(in-package #:lcp) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Name operations on strings (defun uppercase-property-resolver (name) (when (string= name "Uppercase") #'upper-case-p)) (defun string-upcase-first (string) "Upcase the first letter of the string STRING, if any." (check-type string string) (if (string= string "") "" (string-upcase string :end 1))) (defun string-downcase-first (string) "Downcase the first letter of the string STRING, if any." (check-type string string) (if (string= string "") "" (string-downcase string :end 1))) (defun split-camel-case-string (string) "Split the camelCase string STRING into a list of parts. The parts are delimited by uppercase letters." (check-type string string) ;; NOTE: We use a custom property resolver which handles the Uppercase ;; property by forwarding to UPPER-CASE-P. This is so that we avoid pulling ;; CL-PPCRE-UNICODE & co. (let ((cl-ppcre:*property-resolver* #'uppercase-property-resolver)) ;; NOTE: We use an explicit CREATE-SCANNER call in order to avoid issues ;; with CL-PPCRE's compiler macros which use LOAD-TIME-VALUE which evaluates ;; its forms within a null lexical environment (so our ;; CL-PPCRE:*PROPERTY-RESOLVER* binding would not be seen). Edi actually ;; hints at the problem within the documentation with the sentence "quiz ;; question - why do we need CREATE-SCANNER here?". :-) ;; ;; NOTE: This regex is a zero-width positive lookahead regex. It'll match ;; any zero-width sequence that is followed by an uppercase letter. (cl-ppcre:split (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "(?=\\p{Uppercase})") string))) (defun split-pascal-case-string (string) "Split the PascalCase string STRING into a list of parts. The parts are delimited by uppercase letters." (check-type string string) (split-camel-case-string string)) (defun split-snake-case-string (string) "Split the snake_case string STRING into a list of parts. The parts are delimited by underscores. The underscores are not preserved. Empty parts are trimmed on both sides." (check-type string string) (cl-ppcre:split "_" string)) (defun split-kebab-case-string (string) "Split the kebab-case string STRING into a list of parts. The parts are delimited by dashes. The dashes are not preserved. Empty parts are trimmed on both sides." (check-type string string) (cl-ppcre:split "-" string)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Name operations on "things" (defun split-cased-thing (thing &key from-style) "Split THING into a list of parts according to its type. - If THING is a symbol, it is split using SPLIT-KEBAB-CASE-STRING. - If THING is a string, it is split according to the FROM-STYLE keyword argument. FROM-STYLE can be one of :CAMEL, :PASCAL, :SNAKE or :KEBAB and denotes splitting using SPLIT-CAMEL-CASE-STRING, SPLIT-PASCAL-CASE-STRING, SPLIT-SNAKE-CASE-STRING and SPLIT-KEBAB-CASE-STRING respectively. If FROM-STYLE is omitted or NIL, it is treated as if :CAMEL was given." (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (ctypecase thing (symbol (split-kebab-case-string (string thing))) (string (ccase from-style ((nil :camel :pascal) (split-camel-case-string thing)) (:snake (split-snake-case-string thing)) (:kebab (split-kebab-case-string thing)))))) (defun camel-case-name (thing &key from-style) "Return a camelCase string from THING. The string is formed according to the parts of THING as returned by SPLIT-CASED-THING. FROM-STYLE is passed to SPLIT-CASED-THING." (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (string-downcase-first (format nil "~{~A~}" (mapcar (alexandria:compose #'string-upcase-first #'string-downcase) (split-cased-thing thing :from-style from-style))))) (defun pascal-case-name (thing &key from-style) "Return a PascalCase string from THING. The string is formed according to the parts of THING as returned by SPLIT-CASED-THING. FROM-STYLE is passed to SPLIT-CASED-THING." (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (string-upcase-first (camel-case-name thing :from-style from-style))) (defun lower-snake-case-name (thing &key from-style) "Return a lower_snake_case string from THING. The string is formed according to the parts of THING as returned by SPLIT-CASED-THING. FROM-STYLE is passed to SPLIT-CASED-THING." (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (string-downcase (format nil "~{~A~^_~}" (split-cased-thing thing :from-style from-style)))) (defun upper-snake-case-name (thing &key from-style) "Return a UPPER_SNAKE_CASE string from THING. The string is formed according to the parts of THING as returned by SPLIT-CASED-THING. FROM-STYLE is passed to SPLIT-CASED-THING." (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (string-upcase (format nil "~{~A~^_~}" (split-cased-thing thing :from-style from-style)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Namestrings (defun ensure-namestring-for (thing func) "Return the namestring corresponding to the namestring designator THING. - If THING is a symbol, return the result of calling FUNC on its name. - If THING is a string, return it." (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (ctypecase thing (symbol (funcall func thing)) (string thing))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; C++ names and namestrings (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter +cpp-namestring-docstring+ "Return the ~A namestring corresponding to the ~A namestring designator THING. - If THING is a symbol, return the result of calling ~A on its name. - If THING is a string, return it.")) (defmacro define-cpp-name (cpp-object name-op) "Define a name function and a namestring function for the C++ language element named by the symbol CPP-OBJECT. Both functions rely on the function named by the symbol NAME-OP to perform the actual operation. The name function's name is of the form CPP--NAME. The namestring function's name is of the form ENSURE-NAMESTRING-FOR-." `(progn (defun ,(alexandria:symbolicate 'cpp-name-for- cpp-object) (thing &key from-style) ,(documentation name-op 'function) (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (,name-op thing :from-style from-style)) (defun ,(alexandria:symbolicate 'ensure-namestring-for- cpp-object) (thing) ,(format nil +cpp-namestring-docstring+ (string-downcase cpp-object) (string-downcase cpp-object) name-op) (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (ensure-namestring-for thing #',name-op)))) (define-cpp-name namespace lower-snake-case-name) (define-cpp-name class pascal-case-name) (define-cpp-name enum pascal-case-name) (define-cpp-name type-param pascal-case-name) (define-cpp-name variable lower-snake-case-name) (define-cpp-name enumerator upper-snake-case-name) (defun cpp-name-for-member (thing &key from-style structp) "Just like CPP-NAME-FOR-VARIABLE except that the suffix \"_\" is added unless STRUCTP is true." (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (format nil "~A~@[_~]" (cpp-name-for-variable thing :from-style from-style) (not structp))) (defun ensure-namestring-for-member (thing &key structp) (check-type thing (or symbol string)) (ensure-namestring-for thing (lambda (symbol) (cpp-name-for-member symbol :structp structp)))) (setf (documentation 'ensure-namestring-for-member 'function) (format nil +cpp-namestring-docstring+ "member" "member" 'cpp-member-name))