# prints all included directories function(list_includes) get_property(dirs DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) foreach(dir ${dirs}) message(STATUS "dir='${dir}'") endforeach() endfunction(list_includes) # get file names from list of file paths function(get_file_names file_paths file_names) set(file_names "") foreach(file_path ${file_paths}) get_filename_component (file_name ${file_path} NAME_WE) list(APPEND file_names ${file_name}) endforeach() set(file_names "${file_names}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() MACRO(SUBDIRLIST result curdir) FILE(GLOB children RELATIVE ${curdir} ${curdir}/*) SET(dirlist "") FOREACH(child ${children}) IF(IS_DIRECTORY ${curdir}/${child}) LIST(APPEND dirlist ${child}) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() SET(${result} ${dirlist}) ENDMACRO() function(disallow_in_source_build) get_filename_component(src_dir ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} REALPATH) get_filename_component(bin_dir ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} REALPATH) message(STATUS "SOURCE_DIR" ${src_dir}) message(STATUS "BINARY_DIR" ${bin_dir}) # Do we maybe want to limit out-of-source builds to be only inside a # directory which contains 'build' in name? if("${src_dir}" STREQUAL "${bin_dir}") # Unfortunately, we cannot remove CMakeCache.txt and CMakeFiles here # because they are written after cmake is done. message(FATAL_ERROR "In source build is not supported! " "Remove CMakeCache.txt and CMakeFiles and then create a separate " "directory, e.g. 'build' and run cmake there.") endif() endfunction() # Takes a string of ';' separated VALUES and stores a new string in RESULT, # where ';' is replaced with given SEP. function(join values sep result) # Match non escaped ';' and replace it with separator. This doesn't handle # the case when backslash is escaped, e.g: "a\\\\;b" will produce "a;b". string(REGEX REPLACE "([^\\]|^);" "\\1${sep}" tmp "${values}") # Fix-up escapes by matching backslashes and removing them. string(REGEX REPLACE "[\\](.)" "\\1" tmp "${tmp}") set(${result} "${tmp}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Returns a list of compile flags ready for gcc or clang. function(get_target_cxx_flags target result) # First set the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS variables, then append directory and target # options in that order. Definitions come last, directory then target. string(TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} build_type) set(flags "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${build_type}}") get_directory_property(dir_opts DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} COMPILE_OPTIONS) if(dir_opts) join("${dir_opts}" " " dir_opts) string(APPEND flags " " ${dir_opts}) endif() get_target_property(opts ${target} COMPILE_OPTIONS) if(opts) join("${opts}" " " opts) string(APPEND flags " " ${opts}) endif() get_directory_property(dir_defs DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) if(dir_defs) join("${dir_defs}" " -D" dir_defs) string(APPEND flags " -D" ${dir_defs}) endif() get_target_property(defs ${target} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) if(defs) join("${defs}" " -D" defs) string(APPEND flags " -D" ${defs}) endif() set(${result} ${flags} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Define `add_capnp` function for registering a capnp file for generation. # # The `define_add_capnp` expects 3 arguments: # * name -- name for the function, you usually want `add_capnp` # * main_src_files -- variable to be updated with generated cpp files # * generated_capnp_files -- variable to be updated with generated hpp and cpp files # # The `add_capnp` function expects a single argument, path to capnp file. # Each added file is standalone and we avoid recompiling everything. macro(define_add_capnp name main_src_files generated_capnp_files) function(${name} capnp_src_file) set(cpp_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${capnp_src_file}.c++) set(h_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${capnp_src_file}.h) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${cpp_file} ${h_file} COMMAND ${CAPNP_EXE} compile -o${CAPNP_CXX_EXE} ${capnp_src_file} -I ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${capnp_src_file} capnproto-proj WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) # Update *global* generated_capnp_files set(${generated_capnp_files} ${${generated_capnp_files}} ${cpp_file} ${h_file} PARENT_SCOPE) # Update *global* main_src_files set(${main_src_files} ${${main_src_files}} ${cpp_file} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(${name}) endmacro(define_add_capnp)