// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. /// @file /// This file provides macros for easier construction of openCypher query AST. /// The usage of macros is very similar to how one would write openCypher. For /// example: /// /// AstStorage storage; // Macros rely on storage being in scope. /// // PROPERTY_LOOKUP and PROPERTY_PAIR macros /// // rely on a DbAccessor *reference* named dba. /// database::GraphDb db; /// auto dba_ptr = db.Access(); /// auto &dba = *dba_ptr; /// /// QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"), EDGE("e"), NODE("m"))), /// WHERE(LESS(PROPERTY_LOOKUP("e", edge_prop), LITERAL(3))), /// RETURN(SUM(PROPERTY_LOOKUP("m", prop)), AS("sum"), /// ORDER_BY(IDENT("sum")), /// SKIP(ADD(LITERAL(1), LITERAL(2))))); /// /// Each of the macros is accompanied by a function. The functions use overload /// resolution and template magic to provide a type safe way of constructing /// queries. Although the functions can be used by themselves, it is more /// convenient to use the macros. #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp" #include "query/frontend/ast/pretty_print.hpp" #include "storage/v2/id_types.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" namespace memgraph::query { namespace test_common { auto ToIntList(const TypedValue &t) { std::vector list; for (auto x : t.ValueList()) { list.push_back(x.ValueInt()); } return list; }; auto ToIntMap(const TypedValue &t) { std::map map; for (const auto &kv : t.ValueMap()) map.emplace(kv.first, kv.second.ValueInt()); return map; }; std::string ToString(Expression *expr) { std::ostringstream ss; PrintExpression(expr, &ss); return ss.str(); } std::string ToString(NamedExpression *expr) { std::ostringstream ss; PrintExpression(expr, &ss); return ss.str(); } // Custom types for ORDER BY, SKIP, LIMIT, ON MATCH and ON CREATE expressions, // so that they can be used to resolve function calls. struct OrderBy { std::vector expressions; }; struct Skip { Expression *expression = nullptr; }; struct Limit { Expression *expression = nullptr; }; struct OnMatch { std::vector set; }; struct OnCreate { std::vector set; }; // Helper functions for filling the OrderBy with expressions. auto FillOrderBy(OrderBy &order_by, Expression *expression, Ordering ordering = Ordering::ASC) { order_by.expressions.push_back({ordering, expression}); } template auto FillOrderBy(OrderBy &order_by, Expression *expression, Ordering ordering, T... rest) { FillOrderBy(order_by, expression, ordering); FillOrderBy(order_by, rest...); } template auto FillOrderBy(OrderBy &order_by, Expression *expression, T... rest) { FillOrderBy(order_by, expression); FillOrderBy(order_by, rest...); } /// Create OrderBy expressions. /// /// The supported combination of arguments is: (Expression, [Ordering])+ /// Since the Ordering is optional, by default it is ascending. template auto GetOrderBy(T... exprs) { OrderBy order_by; FillOrderBy(order_by, exprs...); return order_by; } /// Create PropertyLookup with given name and property. /// /// Name is used to create the Identifier which is used for property lookup. template auto GetPropertyLookup(AstStorage &storage, TDbAccessor &dba, const std::string &name, memgraph::storage::PropertyId property) { return storage.Create(storage.Create(name), storage.GetPropertyIx(dba.PropertyToName(property))); } template auto GetPropertyLookup(AstStorage &storage, TDbAccessor &dba, Expression *expr, memgraph::storage::PropertyId property) { return storage.Create(expr, storage.GetPropertyIx(dba.PropertyToName(property))); } template auto GetPropertyLookup(AstStorage &storage, TDbAccessor &dba, Expression *expr, const std::string &property) { return storage.Create(expr, storage.GetPropertyIx(property)); } template auto GetPropertyLookup(AstStorage &storage, TDbAccessor &, const std::string &name, const std::pair &prop_pair) { return storage.Create(storage.Create(name), storage.GetPropertyIx(prop_pair.first)); } template auto GetPropertyLookup(AstStorage &storage, TDbAccessor &, Expression *expr, const std::pair &prop_pair) { return storage.Create(expr, storage.GetPropertyIx(prop_pair.first)); } /// Create an AllPropertiesLookup from the given name. auto GetAllPropertiesLookup(AstStorage &storage, const