds" % (config_name, time.time() - start_time)) return r_val def add_measurement(dictionary, iteration, key): if key in dictionary: measurement = {"target": key, "value": float(dictionary[key]), "unit": "s", "type": "time", "iteration": iteration} measurements.append(measurement) try: measurement_lists[key].append(float(dictionary[key])) except: pass measurements = [] measurement_lists = defaultdict(list) # Run the whole test 3 times because memgraph is sometimes # consistently slow and with this hack we get a good median for i in range(3): pid = runner.start() execute("setup") # warmup phase for _ in range(min(scenario_config.get("iterations", 1), scenario_config.get("warmup", 2))): execute("itersetup") execute("run", scenario_config.get("num_client_workers", 1)) execute("iterteardown") if self.perf: self.perf.start(pid) # TODO per scenario/run runner configuration num_iterations = scenario_config.get("iterations", 1) for iteration in range(num_iterations): # TODO if we didn't have the itersetup it would be trivial # to move iteration to the bolt_client script, so we would not # have to start and stop the client for each iteration, it would # most likely run faster execute("itersetup") run_result = execute("run", scenario_config.get("num_client_workers", 1)) add_measurement(run_result, iteration, WALL_TIME) add_measurement(run_result, iteration, CPU_TIME) for measurement in ["parsing_time", "plan_execution_time", "planning_time"] : for i in range(len(run_result.get("metadatas", []))): add_measurement(run_result["metadatas"][i], iteration, measurement) execute("iterteardown") if self.perf: self.perf.stop() # TODO value outlier detection and warning across iterations execute("teardown") runner.stop() self.append_scenario_summary(group_name, scenario_name, measurement_lists, num_iterations) return measurements def append_scenario_summary(self, group_name, scenario_name, measurement_lists, num_iterations): self.summary += self.FORMAT[0].format(group_name) self.summary += self.FORMAT[1].format(scenario_name) for i, key in enumerate(("parsing_time", "planning_time", "plan_execution_time", WALL_TIME, CPU_TIME)): if key not in measurement_lists: time = "-" else: # Median is used instead of avg to avoid effect of outliers. time = "{:.10f}".format(median(measurement_lists[key])) self.summary += self.FORMAT[i + 2].format(time) self.summary += "\n" def runners(self): """ Which runners can execute a QuerySuite scenario """ assert False, "This is a base class, use one of derived suites" def groups(self): """ Which groups can be executed by a QuerySuite scenario """ assert False, "This is a base class, use one of derived suites" class QuerySuite(_QuerySuite): def __init__(self, args): _QuerySuite.__init__(self, args) def runners(self): return ["MemgraphRunner", "NeoRunner"] def groups(self): return ["1000_create", "unwind_create", "match", "dense_expand", "expression", "aggregation", "return", "update", "delete"] class QueryParallelSuite(_QuerySuite): def __init__(self, args): _QuerySuite.__init__(self, args) def runners(self): return ["MemgraphRunner", "NeoRunner"] def groups(self): return ["aggregation_parallel", "create_parallel"] # Database wrappers. class Memgraph: """ Knows how to start and stop memgraph. """ def __init__(self, args, cpus): self.log = logging.getLogger("MemgraphRunner") argp = ArgumentParser("MemgraphArgumentParser", add_help=False) argp.add_argument("--runner-bin", default=get_absolute_path("memgraph", "build")) argp.add_argument("--runner-config", default=get_absolute_path("benchmarking_latency.conf", "config")) argp.add_argument("--port", default="7687", help="Database and client port") self.log.info("Initializing Runner with arguments %r", args) self.args, _ = argp.parse_known_args(args) self.database_bin = jail.get_process() self.database_bin.set_cpus(cpus) def start(self): self.log.info("start") env = {"MEMGRAPH_CONFIG": self.args.runner_config} database_args = ["--port", self.args.port] # find executable path runner_bin = self.args.runner_bin if not os.path.exists(runner_bin): # Apollo builds both debug and release binaries on diff # so we need to use the release binary if the debug one # doesn't exist runner_bin = get_absolute_path("memgraph", "build_release") # start memgraph self.database_bin.run(runner_bin, database_args, env=env, timeout=600) wait_for_server(self.args.port) return self.database_bin.get_pid() if not APOLLO else None def stop(self): self.database_bin.send_signal(jail.SIGTERM) self.database_bin.wait() class Neo: def __init__(self, args, cpus): self.log = logging.getLogger("NeoRunner") argp = ArgumentParser("NeoArgumentParser", add_help=False) argp.add_argument("--runner-bin", default=get_absolute_path( "neo4j/bin/neo4j", "libs")) argp.add_argument("--runner-config", default=get_absolute_path("config/neo4j.conf")) argp.add_argument("--port", default="7687", help="Database