#include #include #include #include #include "data_structures/bitset/static_bitset.hpp" #include "query/parameters.hpp" #include "query/plan_interface.hpp" #include "query/typed_value.hpp" #include "storage/edge_accessor.hpp" #include "storage/vertex_accessor.hpp" #include "using.hpp" #include "utils/assert.hpp" using std::cout; using std::endl; // General Query: MATCH // (a:garment)-[:default_outfit]-(b:garment)-[:default_outfit]-(c:garment)-[:default_outfit]-(d:garment)-[:default_outfit]-(a:garment)-[:default_outfit]-(c:garment), // (b:garment)-[:default_outfit]-(d:garment), (e:profile {profile_id: 112, // partner_id: 55})-[s1:score]-(a:garment),(e:profile {profile_id: 112, // partner_id: 55})-[s2:score]-(b:garment), (e:profile {profile_id: 112, // partner_id: 55})-[s3:score]-(c:garment), (e:profile {profile_id: 112, // partner_id: 55})-[s4:score]-(d:garment) WHERE a.garment_id=1234 RETURN // a.garment_id,b.garment_id,c.garment_id,d.garment_id, // s1.score+s2.score+s3.score+s4.score ORDER BY // s1.score+s2.score+s3.score+s4.score DESC LIMIT 10 enum CliqueQuery { SCORE_AND_LIMIT, FIND_ALL }; bool run_general_query(GraphDbAccessor &db_accessor, const Parameters &args, Stream &stream, enum CliqueQuery query_type) { std::vector headers{ std::string("a.garment_id"), std::string("b.garment_id"), std::string("c.garment_id"), std::string("d.garment_id")}; if (query_type != CliqueQuery::FIND_ALL) headers.push_back(std::string("score")); stream.Header(headers); // TODO dgleich: this code is very inefficient as it first makes a copy // of all the vertices/edges, and filters aftwarwards. I warned about this // happening in code review!!! auto vertices_iterator = db_accessor.Vertices(false); auto edge_iterator = db_accessor.Edges(false); std::vector vertices(vertices_iterator.begin(), vertices_iterator.end()); std::vector edges(edge_iterator.begin(), edge_iterator.end()); std::vector vertices_indexed; std::vector edges_indexed; int profile_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)vertices.size(); ++i) { if (vertices[i].has_label(db_accessor.Label("garment"))) vertices_indexed.push_back(&vertices[i]); if (query_type == CliqueQuery::SCORE_AND_LIMIT && vertices[i].has_label(db_accessor.Label("profile"))) { auto has_prop = vertices[i].PropsAt(db_accessor.Property("profile_id")) == args.At(0).second; if (has_prop.type() == query::TypedValue::Type::Null) continue; if (has_prop.Value() == false) continue; has_prop = vertices[i].PropsAt(db_accessor.Property("partner_id")) == args.At(1).second; if (has_prop.type() == query::TypedValue::Type::Null) continue; if (has_prop.Value() == false) continue; profile_index = i; } } for (int i = 0; i < (int)edges.size(); ++i) { if (edges[i].EdgeType() == db_accessor.EdgeType("default_outfit") || edges[i].EdgeType() == db_accessor.EdgeType("score")) edges_indexed.push_back(&edges[i]); } const int n = vertices_indexed.size(); auto cmp_vertex = [](const VertexAccessor *a, const VertexAccessor *b) -> bool { return *a < *b; }; auto cmp_edge = [](const EdgeAccessor *a, const EdgeAccessor *b) -> bool { if (a->from() != b->from()) return a->from() < b->from(); return a->to() < b->to(); }; /** * Index of vertex in a list of vertices_indexed. * @param v VertexAccessor to a vertex. * @return position of vertex or -1 if it doesn't exist. */ auto query = [&vertices_indexed, &cmp_vertex](const VertexAccessor &v) -> int { int pos = lower_bound(vertices_indexed.begin(), vertices_indexed.end(), &v, cmp_vertex) - vertices_indexed.begin(); if (pos == (int)vertices_indexed.size() || *vertices_indexed[pos] != v) return -1; return pos; }; /** * Update bitset of neighbours. Set bit to 1 for index of every vertex * endpoint of edges with type default_outfit. * @param bitset bitset to update. * @param edges edges from which to update bitset. */ auto update = [&db_accessor, &query](Bitset &bitset, auto &&edges) { for (auto e : edges) { if (e.EdgeType() != db_accessor.EdgeType("default_outfit")) continue; const int from = query(e.from()); const int to = query(e.to()); if (from == -1 || to == -1) continue; bitset.Set(from); bitset.Set(to); } }; std::sort(vertices_indexed.begin(), vertices_indexed.end(), cmp_vertex); std::sort(edges_indexed.begin(), edges_indexed.end(), cmp_edge); std::vector> connected; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Bitset connected_to(n); update(connected_to, vertices_indexed[i]->in()); update(connected_to, vertices_indexed[i]->out()); connected.push_back(connected_to); } std::vector> results; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const VertexAccessor v = *vertices_indexed[i]; auto cmp_res = v.PropsAt(db_accessor.Property("garment_id")) == args.At(query_type == CliqueQuery::SCORE_AND_LIMIT ? 8 : 0).second; if (cmp_res.type() != query::TypedValue::Type::Bool) continue; if (cmp_res.Value() != true) continue; auto neigh = connected[i].Ones(); for (int j : neigh) { if (j == i) continue; for (int k : connected[j].Intersect(connected[i]).Ones()) { if (k == i) continue; if (k == j) continue; Bitset intersection = connected[j].Intersect(connected[k]); for (int l : intersection.Ones()) { if (l == i) continue; if (l == j) continue; if (l == k) continue; if (connected[l].At(i) == false) continue; results.push_back({i, j, k, l}); } } } } /** * Get edge index of edge associated with two vertices. * @param first one vertex endpoint * @param second other vertex endpoint * @return EdgeAccessor* if it exists, nullptr otherwise. */ auto get_edge = [&edges_indexed]( const VertexAccessor &first, const VertexAccessor &second) -> EdgeAccessor * { auto cmp_edge_to_pair = []( const EdgeAccessor *edge, const pair &e) -> bool { if (edge->from() != *e.first) return edge->from() < *e.first; if (edge->to() != *e.second) return edge->to() < *e.second; return false; }; auto pos = lower_bound(edges_indexed.begin(), edges_indexed.end(), std::make_pair(&first, &second), cmp_edge_to_pair) - edges_indexed.begin(); if (pos != (int)edges_indexed.size() && edges_indexed[pos]->from() == first && edges_indexed[pos]->to() == second) return edges_indexed[pos]; pos = lower_bound(edges_indexed.begin(), edges_indexed.end(), std::make_pair(&second, &first), cmp_edge_to_pair) - edges_indexed.begin(); if (pos != (int)edges_indexed.size() && edges_indexed[pos]->from() == second && edges_indexed[pos]->to() == first) return edges_indexed[pos]; debug_assert(false, "Edge doesn't exist."); return nullptr; }; /** * Calculate score of clique by profile_index if it exists. * @param V index of clique vertices in vertices_indexed. * @return score if profile_index exists, else 0. */ auto calc_score = [&db_accessor, &vertices, &profile_index, &vertices_indexed, &get_edge](const std::vector &V) -> int { int res = 0; if (profile_index == -1) return 0; for (auto x : V) { auto edge = get_edge(vertices[profile_index], *vertices_indexed[x]); if (edge == nullptr) continue; auto prop = query::TypedValue(edge->PropsAt(db_accessor.Property("score"))); if (prop.type() == query::TypedValue::Type::Int) res += prop.Value(); } return res; }; if (query_type == CliqueQuery::SCORE_AND_LIMIT) { auto cmp_results = [&calc_score](const std::vector &first, const std::vector &second) { return calc_score(first) < calc_score(second); }; sort(results.begin(), results.end(), cmp_results); reverse(results.begin(), results.end()); } const int limit = query_type == CliqueQuery::SCORE_AND_LIMIT ? args.At((int)args.size() - 1).second.Value() : (int)results.size(); for (int i = 0; i < std::min(limit, (int)results.size()); ++i) { std::vector result; for (auto x : results[i]) { result.push_back(vertices_indexed[x] ->PropsAt(db_accessor.Property("garment_id")) .Value()); } if (query_type == CliqueQuery::SCORE_AND_LIMIT) result.push_back(calc_score(results[i])); stream.Result(result); } return true; }