std::string &name) { return storage.Create(storage.Create(name)); } /// Create an AllPropertiesLookup from the given expression. auto GetAllPropertiesLookup(AstStorage &storage, Expression *expr) { return storage.Create(expr); } /// Create an EdgeAtom with given name, direction and edge_type. /// /// Name is used to create the Identifier which is assigned to the edge. auto GetEdge(AstStorage &storage, const std::string &name, EdgeAtom::Direction dir = EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, const std::vector &edge_types = {}, const bool user_declared = true) { std::vector types; types.reserve(edge_types.size()); for (const auto &type : edge_types) { types.push_back(storage.GetEdgeTypeIx(type)); } return storage.Create(storage.Create(name, user_declared), EdgeAtom::Type::SINGLE, dir, types); } /// Create a variable length expansion EdgeAtom with given name, direction and /// edge_type. /// /// Name is used to create the Identifier which is assigned to the edge. auto GetEdgeVariable(AstStorage &storage, const std::string &name, EdgeAtom::Type type = EdgeAtom::Type::DEPTH_FIRST, EdgeAtom::Direction dir = EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, const std::vector &edge_types = {}, Identifier *flambda_inner_edge = nullptr, Identifier *flambda_inner_node = nullptr, Identifier *wlambda_inner_edge = nullptr, Identifier *wlambda_inner_node = nullptr, Expression *wlambda_expression = nullptr, Identifier *total_weight = nullptr) { std::vector types; types.reserve(edge_types.size()); for (const auto &type : edge_types) { types.push_back(storage.GetEdgeTypeIx(type)); } auto r_val = storage.Create(storage.Create(name), type, dir, types); r_val->filter_lambda_.inner_edge = flambda_inner_edge ? flambda_inner_edge : storage.Create(memgraph::utils::RandomString(20)); r_val->filter_lambda_.inner_node = flambda_inner_node ? flambda_inner_node : storage.Create(memgraph::utils::RandomString(20)); if (type == EdgeAtom::Type::WEIGHTED_SHORTEST_PATH) { r_val->weight_lambda_.inner_edge = wlambda_inner_edge ? wlambda_inner_edge : storage.Create(memgraph::utils::RandomString(20)); r_val->weight_lambda_.inner_node = wlambda_inner_node ? wlambda_inner_node : storage.Create(memgraph::utils::RandomString(20)); r_val->weight_lambda_.expression = wlambda_expression ? wlambda_expression : storage.Create(1); r_val->total_weight_ = total_weight; } return r_val; } /// Create a NodeAtom with given name and label. /// /// Name is used to create the Identifier which is assigned to the node. auto GetNode(AstStorage &storage, const std::string &name, std::optional label = std::nullopt, const bool user_declared = true) { auto node = storage.Create(storage.Create(name, user_declared)); if (label) node->labels_.emplace_back(storage.GetLabelIx(*label)); return node; } /// Create a Pattern with given atoms. auto GetPattern(AstStorage &storage, std::vector atoms) { auto pattern = storage.Create(); pattern->identifier_ = storage.Create(memgraph::utils::RandomString(20), false); pattern->atoms_.insert(pattern->atoms_.begin(), atoms.begin(), atoms.end()); return pattern; } /// Create a Pattern with given name and atoms. auto GetPattern(AstStorage &storage, const std::string &name, std::vector atoms) { auto pattern = storage.Create(); pattern->identifier_ = storage.Create(name, true); pattern->atoms_.insert(pattern->atoms_.begin(), atoms.begin(), atoms.end()); return pattern; } /// This function fills an AST node which with given patterns. /// /// The function is most commonly used to create Match and Create clauses. template auto GetWithPatterns(TWithPatterns *with_patterns, std::vector patterns) { with_patterns->patterns_.insert(with_patterns->patterns_.begin(), patterns.begin(), patterns.end()); return with_patterns; } /// Create a query with given clauses. auto GetSingleQuery(SingleQuery *single_query, Clause *clause) { single_query->clauses_.emplace_back(clause); return single_query; } auto GetSingleQuery(SingleQuery *single_query, Match *match, Where *where) { match->where_ = where; single_query->clauses_.emplace_back(match); return single_query; } auto GetSingleQuery(SingleQuery *single_query, With *with, Where *where) { with->where_ = where; single_query->clauses_.emplace_back(with); return