#include <cstdint> #include <cstring> #include <limits> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include "utils/memory.hpp" class TestMemory final : public utils::MemoryResource { public: size_t new_count_{0}; size_t delete_count_{0}; private: void *DoAllocate(size_t bytes, size_t alignment) override { new_count_++; EXPECT_TRUE(alignment != 0U && (alignment & (alignment - 1U)) == 0U) << "Alignment must be power of 2"; EXPECT_TRUE(alignment <= alignof(std::max_align_t)); EXPECT_NE(bytes, 0); const size_t pad_size = 32; EXPECT_TRUE(bytes + pad_size > bytes) << "TestMemory size overflow"; EXPECT_TRUE(bytes + pad_size + alignment > bytes + alignment) << "TestMemory size overflow"; EXPECT_TRUE(2U * alignment > alignment) << "TestMemory alignment overflow"; // Allocate a block containing extra alignment and pad_size bytes, but // aligned to 2 * alignment. Then we can offset the ptr so that it's never // aligned to 2 * alignment. This ought to make allocator alignment issues // more obvious. void *ptr = utils::NewDeleteResource()->Allocate( alignment + bytes + pad_size, 2U * alignment); // Clear allocated memory to 0xFF, marking the invalid region. memset(ptr, 0xFF, alignment + bytes + pad_size); // Offset the ptr so it's not aligned to 2 * alignment, but still aligned to // alignment. ptr = static_cast<char *>(ptr) + alignment; // Clear the valid region to 0x00, so that we can more easily test that the // allocator is doing the right thing. memset(ptr, 0, bytes); return ptr; } void DoDeallocate(void *ptr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment) override { delete_count_++; // Dealloate the original ptr, before alignment adjustment. return utils::NewDeleteResource()->Deallocate( static_cast<char *>(ptr) - alignment, bytes, alignment); } bool DoIsEqual(const utils::MemoryResource &other) const noexcept override { return this == &other; } }; void *CheckAllocation(utils::MemoryResource *mem, size_t bytes, size_t alignment = alignof(std::max_align_t)) { void *ptr = mem->Allocate(bytes, alignment); if (alignment > alignof(std::max_align_t)) alignment = alignof(std::max_align_t); EXPECT_TRUE(ptr); EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) % alignment, 0) << "Allocated misaligned pointer!"; // There should be no 0xFF bytes because they are either padded at the end of // the allocated block or are found in already checked allocations. EXPECT_FALSE(memchr(ptr, 0xFF, bytes)) << "Invalid memory region!"; // Mark the checked allocation with 0xFF bytes. memset(ptr, 0xFF, bytes); return ptr; } TEST(MonotonicBufferResource, AllocationWithinInitialSize) { TestMemory test_mem; { utils::MonotonicBufferResource mem(1024, &test_mem); void *fst_ptr = CheckAllocation(&mem, 24, 1); void *snd_ptr = CheckAllocation(&mem, 1000, 1); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 1); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 0); mem.Deallocate(snd_ptr, 1000, 1); mem.Deallocate(fst_ptr, 24, 1); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 0); mem.Release(); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 1); CheckAllocation(&mem, 1024); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 2); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 1); } EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 2); } TEST(MonotonicBufferResource, AllocationOverInitialSize) { TestMemory test_mem; { utils::MonotonicBufferResource mem(1024, &test_mem); CheckAllocation(&mem, 1025, 1); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 1); } EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 1); { utils::MonotonicBufferResource mem(1024, &test_mem); // Test with large alignment CheckAllocation(&mem, 1024, 1024); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 2); } EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 2); } TEST(MonotonicBufferResource, AllocationOverCapacity) { TestMemory test_mem; { utils::MonotonicBufferResource mem(1024, &test_mem); CheckAllocation(&mem, 24, 1); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 1); CheckAllocation(&mem, 1000, 64); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 2); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 0); mem.Release(); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 2); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 2); CheckAllocation(&mem, 1025, 1); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 3); CheckAllocation(&mem, 1023, 1); // MonotonicBufferResource state after Release is called may or may not // allocate a larger block right from the start (i.e. tracked buffer sizes // before Release may be retained). EXPECT_TRUE(test_mem.new_count_ >= 3); } EXPECT_TRUE(test_mem.delete_count_ >= 3); } TEST(MonotonicBufferResource, AllocationWithAlignmentNotPowerOf2) { utils::MonotonicBufferResource