""" This file does nothing, it's just utilities for other setups """ from random import randint BATCH_SIZE = 100 def create_vertices(vertex_count): for vertex in range(vertex_count): print("CREATE (:Label {id: %d})" % vertex) if (vertex != 0 and vertex % BATCH_SIZE == 0) or \ (vertex + 1 == vertex_count): print(";") def create_edges(edge_count, vertex_count): """ vertex_count is the number of already existing vertices in graph """ matches = [] merges = [] for edge in range(edge_count): matches.append("MATCH (a%d {id: %d}), (b%d {id: %d})" % (edge, randint(0, vertex_count - 1), edge, randint(0, vertex_count - 1))) merges.append("CREATE (a%d)-[:Type]->(b%d)" % (edge, edge)) if (edge != 0 and edge % BATCH_SIZE == 0) or \ ((edge + 1) == edge_count): print(" ".join(matches + merges)) print(";") matches = [] merges = [] if __name__ == '__main__': raise Exception("This file is just for utilities, not for actual setup")