single_query; } template auto GetSingleQuery(SingleQuery *single_query, Match *match, Where *where, T *...clauses) { match->where_ = where; single_query->clauses_.emplace_back(match); return GetSingleQuery(single_query, clauses...); } template auto GetSingleQuery(SingleQuery *single_query, With *with, Where *where, T *...clauses) { with->where_ = where; single_query->clauses_.emplace_back(with); return GetSingleQuery(single_query, clauses...); } template auto GetSingleQuery(SingleQuery *single_query, Clause *clause, T *...clauses) { single_query->clauses_.emplace_back(clause); return GetSingleQuery(single_query, clauses...); } auto GetCypherUnion(CypherUnion *cypher_union, SingleQuery *single_query) { cypher_union->single_query_ = single_query; return cypher_union; } auto GetQuery(AstStorage &storage, SingleQuery *single_query) { auto *query = storage.Create(); query->single_query_ = single_query; return query; } template auto GetQuery(AstStorage &storage, SingleQuery *single_query, T *...cypher_unions) { auto *query = storage.Create(); query->single_query_ = single_query; query->cypher_unions_ = std::vector{cypher_unions...}; return query; } // Helper functions for constructing RETURN and WITH clauses. void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &, ReturnBody &body, NamedExpression *named_expr) { body.named_expressions.emplace_back(named_expr); } void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &storage, ReturnBody &body, const std::string &name) { if (name == "*") { body.all_identifiers = true; } else { auto *ident = storage.Create(name); auto *named_expr = storage.Create(name, ident); body.named_expressions.emplace_back(named_expr); } } void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &, ReturnBody &body, Limit limit) { body.limit = limit.expression; } void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &, ReturnBody &body, Skip skip, Limit limit = Limit{}) { body.skip = skip.expression; body.limit = limit.expression; } void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &, ReturnBody &body, OrderBy order_by, Limit limit = Limit{}) { body.order_by = order_by.expressions; body.limit = limit.expression; } void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &, ReturnBody &body, OrderBy order_by, Skip skip, Limit limit = Limit{}) { body.order_by = order_by.expressions; body.skip = skip.expression; body.limit = limit.expression; } void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &, ReturnBody &body, Expression *expr, NamedExpression *named_expr) { // This overload supports `RETURN(expr, AS(name))` construct, since // NamedExpression does not inherit Expression. named_expr->expression_ = expr; body.named_expressions.emplace_back(named_expr); } void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &storage, ReturnBody &body, const std::string &name, NamedExpression *named_expr) { named_expr->expression_ = storage.Create(name); body.named_expressions.emplace_back(named_expr); } template void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &storage, ReturnBody &body, Expression *expr, NamedExpression *named_expr, T... rest) { named_expr->expression_ = expr; body.named_expressions.emplace_back(named_expr); FillReturnBody(storage, body, rest...); } template void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &storage, ReturnBody &body, NamedExpression *named_expr, T... rest) { body.named_expressions.emplace_back(named_expr); FillReturnBody(storage, body, rest...); } template void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &storage, ReturnBody &body, const std::string &name, NamedExpression *named_expr, T... rest) { named_expr->expression_ = storage.Create(name); body.named_expressions.emplace_back(named_expr); FillReturnBody(storage, body, rest...); } template void FillReturnBody(AstStorage &storage, ReturnBody &body, const std::string &name, T... rest) { auto *ident = storage.Create(name); auto *named_expr = storage.Create(name, ident); body.named_expressions.emplace_back(named_expr); FillReturnBody(storage, body, rest...); } /// Create the return clause with given expressions. /// /// The supported expression combination of arguments is: /// /// (String | NamedExpression | (Expression NamedExpression))+ /// [OrderBy] [Skip] [Limit] /// /// When the pair (Expression NamedExpression) is given, the Expression will be /// moved inside the NamedExpression. This is done, so that the constructs like /// RETURN(expr, AS("name"), ...) are supported. Taking a String is a shorthand /// for RETURN(IDENT(string), AS(string), ....). /// /// @sa GetWith template auto GetReturn(AstStorage &storage, bool distinct, T... exprs) { auto ret = storage.Create(); ret->body_.distinct = distinct; FillReturnBody(storage, ret->body_, exprs...); return ret; } /// Create the with clause with given expressions. /// /// The supported expression combination is the same as for @c GetReturn. /// /// @sa GetReturn template auto GetWith(AstStorage &storage, bool distinct, T... exprs) { auto with = storage.Create(); with->body_.distinct = distinct; FillReturnBody(storage, with->body_, exprs...); return with; } /// Create the UNWIND clause with given named expression. auto GetUnwind(AstStorage &storage, NamedExpression *named_expr) { return storage.Create(named_expr); } auto GetUnwind(AstStorage &storage, Expression *expr, NamedExpression *as) { as->expression_ = expr; return GetUnwind(storage, as); } /// Create the delete clause with given named expressions. auto GetDelete(AstStorage &storage, std::vector exprs, bool detach = false) { auto del = storage.Create(); del->expressions_.insert(del->expressions_.begin(), exprs.begin(), exprs.end()); del->detach_ = detach; return del; } /// Create a set property clause for given property lookup and the right hand /// side expression. auto GetSet(AstStorage &storage, PropertyLookup *prop_lookup, Expression *expr) { return storage.Create(prop_lookup, expr); } /// Create a set properties clause for given identifier name and the right hand /// side expression. auto GetSet(AstStorage &storage, const std::string &name, Expression *expr, bool update = false) { return storage.Create(storage.Create(name), expr, update); } /// Create a set labels clause for given identifier name and labels. auto GetSet(AstStorage &storage, const std::string &name, std::vector label_names) { std::vector labels; labels.reserve(label_names.size()); for (const auto &label : label_names) { labels.push_back(storage.GetLabelIx(label)); } return storage.Create(storage.Create(name), labels); } /// Create a remove property clause for given property lookup auto GetRemove(AstStorage &storage, PropertyLookup *prop_lookup) { return storage.Create(prop_lookup); } /// Create a remove labels clause for given identifier name and labels. auto GetRemove(AstStorage &storage, const std::string &name, std::vector label_names) { std::vector labels; labels.reserve(label_names.size()); for (const auto &label : label_names) { labels.push_back(storage.GetLabelIx(label)); } return storage.Create(storage.Create(name), labels); } /// Create a Merge clause for given Pattern with optional OnMatch and OnCreate /// parts. auto GetMerge(AstStorage &storage, Pattern *pattern, OnCreate on_create = OnCreate{}) { auto *merge = storage.Create(); merge->pattern_ = pattern; merge->on_create_ = on_create.set; return merge; } auto GetMerge(AstStorage &storage, Pattern *pattern, OnMatch on_match, OnCreate on_create = OnCreate{}) { auto *merge = storage.Create(); merge->pattern_ = pattern; merge->on_match_ = on_match.set; merge->on_create_ = on_create.set; return merge; } auto GetCallProcedure(AstStorage &storage, std::string procedure_name, std::vector arguments = {}) { auto *call_procedure = storage.Create(); call_procedure->procedure_name_ = std::move(procedure_name); call_procedure->arguments_ = std::move(arguments); return call_procedure; } auto GetCallSubquery(AstStorage &storage, SingleQuery *subquery) { auto *call_subquery = storage.Create(); auto *query = storage.Create(); query->single_query_ = std::move(subquery); call_subquery->cypher_query_ = std::move(query); return call_subquery; } auto GetCallSubquery(AstStorage &storage, CypherQuery *subquery) { auto *call_subquery = storage.Create(); call_subquery->cypher_query_ = std::move(subquery); return call_subquery; } /// Create the FOREACH clause with given named expression. auto GetForeach(AstStorage &storage, NamedExpression *named_expr, const std::vector &clauses) { return