#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "communication/bolt/v1/encoder/base_encoder.hpp" #include "durability/file_writer_buffer.hpp" #include "utils/assert.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "utils/timer.hpp" DEFINE_string(out, "", "Destination for the created snapshot file"); DEFINE_string(config, "", "Path to config JSON file"); /** * This file contains the program for generating a snapshot based on a JSON * definition. The JSON config has the following form: * * { * "indexes" : ["Person.id", "Company.id"], * "nodes" : [ * { * "count" : 10000, * "labels" : ["Person"], * "properties" : { * "id" : { "type" : "counter", "param": "Person.id" }, * "name" : { "type" : "randstring", "param" : * { "type": "randint", "param" : [10, 20]}}, * "is_happy" : { "type" : "bernoulli", "param" : 0.2 } * } * }, * { * "count" : 200, * "labels" : ["Company"], * "properties" : { * "id" : { "type" : "counter", "param": "Company.id" }, * "name" : { "type" : "randstring", "param" : * { "type": "randint", "param" : [10, 20]}}, * "description" : { "type" : "optional", "param" : * [0.2, { "type" : "randstring", "param": 1024 }]} * } * } * ], * "edges" : [ * { * "count" : 5000, * "from" : "Person", * "to" : "Company", * "type" : "WORKS_IN" * }, * { * "count" : 20, * "from" : "Person", * "to" : "Company", * "type" : "LIKES" * } * ] * } */ // Utilities for writing to the snapshot file. class Writer { public: /** * Creates a writer. * * @param path - Path to the output file. * @Param indexes - A list of (label, property) indexes to create, each in the * "Label.property" form. */ Writer(const std::string &path, const std::vector &indexes) : buffer_(path), encoder_(buffer_) { std::vector indexes_flat; for (const auto &index : indexes) for (const auto &index_part : utils::Split(index, ".")) indexes_flat.emplace_back(index_part); encoder_.WriteList(std::vector(indexes_flat.begin(), indexes_flat.end())); } int64_t WriteNode( const std::vector &labels, std::unordered_map properties) { encoder_.WriteRAW(underlying_cast(communication::bolt::Marker::TinyStruct) + 3); encoder_.WriteRAW(underlying_cast(communication::bolt::Signature::Node)); auto id = node_counter++; encoder_.WriteInt(id); encoder_.WriteList( std::vector{labels.begin(), labels.end()}); encoder_.WriteMap(properties); return id; } int64_t WriteEdge( const std::string &edge_type, const std::unordered_map properties, int64_t bolt_id_from, int64_t bolt_id_to) { encoder_.WriteRAW(underlying_cast(communication::bolt::Marker::TinyStruct) + 5); encoder_.WriteRAW( underlying_cast(communication::bolt::Signature::Relationship)); auto id = edge_counter_++; encoder_.WriteInt(id); encoder_.WriteInt(bolt_id_from); encoder_.WriteInt(bolt_id_to); encoder_.WriteString(edge_type); encoder_.WriteMap(properties); return id; } void Close() { buffer_.WriteSummary(node_counter, edge_counter_); } private: int64_t node_counter{0}; int64_t edge_counter_{0}; FileWriterBuffer buffer_; communication::bolt::BaseEncoder encoder_; }; // Helper class for tracking info about the generated graph. class GraphState { public: // Tracks that the given node has the given label. void AddNode(const std::string &label, int64_t node_bolt_id) { auto found = label_nodes_.find(label); if (found == label_nodes_.end()) label_nodes_.emplace(label, std::vector{node_bolt_id}); else found->second.emplace_back(node_bolt_id); } // Gets the ID of a random node that has the given label. int64_t RandomNode(const std::string &label) { auto found = label_nodes_.find(label); permanent_assert(found != label_nodes_.end(), "Label not found"); return found->second[rand_(gen_) * found->second.size()]; } private: // Maps labels to node bolt_ids std::unordered_map> label_nodes_; // Random generator std::mt19937 gen_{std::random_device{}()}; std::uniform_real_distribution<> rand_{0.0, 1.0}; }; // Helper class for property value generation. class ValueGenerator { using json = nlohmann::json; using TypedValue = query::TypedValue; public: // Generates the whole property map based on the given config. std::unordered_map MakeProperties( const json &config) { std::unordered_map props; if (config.is_null()) return props; permanent_assert(config.is_object(), "Properties config must be a dict"); for (auto it = config.begin(); it != config.end(); it++) { auto value = MakeValue(it.value()); if (value) props.emplace(it.key(), *value); } return props; } // Generates a single value based on the given config. std::experimental::optional MakeValue(const json &config) { if (config.is_object()) { const std::string &type = config["type"]; const auto ¶m = config["param"]; if (type == "primitive") return Primitive(param); else if (type == "counter") return TypedValue(Counter(param)); else if (type == "optional") return Optional(param); else if (type == "bernoulli") return TypedValue(Bernoulli(param)); else if (type == "randint") return TypedValue(RandInt(param)); else if (type == "randstring") return TypedValue(RandString(param)); else permanent_fail("Unknown value type"); } else return Primitive(config); } TypedValue Primitive(const json &config) { if (config.is_string()) return config.get(); if (config.is_number_integer()) return config.get(); if (config.is_number_float()) return config.get(); if (config.is_boolean()) return config.get(); permanent_fail("Unsupported primitive type"); } int64_t Counter(const std::string &name) { auto found = counters_.find(name); if (found == counters_.end()) { counters_.emplace(name, 1); return 0; } else { return found->second++; } } int64_t RandInt(const json &range) { permanent_assert(range.is_array() && range.size() == 2, "RandInt value gen config must be a list with 2 elements"); auto from = MakeValue(range[0])->ValueInt(); auto to = MakeValue(range[1])->ValueInt(); permanent_assert(from < to, "RandInt lower range must be lesser then upper range"); return (int64_t)(rand_(gen_) * (to - from)) + from; } std::string RandString(const json &length) { static const char alphanum[] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int length_int = MakeValue(length)->ValueInt(); std::string r_val(length_int, 'a'); for (int i = 0; i < length_int; ++i) r_val[i] = alphanum[(int64_t)(rand_(gen_) * (sizeof(alphanum) - 1))]; return r_val; } bool Bernoulli(double p) { return rand_(gen_) < p; } std::experimental::optional Optional(const json &config) { permanent_assert( config.is_array() && config.size() == 2, "Optional value gen config must be a list with 2 elements"); return Bernoulli(config[0]) ? MakeValue(config[1]) : std::experimental::nullopt; } private: std::mt19937 gen_{std::random_device{}()}; std::uniform_real_distribution<> rand_{0.0, 1.0}; std::unordered_map counters_; }; nlohmann::json GetWithDefault(const nlohmann::json &object, const std::string &key, const nlohmann::json &default_value) { const auto &found = object.find(key); if (found == object.end()) return default_value; return *found; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); // Read the config JSON nlohmann::json config; { std::ifstream config_file(FLAGS_config); config_file >> config; } std::vector indexes; for (const auto &index : GetWithDefault(config, "indexes", {})) indexes.push_back(index); Writer writer(FLAGS_out, indexes); GraphState state; ValueGenerator value_generator; // Create nodes const auto &nodes_config = config["nodes"]; permanent_assert( nodes_config.is_array() && nodes_config.size() > 0, "Generator config must have 'nodes' array with at least one element"); for (const auto &node_config : config["nodes"]) { permanent_assert(node_config.is_object(), "Node config must be a dict"); for (int i = 0; i < node_config["count"]; i++) { const auto &labels_config = node_config["labels"]; permanent_assert(labels_config.is_array(), "Must provide an array of node labels"); permanent_assert(node_config.size() > 0, "Node labels array must contain at lest one element"); auto node_bolt_id = writer.WriteNode( labels_config, value_generator.MakeProperties(node_config["properties"])); for (const auto &label : labels_config) state.AddNode(label, node_bolt_id); } } // Create edges for (const auto &edge_config : config["edges"]) { permanent_assert(edge_config.is_object(), "Edge config must be a dict"); const std::string &from = edge_config["from"]; const std::string &to = edge_config["to"]; for (int i = 0; i < edge_config["count"]; i++) writer.WriteEdge(edge_config["type"], value_generator.MakeProperties( GetWithDefault(edge_config, "properties", nullptr)), state.RandomNode(from), state.RandomNode(to)); } writer.Close(); return 0; }