mem(1024); EXPECT_THROW(mem.Allocate(24, 3), std::bad_alloc); EXPECT_THROW(mem.Allocate(24, 0), std::bad_alloc); } TEST(MonotonicBufferResource, AllocationWithSize0) { utils::MonotonicBufferResource mem(1024); EXPECT_THROW(mem.Allocate(0), std::bad_alloc); } TEST(MonotonicBufferResource, AllocationWithSizeOverflow) { size_t max_size = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); utils::MonotonicBufferResource mem(1024); // Setup so that the next allocation aligning max_size causes overflow. mem.Allocate(1, 1); EXPECT_THROW(mem.Allocate(max_size, 4), std::bad_alloc); } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions) TEST(MonotonicBufferResource, AllocationWithInitialBufferOnStack) { TestMemory test_mem; constexpr size_t stack_data_size = 1024; char stack_data[stack_data_size]; memset(stack_data, 0x42, stack_data_size); utils::MonotonicBufferResource mem(&stack_data[0], stack_data_size, &test_mem); { char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(CheckAllocation(&mem, 1, 1)); EXPECT_EQ(&stack_data[0], ptr); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 0); } { char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(CheckAllocation(&mem, 1023, 1)); EXPECT_EQ(&stack_data[1], ptr); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 0); } CheckAllocation(&mem, 1); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 1); mem.Release(); // We will once more allocate from stack so reset it. memset(stack_data, 0x42, stack_data_size); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 1); { char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(CheckAllocation(&mem, 1024, 1)); EXPECT_EQ(&stack_data[0], ptr); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 1); } mem.Release(); // Next allocation doesn't fit to stack so no need to reset it. EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.delete_count_, 1); { char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(CheckAllocation(&mem, 1025, 1)); EXPECT_NE(&stack_data[0], ptr); EXPECT_EQ(test_mem.new_count_, 2); } } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions) class ContainerWithAllocatorLast final { public: using allocator_type = utils::Allocator<int>; ContainerWithAllocatorLast() = default; explicit ContainerWithAllocatorLast(int value) : value_(value) {} ContainerWithAllocatorLast(int value, utils::MemoryResource *memory) : memory_(memory), value_(value) {} ContainerWithAllocatorLast(const ContainerWithAllocatorLast &other) : value_(other.value_) {} ContainerWithAllocatorLast(const ContainerWithAllocatorLast &other, utils::MemoryResource *memory) : memory_(memory), value_(other.value_) {} utils::MemoryResource *memory_{nullptr}; int value_{0}; }; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions) class ContainerWithAllocatorFirst final { public: using allocator_type = utils::Allocator<int>; ContainerWithAllocatorFirst() = default; explicit ContainerWithAllocatorFirst(int value) : value_(value) {} ContainerWithAllocatorFirst(std::allocator_arg_t, utils::MemoryResource *memory, int value) : memory_(memory), value_(value) {} ContainerWithAllocatorFirst(const ContainerWithAllocatorFirst &other) : value_(other.value_) {} ContainerWithAllocatorFirst(std::allocator_arg_t, utils::MemoryResource *memory, const ContainerWithAllocatorFirst &other) : memory_(memory), value_(other.value_) {} utils::MemoryResource *memory_{nullptr}; int value_{0}; }; template <class T> class AllocatorTest : public ::testing::Test {}; using ContainersWithAllocators = ::testing::Types<ContainerWithAllocatorLast, ContainerWithAllocatorFirst>; TYPED_TEST_CASE(AllocatorTest, ContainersWithAllocators); TYPED_TEST(AllocatorTest, PropagatesToStdUsesAllocator) { std::vector<TypeParam, utils::Allocator<TypeParam>> vec( utils::NewDeleteResource()); vec.emplace_back(42); const auto &c = vec.front(); EXPECT_EQ(c.value_, 42); EXPECT_EQ(c.memory_, utils::NewDeleteResource()); } TYPED_TEST(AllocatorTest, PropagatesToStdPairUsesAllocator) { { std::vector<std::pair<ContainerWithAllocatorFirst, TypeParam>, utils::Allocator<TypeParam>> vec(utils::NewDeleteResource()); vec.emplace_back(1, 2); const auto &pair = vec.front(); EXPECT_EQ(pair.first.value_, 1); EXPECT_EQ(pair.second.value_, 2); EXPECT_EQ(pair.first.memory_, utils::NewDeleteResource()); EXPECT_EQ(pair.second.memory_, utils::NewDeleteResource()); } { std::vector<std::pair<ContainerWithAllocatorLast, TypeParam>, utils::Allocator<TypeParam>> vec(utils::NewDeleteResource()); vec.emplace_back(1, 2); const auto &pair = vec.front(); EXPECT_EQ(pair.first.value_, 1); EXPECT_EQ(pair.second.value_, 2); EXPECT_EQ(pair.first.memory_, utils::NewDeleteResource()); EXPECT_EQ(pair.second.memory_, utils::NewDeleteResource()); } }