storage.Create(named_expr, clauses); } } // namespace test_common } // namespace memgraph::query /// All the following macros implicitly pass `storage` variable to functions. /// You need to have `AstStorage storage;` somewhere in scope to use them. /// Refer to function documentation to see what the macro does. /// /// Example usage: /// /// // Create MATCH (n) -[r]- (m) RETURN m AS new_name /// AstStorage storage; /// auto query = QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n"), EDGE("r"), NODE("m"))), /// RETURN(NEXPR("new_name"), IDENT("m"))); #define NODE(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetNode(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__) #define EDGE(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetEdge(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__) #define EDGE_VARIABLE(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetEdgeVariable(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__) #define PATTERN(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetPattern(this->storage, {__VA_ARGS__}) #define NAMED_PATTERN(name, ...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetPattern(this->storage, name, {__VA_ARGS__}) #define OPTIONAL_MATCH(...) \ memgraph::query::test_common::GetWithPatterns(this->storage.template Create(true), \ {__VA_ARGS__}) #define MATCH(...) \ memgraph::query::test_common::GetWithPatterns(this->storage.template Create(), {__VA_ARGS__}) #define WHERE(expr) this->storage.template Create((expr)) #define CREATE(...) \ memgraph::query::test_common::GetWithPatterns(this->storage.template Create(), {__VA_ARGS__}) #define IDENT(...) this->storage.template Create(__VA_ARGS__) #define LITERAL(val) this->storage.template Create((val)) #define LIST(...) \ this->storage.template Create(std::vector{__VA_ARGS__}) #define MAP(...) \ this->storage.template Create( \ std::unordered_map{__VA_ARGS__}) #define MAP_PROJECTION(map_variable, elements) \ this->storage.template Create( \ (memgraph::query::Expression *){map_variable}, \ std::unordered_map{elements}) #define PROPERTY_PAIR(dba, property_name) std::make_pair(property_name, dba.NameToProperty(property_name)) #define PROPERTY_LOOKUP(dba, ...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetPropertyLookup(this->storage, dba, __VA_ARGS__) #define ALL_PROPERTIES_LOOKUP(expr) memgraph::query::test_common::GetAllPropertiesLookup(this->storage, expr) #define PARAMETER_LOOKUP(token_position) \ this->storage.template Create((token_position)) #define NEXPR(name, expr) this->storage.template Create((name), (expr)) // AS is alternative to NEXPR which does not initialize NamedExpression with // Expression. It should be used with RETURN or WITH. For example: // RETURN(IDENT("n"), AS("n")) vs. RETURN(NEXPR("n", IDENT("n"))). #define AS(name) this->storage.template Create((name)) #define RETURN(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetReturn(this->storage, false, __VA_ARGS__) #define WITH(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetWith(this->storage, false, __VA_ARGS__) #define RETURN_DISTINCT(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetReturn(this->storage, true, __VA_ARGS__) #define WITH_DISTINCT(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetWith(this->storage, true, __VA_ARGS__) #define UNWIND(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetUnwind(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__) #define ORDER_BY(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetOrderBy(__VA_ARGS__) #define SKIP(expr) \ memgraph::query::test_common::Skip { (expr) } #define LIMIT(expr) \ memgraph::query::test_common::Limit { (expr) } #define DELETE(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetDelete(this->storage, {__VA_ARGS__}) #define DETACH_DELETE(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetDelete(storage, {__VA_ARGS__}, true) #define SET(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetSet(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__) #define REMOVE(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetRemove(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__) #define MERGE(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetMerge(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__) #define