# Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import sys import mgclient import pytest from common import memgraph def test_label_index_hint(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 10) | CREATE (n:Label2 {id: i+50}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") expected_explain_no_hint = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter (n :Label1:Label2)", " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label1)", " * Once", ] expected_explain_with_hint = [row.replace("(n :Label1)", "(n :Label2)") for row in expected_explain_no_hint] explain_no_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) RETURN n;") ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label2 MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) RETURN n;") ] assert explain_no_hint == expected_explain_no_hint and explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint def test_label_index_hint_alternative_orderings(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2:Label3 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 10) | CREATE (n:Label2 {id: i+50}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter (n :Label1:Label2)", " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label2)", " * Once", ] expected_explain_with_hint_ordering_3 = expected_explain_with_hint[:] expected_explain_with_hint_ordering_3[1] = " * Filter (n :Label1:Label2:Label3)" # since it matches 3 labels explain_with_hint_ordering_1 = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label2 MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) RETURN n;") ] explain_with_hint_ordering_2 = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label2 MATCH (n:Label2:Label1) RETURN n;") ] explain_with_hint_ordering_3 = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label2 MATCH (n:Label3:Label2:Label1) RETURN n;") ] assert ( expected_explain_with_hint == explain_with_hint_ordering_1 == explain_with_hint_ordering_2 and expected_explain_with_hint_ordering_3 == explain_with_hint_ordering_3 ) def test_multiple_label_index_hints(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 10) | CREATE (n:Label2 {id: i+50}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label0;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter (n :Label1:Label2)", " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label2)", " * Once", ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label0, :Label2 MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) RETURN n;") ] assert explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint def test_multiple_applicable_label_index_hints(memgraph): # Out of all applicable index hints, the first one given in the query should be used memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2:Label3 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label3;") expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter (n :Label2:Label3)", " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label3)", " * Once", ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label3, :Label2 MATCH (n:Label2:Label3) RETURN n;") ] assert explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint def test_multiple_applicable_label_index_hints_alternative_orderings(memgraph): # Out of all applicable index hints, the first one given in the query should be used memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2:Label3 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label3;") expected_explain_with_hint_1 = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter (n :Label2:Label3)", " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label3)", " * Once", ] expected_explain_with_hint_2 = [row.replace("(n :Label3)", "(n :Label2)") for row in expected_explain_with_hint_1] explain_with_hint_ordering_1a = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label3, :Label2 MATCH (n:Label2:Label3) RETURN n;") ] explain_with_hint_ordering_1b = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label3, :Label2 MATCH (n:Label3:Label2) RETURN n;") ] explain_with_hint_ordering_2a = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label2, :Label3 MATCH (n:Label2:Label3) RETURN n;") ] explain_with_hint_ordering_2b = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label2, :Label3 MATCH (n:Label3:Label2) RETURN n;") ] assert (expected_explain_with_hint_1 == explain_with_hint_ordering_1a == explain_with_hint_ordering_1b) and ( expected_explain_with_hint_2 == explain_with_hint_ordering_2a == explain_with_hint_ordering_2b ) def test_label_property_index_hint(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 100) | CREATE (n:Label {id1: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label {id2: i % 5}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id1);") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id2);") expected_explain_no_hint = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter {n.id1}", " * ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue (n :Label {id2})", " * Once", ] expected_explain_with_hint = [ row.replace("(n :Label {id2})", "(n :Label {id1})").replace(" * Filter {n.id1}", " * Filter {n.id2}") for row in expected_explain_no_hint ] explain_no_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id2 = 3 AND n.id1 = 3 RETURN n;") ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id1) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id2 = 3 AND n.id1 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] assert explain_no_hint == expected_explain_no_hint and explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint def test_label_property_index_hint_alternative_orderings(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 100) | CREATE (n:Label {id1: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label {id2: i % 5}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id1);") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id2);") expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter {n.id2}", " * ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue (n :Label {id1})", " * Once", ] explain_with_hint_ordering_1 = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id1) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id2 = 3 AND n.id1 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] explain_with_hint_ordering_2 = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id1) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id1 = 3 AND n.id2 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] assert expected_explain_with_hint == explain_with_hint_ordering_1 == explain_with_hint_ordering_2 def test_multiple_label_property_index_hints(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 100) | CREATE (n:Label {id1: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label {id2: i % 5}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id0);") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id1);") expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter {n.id2}", " * ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue (n :Label {id1})", " * Once", ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id0), :Label(id1) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id2 = 3 AND n.id1 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] explain_with_hint_alternative_ordering = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id0), :Label(id1) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id1 = 3 AND n.id2 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] assert explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint == explain_with_hint_alternative_ordering def test_multiple_applicable_label_property_index_hints(memgraph): # Out of all applicable index hints, the first one given in the query should be used memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 100) | CREATE (n:Label {id1: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label {id2: i % 5}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id1);") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id2);") expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter {n.id2}", " * ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue (n :Label {id1})", " * Once", ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id1), :Label(id2) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id2 = 3 AND n.id1 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] assert explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint def test_multiple_applicable_label_property_index_hints_alternative_orderings(memgraph): # Out of all applicable index hints, the first one given in the query should be used memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 100) | CREATE (n:Label {id1: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label {id2: i % 5}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id1);") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id2);") expected_explain_with_hint_1 = [ " * Produce {n}", " * Filter {n.id2}", " * ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue (n :Label {id1})", " * Once", ] expected_explain_with_hint_2 = [ row.replace("(n :Label {id1})", "(n :Label {id2})").replace(" * Filter {n.id2}", " * Filter {n.id1}") for row in expected_explain_with_hint_1 ] explain_with_hint_ordering_1a = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id1), :Label(id2) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id2 = 3 AND n.id1 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] explain_with_hint_ordering_1b = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id1), :Label(id2) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id1 = 3 AND n.id2 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] explain_with_hint_ordering_2a = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id2), :Label(id1) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id2 = 3 AND n.id1 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] explain_with_hint_ordering_2b = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id2), :Label(id1) MATCH (n:Label) WHERE n.id1 = 3 AND n.id2 = 3 RETURN n;" ) ] assert (expected_explain_with_hint_1 == explain_with_hint_ordering_1a == explain_with_hint_ordering_1b) and ( expected_explain_with_hint_2 == explain_with_hint_ordering_2a == explain_with_hint_ordering_2b ) def test_union_applicable_in_left_branch(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 10) | CREATE (n:Label2 {id: i+50}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Distinct", " * Union {n : n}", " |\\ ", " | * Produce {n}", " | * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label2)", " | * Once", " * Produce {n}", " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label1)", " * Once", ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label1 MATCH (n:Label1) RETURN n UNION MATCH (n:Label2) RETURN n;" ) ] assert explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint def test_union_applicable_in_right_branch(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 10) | CREATE (n:Label2 {id: i+50}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Distinct", " * Union {n : n}", " |\\ ", " | * Produce {n}", " | * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label1)", " | * Once", " * Produce {n}", " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label2)", " * Once", ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label1 MATCH (n:Label2) RETURN n UNION MATCH (n:Label1) RETURN n;" ) ] assert explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint def test_union_applicable_in_both_branches(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2:Label3 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 10) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2 {id: i+50}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label3;") expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Distinct", " * Union {n : n}", " |\\ ", " | * Produce {n}", " | * Filter (n :Label2:Label3)", " | * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label2)", " | * Once", " * Produce {n}", " * Filter (n :Label1:Label2)", " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label1)", " * Once", ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label1, :Label2 MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) RETURN n UNION MATCH (n:Label2:Label3) RETURN n;" ) ] assert explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint def test_multiple_match_query(memgraph): memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2:Label3 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 10) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2 {id: i+50}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label3;") # TODO: Fix this test since it has the filtering info wrong (filtering by label that's already indexed) expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Produce {n, m}", " * Cartesian {m : n}", " |\\ ", " | * Filter (n :Label1:Label2), {n.id}", " | * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label1)", " | * Once", " * Filter (m :Label2:Label3)", " * ScanAllByLabel (m :Label2)", " * Once", ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label1, :Label2 MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) WHERE n.id = 1 MATCH (m:Label2:Label3) return n, m;" ) ] assert explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint def test_nonexistent_label_index(memgraph): # In case of hinting at a nonexistent index, the query should execute without exceptions, and its output should be # the same as without that hint memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label1:Label2 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 10) | CREATE (n:Label2 {id: i+50}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") try: explain_no_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) RETURN n;") ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label2 MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) RETURN n;") ] assert explain_with_hint == explain_no_hint except mgclient.DatabaseError: assert False def test_nonexistent_label_property_index(memgraph): # In case of hinting at a nonexistent index, the query should execute without exceptions, and its output should be # the same as without that hint memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 100) | CREATE (n:Label {id1: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 50) | CREATE (n:Label {id2: i % 5}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label(id2);") try: explain_no_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) RETURN n;") ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label(id1) MATCH (n:Label1:Label2) RETURN n;") ] assert explain_with_hint == explain_no_hint except mgclient.DatabaseError: assert False def test_index_hint_on_expand(memgraph): # Prefer expanding from the node with the given hint even if estimator estimates higher cost for that plan memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 1000) | CREATE (n:Label1 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("FOREACH (i IN range(1, 10) | CREATE (n:Label2 {id: i}));") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label1;") memgraph.execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Label2;") expected_explain_without_hint = [ " * Produce {n, m}", " * Filter (n :Label1)", " * Expand (m)<-[anon1:rel]-(n)", " * ScanAllByLabel (m :Label2)", " * Once", ] expected_explain_with_hint = [ " * Produce {n, m}", " * Filter (m :Label2)", " * Expand (n)-[anon1:rel]->(m)", " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Label1)", " * Once", ] explain_without_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch("EXPLAIN MATCH (n:Label1)-[:rel]->(m:Label2) RETURN n, m;") ] explain_with_hint = [ row["QUERY PLAN"] for row in memgraph.execute_and_fetch( "EXPLAIN USING INDEX :Label1 MATCH (n:Label1)-[:rel]->(m:Label2) RETURN n, m;" ) ] assert explain_without_hint == expected_explain_without_hint and explain_with_hint == expected_explain_with_hint if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(pytest.main([__file__, "-rA"]))