and client port") argp.add_argument("--http-port", default="7474", help="Database and client port") self.log.info("Initializing Runner with arguments %r", args) self.args, _ = argp.parse_known_args(args) self.database_bin = jail.get_process() self.database_bin.set_cpus(cpus) def start(self): self.log.info("start") # create home directory self.neo4j_home_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir="/dev/shm") try: os.symlink(os.path.join(get_absolute_path("neo4j", "libs"), "lib"), os.path.join(self.neo4j_home_path, "lib")) neo4j_conf_dir = os.path.join(self.neo4j_home_path, "conf") neo4j_conf_file = os.path.join(neo4j_conf_dir, "neo4j.conf") os.mkdir(neo4j_conf_dir) shutil.copyfile(self.args.runner_config, neo4j_conf_file) with open(neo4j_conf_file, "a") as f: f.write("\ndbms.connector.bolt.listen_address=:" + self.args.port + "\n") f.write("\ndbms.connector.http.listen_address=:" + self.args.http_port + "\n") # environment cwd = os.path.dirname(self.args.runner_bin) env = {"NEO4J_HOME": self.neo4j_home_path} self.database_bin.run(self.args.runner_bin, args=["console"], env=env, timeout=600, cwd=cwd) except: shutil.rmtree(self.neo4j_home_path) raise Exception("Couldn't run Neo4j!") wait_for_server(self.args.http_port, 2.0) return self.database_bin.get_pid() if not APOLLO else None def stop(self): self.database_bin.send_signal(jail.SIGTERM) self.database_bin.wait() if os.path.exists(self.neo4j_home_path): shutil.rmtree(self.neo4j_home_path) class Postgres: """ Knows how to start and stop PostgreSQL. """ def __init__(self, args, cpus): self.log = logging.getLogger("PostgresRunner") argp = ArgumentParser("PostgresArgumentParser", add_help=False) argp.add_argument("--init-bin", default=get_absolute_path( "postgresql/bin/initdb", "libs")) argp.add_argument("--runner-bin", default=get_absolute_path( "postgresql/bin/postgres", "libs")) argp.add_argument("--port", default="5432", help="Database and client port") self.log.info("Initializing Runner with arguments %r", args) self.args, _ = argp.parse_known_args(args) self.username = "macro_benchmark" self.database_bin = jail.get_process() self.database_bin.set_cpus(cpus) def start(self): self.log.info("start") self.data_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir="/dev/shm") init_args = ["-D", self.data_path, "-U", self.username] self.database_bin.run_and_wait(self.args.init_bin, init_args) # args runner_args = ["-D", self.data_path, "-c", "port=" + self.args.port, "-c", "ssl=false", "-c", "max_worker_processes=1"] try: self.database_bin.run(self.args.runner_bin, args=runner_args, timeout=600) except: shutil.rmtree(self.data_path) raise Exception("Couldn't run PostgreSQL!") wait_for_server(self.args.port) return self.database_bin.get_pid() if not APOLLO else None def stop(self): self.database_bin.send_signal(jail.SIGTERM) self.database_bin.wait() if os.path.exists(self.data_path): shutil.rmtree(self.data_path) class _HarnessClientRunner: """ Knows how to start and stop database (backend) some client frontend (bolt), and execute a cypher query. Execution returns benchmarking data (execution times, memory usage etc). Inherited class should implement start method and initialise database_bin and bolt_client members of type Process. """ def __init__(self, args, database, cpus=None): if cpus is None: cpus = [2, 3] self.log = logging.getLogger("_HarnessClientRunner") self.database = database argp = ArgumentParser("RunnerArgumentParser", add_help=False) self.args, _ = argp.parse_known_args() self.bolt_client = jail.get_process() self.bolt_client.set_cpus(cpus) def start(self): self.database.start() def execute(self, queries, num_client_workers): self.log.debug("execute('%s')", str(queries)) client_path = "tests/macro_benchmark/harness_client" client = get_absolute_path(client_path, "build") if not os.path.exists(client): # Apollo builds both debug and release binaries on diff # so we need to use the release client if the debug one # doesn't exist client = get_absolute_path(client_path, "build_release") queries_fd, queries_path = tempfile.mkstemp() try: queries_file = os.fdopen(queries_fd, "w") queries_file.write("\n".join(queries)) queries_file.close() except: queries_file.close() os.remove(queries_path) raise Exception("Writing queries to temporary file failed") output_fd, output = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(output_fd) client_args = ["--port", self.database.args.port, "--num-workers", str(num_client_workers), "--output", output] cpu_time_start = self.database.database_bin.get_usage()["cpu"] # TODO make the timeout configurable per query or something