#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/file.hpp" #include "utils/spin_lock.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "utils/synchronized.hpp" namespace fs = std::filesystem; const std::vector kDirsAll = {"existing_dir_777", "existing_dir_770", "existing_dir_700", "existing_dir_000", "symlink_dir_777", "symlink_dir_770", "symlink_dir_700", "symlink_dir_000"}; const std::vector kFilesAll = {"existing_file_666", "existing_file_660", "existing_file_600", "existing_file_000", "symlink_file_666", "symlink_file_660", "symlink_file_600", "symlink_file_000"}; const std::map kPermsAll = { {"777", fs::perms::owner_all | fs::perms::group_all | fs::perms::others_all}, {"770", fs::perms::owner_all | fs::perms::group_all}, {"700", fs::perms::owner_all}, {"666", fs::perms::owner_read | fs::perms::owner_write | fs::perms::group_read | fs::perms::group_write | fs::perms::others_read | fs::perms::others_write}, {"660", fs::perms::owner_read | fs::perms::owner_write | fs::perms::group_read | fs::perms::group_write}, {"600", fs::perms::owner_read | fs::perms::owner_write}, {"000", fs::perms::none}, }; fs::perms GetPermsFromFilename(const std::string &name) { auto split = utils::Split(name, "_"); return kPermsAll.at(split[split.size() - 1]); } void CreateFile(const fs::path &path) { std::ofstream stream(path); stream << "hai hai hai hai!" << std::endl << "nandare!!!" << std::endl; } void CreateFiles(const fs::path &path) { CreateFile(path / "existing_file_666"); fs::create_symlink(path / "existing_file_666", path / "symlink_file_666"); fs::permissions(path / "existing_file_666", fs::perms::owner_read | fs::perms::owner_write | fs::perms::group_read | fs::perms::group_write | fs::perms::others_read | fs::perms::others_write); CreateFile(path / "existing_file_660"); fs::create_symlink(path / "existing_file_660", path / "symlink_file_660"); fs::permissions(path / "existing_file_660", fs::perms::owner_read | fs::perms::owner_write | fs::perms::group_read | fs::perms::group_write); CreateFile(path / "existing_file_600"); fs::create_symlink(path / "existing_file_600", path / "symlink_file_600"); fs::permissions(path / "existing_file_600", fs::perms::owner_read | fs::perms::owner_write); CreateFile(path / "existing_file_000"); fs::create_symlink(path / "existing_file_000", path / "symlink_file_000"); fs::permissions(path / "existing_file_000", fs::perms::none); } class UtilsFileTest : public ::testing::Test { public: void SetUp() override { Clear(); fs::create_directory(storage); fs::create_directory(storage / "existing_dir_777"); fs::create_directory_symlink(storage / "existing_dir_777", storage / "symlink_dir_777"); CreateFiles(storage / "existing_dir_777"); fs::create_directory(storage / "existing_dir_770"); fs::create_directory_symlink(storage / "existing_dir_770", storage / "symlink_dir_770"); CreateFiles(storage / "existing_dir_770"); fs::create_directory(storage / "existing_dir_700"); fs::create_directory_symlink(storage / "existing_dir_700", storage / "symlink_dir_700"); CreateFiles(storage / "existing_dir_700"); fs::create_directory(storage / "existing_dir_000"); fs::create_directory_symlink(storage / "existing_dir_000", storage / "symlink_dir_000"); CreateFiles(storage / "existing_dir_000"); fs::permissions(storage / "existing_dir_777", fs::perms::owner_all | fs::perms::group_all | fs::perms::others_all); fs::permissions(storage / "existing_dir_770", fs::perms::owner_all | fs::perms::group_all); fs::permissions(storage / "existing_dir_700", fs::perms::owner_all); fs::permissions(storage / "existing_dir_000", fs::perms::none); } void TearDown() override { // Validate that the test structure was left intact. for (const auto &dir : kDirsAll) { { ASSERT_TRUE(fs::exists(storage / dir)); auto dir_status = fs::symlink_status(storage / dir); if (!utils::StartsWith(dir, "symlink")) { ASSERT_EQ(dir_status.permissions() & fs::perms::all, GetPermsFromFilename(dir)); } fs::permissions(storage / dir, fs::perms::owner_all, fs::perm_options::add); } for (const auto &file : kFilesAll) { ASSERT_TRUE(fs::exists(storage / dir / file)); auto file_status = fs::symlink_status(storage / dir / file); if (!utils::StartsWith(file, "symlink")) { ASSERT_EQ(file_status.permissions() & fs::perms::all, GetPermsFromFilename(file)); } } } Clear(); } fs::path storage{fs::temp_directory_path() / "MG_test_unit_utils_file"}; private: void Clear() { if (fs::exists(storage)) { for (auto &file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(storage)) { std::error_code error_code; // For exception suppression. fs::permissions(file.path(), fs::perms::owner_all, fs::perm_options::add, error_code); } fs::remove_all(storage); } } }; TEST(UtilsFile, PermissionDenied) { auto ret = utils::ReadLines("/root/.bashrc"); ASSERT_EQ(ret.size(), 0); } TEST_F(UtilsFileTest, ReadLines) { for (const auto &dir : kDirsAll) { for (const auto &file : kFilesAll) { auto ret = utils::ReadLines(storage / dir / file); if (utils::EndsWith(dir, "000") || utils::EndsWith(file, "000")) { ASSERT_EQ(ret.size(), 0); } else { ASSERT_EQ(ret.size(), 2); } } } } TEST_F(UtilsFileTest, EnsureDirAndDeleteDir) { for (const auto &dir : kDirsAll) { for (const auto &file : kFilesAll) { ASSERT_FALSE(utils::EnsureDir(storage / dir / file)); ASSERT_FALSE(utils::DeleteDir(storage / dir / file)); } auto path = storage / dir / "test"; auto ret = utils::EnsureDir(path); if (utils::EndsWith(dir, "000")) { ASSERT_FALSE(ret); ASSERT_FALSE(utils::DeleteDir(path)); } else { ASSERT_TRUE(ret); ASSERT_TRUE(fs::exists(path)); ASSERT_TRUE(fs::is_directory(path)); CreateFile(path / "test"); ASSERT_TRUE(utils::DeleteDir(path)); } } } TEST_F(UtilsFileTest, EnsureDirOrDie) { for (const auto &dir : kDirsAll) { for (const auto &file : kFilesAll) { ASSERT_DEATH(utils::EnsureDirOrDie(storage / dir / file), ""); } auto path = storage / dir / "test"; if (utils::EndsWith(dir, "000")) { ASSERT_DEATH(utils::EnsureDirOrDie(path), ""); } else { utils::EnsureDirOrDie(path); } } } TEST_F(UtilsFileTest, OutputFileExisting) { for (const auto &dir : kDirsAll) { for (const auto &file : kFilesAll) { utils::OutputFile handle; if (utils::EndsWith(dir, "000") || utils::EndsWith(file, "000")) { ASSERT_DEATH(handle.Open(storage / dir / file, utils::OutputFile::Mode::APPEND_TO_EXISTING), ""); } else { handle.Open(storage / dir / file, utils::OutputFile::Mode::APPEND_TO_EXISTING); ASSERT_TRUE(handle.IsOpen()); ASSERT_EQ(handle.path(), storage / dir / file); handle.Write("hello world!\n", 13); handle.Sync(); handle.Close(); } } } } TEST_F(UtilsFileTest, OutputFileNew) { for (const auto &dir : kDirsAll) { utils::OutputFile handle; auto path = storage / dir / "test"; if (utils::EndsWith(dir, "000")) { ASSERT_DEATH(handle.Open(path, utils::OutputFile::Mode::APPEND_TO_EXISTING), ""); } else { handle.Open(path, utils::OutputFile::Mode::APPEND_TO_EXISTING); ASSERT_TRUE(handle.IsOpen()); ASSERT_EQ(handle.path(), path); handle.Write("hello world!