# set current directory name as a test type get_filename_component(test_type ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME) # get all cpp abs file names recursively starting from current directory file(GLOB_RECURSE test_type_cpps *.cpp) message(STATUS "Available ${test_type} cpp files are: ${test_type_cpps}") include_directories(${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIR}) # for each cpp file build binary and register test foreach(test_cpp ${test_type_cpps}) # get exec name (remove extension from the abs path) get_filename_component(exec_name ${test_cpp} NAME_WE) set(target_name memgraph__${test_type}__${exec_name}) # build exec file add_executable(${target_name} ${test_cpp}) if(${TEST_COVERAGE}) set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-g -O0 -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "--coverage -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") endif() # OUTPUT_NAME sets the real name of a target when it is built and can be # used to help create two targets of the same name even though CMake # requires unique logical target names set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${exec_name}) # link libraries target_link_libraries(${target_name} distributed_lib memgraph_lib) # gtest target_link_libraries(${target_name} gtest gtest_main) if(${TEST_COVERAGE}) # for code coverage target_link_libraries(${target_name} gcov) endif() # register test set(output_path ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/test_results/unit/${target_name}.xml) add_test(${target_name} ${exec_name} --gtest_output=xml:${output_path}) endforeach()