#!/usr/bin/python3 import atexit import json import os import resource import shutil import subprocess import sys import threading import time import uuid from signal import * SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) STORAGE_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, ".storage") class ProcessException(Exception): pass class StorageException(Exception): pass class Process: def __init__(self, tid): self._tid = tid self._proc = None self._ticks_per_sec = os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names["SC_CLK_TCK"]) self._page_size = os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names["SC_PAGESIZE"]) self._usage = {} self._files = [] def run(self, binary, args = None, env = None, timeout = 120, stdin = "/dev/null", cwd = "."): if args is None: args = [] if env is None: env = {} # don't start a new process if one is already running if self._proc != None and self._proc.returncode == None: raise ProcessException # clear previous usage self._usage = {} # create exe list exe = [binary] + args # set environment variables keys = ["PATH", "HOME", "USER", "LANG", "PWD"] for key in keys: env[key] = os.environ[key] # set start time self._start_time = time.time() self._timeout = timeout # start process self._proc = subprocess.Popen(exe, env = env, cwd = cwd, stdin = open(stdin, "r")) def run_and_wait(self, *args, **kwargs): check = kwargs.pop("check", True) self.run(*args, **kwargs) return self.wait() def wait(self, check = True): if self._proc == None: raise ProcessException self._proc.wait() if check and self._proc.returncode != 0: raise ProcessException return self._proc.returncode def get_status(self): if self._proc == None: raise ProcessException self._proc.poll() return self._proc.returncode def send_signal(self, signal): if self._proc == None: raise ProcessException self._proc.send_signal(signal) def get_usage(self): if self._proc == None: raise ProcessException return self._usage # this is implemented only in the real API def set_cpus(self, cpus, hyper = True): s = "out" if not hyper else "" sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Trying to set cpus for {} to " "{} with{} hyperthreading!\n".format(str(self), cpus, s)) # this is implemented only in the real API def set_nproc(self, nproc): sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Trying to set nproc for {} to " "{}!\n".format(str(self), nproc)) # this is implemented only in the real API def set_memory(self, memory): sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Trying to set memory for {} to " "{}\n".format(str(self), memory)) # WARNING: this won't be implemented in the real API def get_pid(self): if self._proc == None: raise ProcessException return self._proc.pid def _set_usage(self, val, name, only_value = False): self._usage[name] = val if only_value: return maxname = "max_" + name maxval = val if maxname in self._usage: maxval = self._usage[maxname] self._usage[maxname] = max(maxval, val) def _do_background_tasks(self): self._update_usage() self._watchdog() def _update_usage(self): if self._proc == None: return try: f = open("/proc/{}/stat".format(self._proc.pid), "r") data_stat = f.read().split() f.close() f = open("/proc/{}/statm".format(self._proc.pid), "r") data_statm = f.read().split() f.close() except: return # for a description of these fields see: man proc; man times cpu_time = sum(map(lambda x: int(x) / self._ticks_per_sec, data_stat[13:17])) self._set_usage(cpu_time, "cpu", only_value = True) self._set_usage(int(data_stat[19]), "threads") mem_vm, mem_res, mem_shr = map(lambda x: int(x) * self._page_size // 1024, data_statm[:3]) self._set_usage(mem_res, "memory") def _watchdog(self): if self._proc == None or self._proc.returncode != None: return if time.time() - self._start_time < self._timeout: return sys.stderr.write("Timeout of {}s reached, sending " "SIGKILL to {}!\n".format(self._timeout, self)) self.send_signal(SIGKILL) self.get_status() def __repr__(self): return "Process(id={})".format(self._tid) # private methods ------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESSES_NUM = 8 _processes = [Process(i) for i in range(1, PROCESSES_NUM + 1)] _last_process = 0 _thread_run = True def _usage_updater(): while True: for proc in _processes: proc._do_background_tasks() time.sleep(0.1) _thread = threading.Thread(target = _usage_updater, daemon = True) _thread.start() if not os.path.exists(STORAGE_DIR): os.mkdir(STORAGE_DIR) _storage_name = os.path.join(STORAGE_DIR, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ".json") _storage_file = open(_storage_name, "w") @atexit.register def cleanup(): for proc in _processes: if proc._proc == None: continue proc.send_signal(SIGKILL) proc.get_status() _storage_file.close() # end of private methods ------------------------------------------------------ def get_process(): global _last_process if _last_process < PROCESSES_NUM: proc = _processes[_last_process] _last_process += 1 return proc return None def get_host_info(): with open("/proc/meminfo") as f: memdata = f.read() memory = 0 for row in memdata.split("\n"): tmp = row.split() if tmp[0] == "MemTotal:": memory = int(tmp[1]) break with open("/proc/cpuinfo") as f: cpudata = f.read() threads, cpus = 0, set() for row in cpudata.split("\n\n"): if not row: continue data = row.split("\n") core_id, physical_id = -1, -1 for line in data: name, val = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split(":")) if name == "physical id": physical_id = int(val) elif name == "core id": core_id = int(val) threads += 1 cpus.add((core_id, physical_id)) cpus = len(cpus) hyper = True if cpus != threads else False return {"cpus": cpus, "memory": memory, "hyperthreading": hyper, "threads": threads} def store_data(data): if not type(data) == dict: raise StorageException("Data must be a dictionary!") for i in ["unit", "type", "value"]: if not i in data: raise StorageException("Field '{}' missing in data!".format(i)) data["timestamp"] = time.time() _storage_file.write(json.dumps(data) + "\n")