return_code = self.bolt_client.run_and_wait( client, client_args, timeout=600, stdin=queries_path) cpu_time_end = self.database.database_bin.get_usage()["cpu"] os.remove(queries_path) if return_code != 0: with open(self.bolt_client.get_stderr()) as f: stderr = f.read() self.log.error("Error while executing queries '%s'. " "Failed with return_code %d and stderr:\n%s", str(queries), return_code, stderr) raise Exception("BoltClient execution failed") with open(output) as f: data = json.loads(f.read()) data[CPU_TIME] = cpu_time_end - cpu_time_start os.remove(output) return data def stop(self): self.log.info("stop") self.bolt_client.wait() self.database.stop() class MemgraphRunner(_HarnessClientRunner): def __init__(self, args, client_cpus=None, database_cpus=None): if database_cpus is None: database_cpus = [1] database = Memgraph(args, database_cpus) super(MemgraphRunner, self).__init__(args, database, cpus=client_cpus) class NeoRunner(_HarnessClientRunner): def __init__(self, args, client_cpus=None, database_cpus=None): if database_cpus is None: database_cpus = [1] database = Neo(args, database_cpus) super(NeoRunner, self).__init__(args, database, cpus=client_cpus) def main(): argp = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) # positional, mandatory args argp.add_argument("suite", help="Suite to run.") argp.add_argument("runner", help="Engine to use.") # named, optional arguments argp.add_argument("--groups", nargs="+", help="Groups to run. If none are" " provided, all available grups are run.") argp.add_argument("--scenarios", nargs="+", help="Scenarios to run. If " "none are provided, all available are run.") argp.add_argument("--logging", default="INFO", choices=["INFO", "DEBUG"], help="Logging level") argp.add_argument("--additional-run-fields", default={}, type=json.loads, help="Additional fields to add to the 'run', in JSON") argp.add_argument("--no-strict", default=False, action="store_true", help="Ignores nonexisting groups instead of raising an " "exception") args, remaining_args = argp.parse_known_args() if args.logging: logging.basicConfig(level=args.logging) logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("neo4j.bolt").setLevel(logging.WARNING) log.info("Memgraph benchmark suite harness") log.info("Executing for suite '%s', runner '%s'", args.suite, args.runner) # Create suites. suites = {"QuerySuite": QuerySuite, "QueryParallelSuite": QueryParallelSuite} if args.suite not in suites: raise Exception( "Suite '{}' isn't registered. Registered suites are: {}".format( args.suite, suites)) suite = suites[args.suite](remaining_args) # Load scenarios. group_scenarios = load_scenarios(remaining_args) log.info("Loaded %d groups, with a total of %d scenarios", len(group_scenarios), sum([len(x) for x in group_scenarios.values()])) # Create runners. runners = {"MemgraphRunner": MemgraphRunner, "NeoRunner": NeoRunner} if args.runner not in suite.runners(): raise Exception("Runner '{}' not registered for suite '{}'".format( args.runner, args.suite)) runner = runners[args.runner](remaining_args) # Validate groups (if provided). groups = [] if args.groups: for group in args.groups: if group not in suite.groups(): msg = "Group '{}' isn't registered for suite '{}'".format( group, suite) if args.no_strict: log.warn(msg) else: raise Exception(msg) else: groups.append(group) else: # No groups provided, use all suite group groups = suite.groups() # Filter scenarios. # TODO enable scenario filtering on regex filtered_scenarios = OrderedDict() for group, scenarios in group_scenarios.items(): if group not in groups: log.info("Skipping group '%s'", group) continue for scenario_name, scenario in scenarios: if args.scenarios and scenario_name not in args.scenarios: continue filtered_scenarios[(group, scenario_name)] = scenario if len(filtered_scenarios) == 0: log.info("No scenarios to execute") return # Run scenarios. log.info("Executing %d scenarios", len(filtered_scenarios)) results = [] for (group, scenario_name), scenario in sorted(filtered_scenarios.items()): log.info("Executing group.scenario '%s.%s' with elements %s", group, scenario_name, list(scenario.keys())) for iter_result in suite.run(scenario, group, scenario_name, runner): iter_result["group"] = group iter_result["scenario"] = scenario_name results.append(iter_result) # Save results. run = dict() run["suite"] = args.suite run["runner"] = runner.__class__.__name__ run["runner_config"] = vars(runner.args) run.update(args.additional_run_fields) for result in results: jail.store_data(result) # Print summary. print("\n\nMacro benchmark summary:") print("{}\n".format(suite.summary)) with open(get_absolute_path(".harness_summary"), "w") as f: print(suite.summary, file=f) if __name__ == "__main__": main()