#include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/assert.hpp" /** * Class used to run scheduled function execution. Class is templated with * mutex class TMutex which is used to synchronize threads. Default template * value is std::mutex. */ template class Scheduler { public: Scheduler() {} /** * @param pause - Duration between two function executions. If function is * still running when it should be ran again, it will not be ran and next * start time will be increased to current time plus pause. * @param f - Function * @Tparam TRep underlying arithmetic type in duration * @Tparam TPeriod duration in seconds between two ticks */ template void Run(const std::chrono::duration &pause, const std::function &f) { debug_assert(is_working_ == false, "Thread already running."); is_working_ = true; thread_ = std::thread([this, pause, f]() { auto start_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); for (;;) { if (!is_working_.load()) break; f(); std::unique_lock lk(mutex_); auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); while (now >= start_time) start_time += pause; condition_variable_.wait_for( lk, start_time - now, [&] { return is_working_.load() == false; }); lk.unlock(); } }); } /** * @brief Stops the thread execution. This is a blocking call and may take as * much time as one call to the function given previously to Run takes. */ void Stop() { is_working_.store(false); { std::unique_lock lk(mutex_); condition_variable_.notify_one(); } if (thread_.joinable()) thread_.join(); } ~Scheduler() { Stop(); } private: /** * Variable is true when thread is running. */ std::atomic is_working_{false}; /** * Mutex used to synchronize threads using condition variable. */ TMutex mutex_; /** * Condition variable is used to stop waiting until the end of the * time interval if destructor is called. */ std::condition_variable condition_variable_; /** * Thread which runs function. */ std::thread thread_; };