#include "common.hpp" constexpr size_t THREADS_NO = std::min(max_no_threads, 8); constexpr size_t elems_per_thread = 100000; // TODO: document the test // This test checks insert_unique method under pressure. // Threads will try to insert keys in the same order. // This will force threads to compete intensly with each other. // Test checks for missing data and changed/overwriten data. int main(int, char **argv) { google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); map_t skiplist; auto futures = run<std::vector<size_t>>(THREADS_NO, skiplist, [](auto acc, auto index) { long long downcount = elems_per_thread; std::vector<size_t> owned; #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfor-loop-analysis" for (int i = 0; downcount > 0; i++) { if (acc.insert(i, index).second) { downcount--; owned.push_back(i); } } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop check_present_same(acc, index, owned); return owned; }); auto accessor = skiplist.access(); for (auto &owned : collect(futures)) { check_present_same(accessor, owned); } check_size(accessor, THREADS_NO * elems_per_thread); check_order(accessor); }