\n"); handle.Sync(); handle.Close(); } } } TEST_F(UtilsFileTest, OutputFileInvalidUsage) { utils::OutputFile handle; ASSERT_DEATH(handle.Write("hello!"), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(handle.Sync(), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(handle.Close(), ""); handle.Open(storage / "existing_dir_777" / "existing_file_777", utils::OutputFile::Mode::APPEND_TO_EXISTING); ASSERT_DEATH( handle.Open(storage / "existing_dir_770" / "existing_file_770", utils::OutputFile::Mode::APPEND_TO_EXISTING), ""); handle.Write("hello!"); handle.Sync(); handle.Close(); } TEST_F(UtilsFileTest, OutputFileMove) { utils::OutputFile original; original.Open(storage / "existing_dir_777" / "existing_file_777", utils::OutputFile::Mode::APPEND_TO_EXISTING); utils::OutputFile moved(std::move(original)); ASSERT_DEATH(original.Write("hello!"), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(original.Sync(), ""); ASSERT_DEATH(original.Close(), ""); ASSERT_EQ(original.path(), ""); ASSERT_FALSE(original.IsOpen()); ASSERT_TRUE(moved.IsOpen()); ASSERT_EQ(moved.path(), storage / "existing_dir_777" / "existing_file_777"); moved.Write("hello!"); moved.Sync(); moved.Close(); original.Open(storage / "existing_dir_770" / "existing_file_770", utils::OutputFile::Mode::APPEND_TO_EXISTING); original.Close(); } TEST_F(UtilsFileTest, OutputFileDescriptorLeackage) { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { utils::OutputFile handle; handle.Open(storage / "existing_dir_777" / "existing_file_777", utils::OutputFile::Mode::APPEND_TO_EXISTING); } } TEST_F(UtilsFileTest, ConcurrentReadingAndWritting) { const auto file_path = storage / "existing_dir_777" / "existing_file_777"; utils::OutputFile handle; handle.Open(file_path, utils::OutputFile::Mode::OVERWRITE_EXISTING); std::default_random_engine engine(586478780); std::uniform_int_distribution random_short_wait(1, 10); const auto sleep_for = [&](int milliseconds) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(milliseconds)); }; constexpr size_t number_of_writes = 500; std::thread writer_thread([&] { uint8_t current_number = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_writes; ++i) { handle.Write(¤t_number, 1); ++current_number; handle.TryFlushing(); sleep_for(random_short_wait(engine)); } }); constexpr size_t reader_threads_num = 7; // number_of_reads needs to be higher than number_of_writes // so we maximize the chance of having at least one reading // thread that will read all of the data. constexpr size_t number_of_reads = 550; std::vector reader_threads(reader_threads_num); utils::Synchronized, utils::SpinLock> max_read_counts; for (size_t i = 0; i < reader_threads_num; ++i) { reader_threads.emplace_back([&] { for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_reads; ++i) { handle.DisableFlushing(); auto [buffer, buffer_size] = handle.CurrentBuffer(); utils::InputFile input_handle; input_handle.Open(file_path); std::optional previous_number; size_t total_read_count = 0; uint8_t current_number; // Read the file while (input_handle.Read(¤t_number, 1)) { if (previous_number) { const uint8_t expected_next = *previous_number + 1; ASSERT_TRUE(current_number == expected_next); } previous_number = current_number; ++total_read_count; } // Read the buffer while (buffer_size > 0) { if (previous_number) { const uint8_t expected_next = *previous_number + 1; ASSERT_TRUE(*buffer == expected_next); } previous_number = *buffer; ++buffer; --buffer_size; ++total_read_count; } handle.EnableFlushing(); input_handle.Close(); // Last read will always have the highest amount of // bytes read. if (i == number_of_reads - 1) { max_read_counts.WithLock([&](auto &read_counts) { read_counts.push_back(total_read_count); }); } sleep_for(random_short_wait(engine)); } }); } if (writer_thread.joinable()) { writer_thread.join(); } for (auto &reader_thread : reader_threads) { if (reader_thread.joinable()) { reader_thread.join(); } } handle.Close(); // Check if any of the threads read the entire data. ASSERT_TRUE(max_read_counts.WithLock([&](auto &read_counts) { return std::any_of(read_counts.cbegin(), read_counts.cend(), [](const auto read_count) { return read_count == number_of_writes; }); })); }