ON_MATCH(...) \ memgraph::query::test_common::OnMatch { \ std::vector { __VA_ARGS__ } \ } #define ON_CREATE(...) \ memgraph::query::test_common::OnCreate { \ std::vector { __VA_ARGS__ } \ } #define CREATE_INDEX_ON(label, property) \ storage.Create(memgraph::query::IndexQuery::Action::CREATE, (label), \ std::vector{(property)}) #define QUERY(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetQuery(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__) #define SINGLE_QUERY(...) \ memgraph::query::test_common::GetSingleQuery(this->storage.template Create(), __VA_ARGS__) #define UNION(...) \ memgraph::query::test_common::GetCypherUnion(this->storage.template Create(true), __VA_ARGS__) #define UNION_ALL(...) \ memgraph::query::test_common::GetCypherUnion(this->storage.template Create(false), __VA_ARGS__) #define FOREACH(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetForeach(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__) // Various operators #define NOT(expr) this->storage.template Create((expr)) #define UPLUS(expr) this->storage.template Create((expr)) #define UMINUS(expr) this->storage.template Create((expr)) #define IS_NULL(expr) this->storage.template Create((expr)) #define ADD(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define LESS(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define LESS_EQ(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define GREATER(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define GREATER_EQ(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define SUM(expr, distinct) \ this->storage.template Create((expr), nullptr, memgraph::query::Aggregation::Op::SUM, \ (distinct)) #define COUNT(expr, distinct) \ this->storage.template Create((expr), nullptr, \ memgraph::query::Aggregation::Op::COUNT, (distinct)) #define AVG(expr, distinct) \ storage.Create((expr), nullptr, memgraph::query::Aggregation::Op::AVG, (distinct)) #define COLLECT_LIST(expr, distinct) \ storage.Create((expr), nullptr, memgraph::query::Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_LIST, \ (distinct)) #define EQ(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define NEQ(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define AND(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define OR(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define IN_LIST(expr1, expr2) this->storage.template Create((expr1), (expr2)) #define IF(cond, then, else) storage.Create((cond), (then), (else)) // Function call #define FN(function_name, ...) \ this->storage.template Create(memgraph::utils::ToUpperCase(function_name), \ std::vector{__VA_ARGS__}) // List slicing #define SLICE(list, lower_bound, upper_bound) \ this->storage.template Create(list, lower_bound, upper_bound) // all(variable IN list WHERE predicate) #define ALL(variable, list, where) \ this->storage.template Create( \ this->storage.template Create(variable), list, where) #define SINGLE(variable, list, where) \ this->storage.template Create( \ this->storage.template Create(variable), list, where) #define ANY(variable, list, where) \ storage.Create(storage.Create(variable), list, where) #define NONE(variable, list, where) \ storage.Create(storage.Create(variable), list, where) #define REDUCE(accumulator, initializer, variable, list, expr) \ this->storage.template Create( \ this->storage.template Create(accumulator), initializer, \ this->storage.template Create(variable), list, expr) #define COALESCE(...) \ this->storage.template Create(std::vector{__VA_ARGS__}) #define EXTRACT(variable, list, expr) \ this->storage.template Create( \ this->storage.template Create(variable), list, expr) #define EXISTS(pattern) this->storage.template Create(pattern) #define AUTH_QUERY(action, user, role, user_or_role, password, database, privileges, labels, edgeTypes) \ storage.Create((action), (user), (role), (user_or_role), password, (database), \ (privileges), (labels), (edgeTypes)) #define DROP_USER(usernames) storage.Create((usernames)) #define CALL_PROCEDURE(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetCallProcedure(storage, __VA_ARGS__) #define CALL_SUBQUERY(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetCallSubquery(this->storage, __VA_ARGS__)